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Labyrinth: Win or Die (R for the madness o.o be prepared)

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Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Rated R for Madness, it means I clame rights to do almost ANYTHING in the rp to cause havoc and problems. This isn't a simple basic rp, this will often break fourth walls and do things I have never done before >> cuz I'm nuts.


Labyrinth: Win or Die

In a faraway place in a land that is well, none existent to living beings.
On a throne grand and shiny, created for the purpose to look lovely and beautiful for its owner there sat a being of great power.

She had such power that it did not fit into the laws of man or beast. It broke all scientific understanding and if any logical man tried to put this being into a fraction of understanding his mind would become nothing but mush.

This being, looking female in gender and having such beauty that many normal beings would fail to understand this was a ‘goddess’ to some, or diety, a higher being.
But the emotion on her face showed one great thing about her.
She was bored.
Out of her mind.
Oh, how immortality can weigh down the mighty. Destroy the pure.
Corrupt the-

“Will you shut up on the drama and get to the point?”
The being of power shouted out into the air causing the narrator to stutter in shock.

…. Sorry.

“That’s better”

Well, she is all powerful.

The being growled, she had crimson wings on her back, shining and perfect in everyway. Her body was a shining silver color and if touched would be very cold.
Her eyes are an unnatural violet while her hair is just as red as her wings.
Instead of the normal two arms most species have she has four, one set under the other.

Now she did not have just two eyes, oh no, she had a third eye that was just above her first two in the middle of her forehead. It tended to always look the opposite of the main two normal eyes.

She wore a dark blue dress that circled around her shoulders then came down into sleeves before spanning out into those open sleeves that hang down.

”You don’t remember what those are called do you?”
The woman growled.

Will you stop breaking the fourth wall?

“I can if I want”


She giggled.

Her gown has slits going up both sides coming very high and with her legs crossed the odd legs can be seen. They bend opposite of humans much like a dogs or cats.

Fanning her wings she stood at last and announced to no one in particular.
“I am bored”

As it was stated before

“Shut up”


The woman spread out her arm and five worlds appeared before her, small round orbs all looking the same in color, green and blue.
The woman sighed as she crossed her second set of arms.

“I have done so many things in each world, started wars and ended them. I made myself a goddess in many and have taken many pleasures I find… charming”

Not mentioning the poor men she has manipulated. Fallen love with, killed, smite, brain washed, toyed with ect.

While her second pair of arms remained crossed she ran a hand over her head and through her crimson red hair.

“Mmm, amazing how each world is different. How they have changed to follow different paths. These free willed beings use to be so amusing.” She smiled wickedly.
“Maybe it is time for more games… but what? I have done everything possible in each world. Well… everything I can think of that would be fun.”

She enjoys talking to herself.

“… I am going to count to three”

Sorry again.

She paused now, thinking as if she had an idea sparked by just breaking the fourth wall once again.

“I got it” she said her wings ruffling a little as she raised a finger into the air.
“I have played with many in each world. But I have never brought the worlds together. If I gathered those who thought themselves best, the bravest warriors or cockiest beings… I know! A competition! One being from each world in a battle to the death… no a race! I shall set up rules and markers, battles and riddles… ooh so much planning so much… but first… to find my … specimens”

And so… the planning began. What a horrid plan! Pinning beings from different worlds against each other, risking there lives for just a mere game! All for the reason of fun and amusement. What a vile being for doing this…

“… You know, I think I could use you”

… Oh dear.​

A girl with purple hair and a mew like tail and ears is shoved onto the scene before the crowd of potential players. She cowers a little and shakes her head cursing to herself for ever thinking up this idea.

She began to speak:

Hey… I’m Myuu… I’m gonna be the guide for this wild adventure of um, madness… now let me explain more about what is going on and about the worlds.

There are four worlds existing in different universes.

The world of Pokemon.
You know this one, or you should. A world of creatures who had adapted to live by elemental means and the human beings who train them

The world of Fantasy
A world in which all things magical exist. No humans live here. Mainly dragons, unicorns, nagas, anything that has ever been in a fantasy story and uses magic to survive lives here.

The world of logic (our world)
Your in it, if you are looking at a computer screen and reading this right now it is the basic human world where we don’t get pokemon, just dogs that leave us presents.

The world of Sci-fi
An advance world that has survived off technology alone. All myths and legends were false and everything relies on well technology. Space travel has been capable and so alien species are allowed and ect. But remember, all powers must have a reason and can’t be blamed on magic.

Four warriors will be taken from each world, the strongest the bravest or the stupidest.

Only one from each world. That makes four players only.

Now for the rules…

The being from the pokemon world must be a pokemon, it can be a created pokemon such as a clone or something you have used in a rp before. Yes you may use a character you have used in other rpgs.

Fantasy it must be some kind of mythological or fantasy beast that can understand English and logic and can make choices. It can not be human. I can be a character you have used before. It can not have a human like form. You may use a character from a rpg you have used the character in before. The character may have magic powers or weapons but it must be within reason.

The basic world must be some sort of trained warrior from any point in time of our earth’s history. It does not have to be now and it can be something you have used before in another rpg. They can not have unique powers but may have weapons, be within reason of the time frame.

The last world can have an alien species or a human; they may have robotic parts or enhanced abilities because of scientific discoveries. It is a sci-fi world and it must be logical to happen. As in it has to make sense to way it works the way it works. Weapons are allowed but within reason. But they may be more advanced then the basic ones the others have.

Character sheets:

Please state which world you want to sign up for.

Pokemon world:

Species of Pokemon:
Attacks: (Four attacking and four defensive, no you don’t have to have all four just up to four)
History: (short little back story)

Fantasy World:

Species: (Can’t be human)
Special abilities: (magic and how it works and what is its limitations please be detailed so I can understand)
Weapon: (If any)
History: (short blog of past)

Basic human world:

History: (Short blog. State what time you are from, like if you are from far in the past to now or something)

Sci-fi World:

Species: (alien, human, Andriod, cyborg…)
Abilities: (None magic nick nacks such as a laser beam or something.)
History: (Short blog)


Renegade - Fantasy
O'Malley - Sci-fi
Tale - Pokemon

Last needed:
Basic Human world character


those who have used there second chances may NOT try again. Those who have only tried once may try again but only for the human form. Sorry guys. Remember since your character is limited to what we have here in this normal world you may be very skilled.


The mew girl sighed as she nodded her head and gave a short prayer to those who dare enter this game, as it was going to be a wild, wild ride.

Evil laughter can be heard in the background.
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From the Basic Human World:

Name: Butch Barktree
Age: 23
Gender: Male

Personality: He loves black and cats and always wanted to hang out in exotic places.
When an enemy approaches, he, a stealth expert, hides himself in places that he can blend in. And then when the enemy starts to leave, he brings out a silenced pistol and shoots their brains out.
When one is at stake, he'll give his life to keep him/her/it alive and away from enemies.
He is cautious about his enviroment, so he's always ready for a fight at anytime, except bed because he's a heavy sleeper.

Description: He is 6 feet, 1 inch, weighing 137 pounds.
He isn't as strong as the others, but he is fast, flexable, and stealthy.
He wears a black sleeveless shirt and a metal vest under it, and black boots.
He has black dredlocks, brown eyes, and dark skin (In real-life, I'm white).

Weapons: Butch holds a silenced pistol, a dagger, and a electronic torch.

History: Butch's parents were divorced when he was 3. His father has full custody of him when they found out that his mom was an unfit parent and cheated on his husband. His mother died two weeks when she was shot by a gangster on crack. Butch never knew that until he was 14 but didn't care at all because his mother was stupid.
Butch lived with his father until he was 15, when he joined the FBI when his state was almost took over by gangsters (Yes. Mexico has states, too). His high gym and drama grades inspired him to do that.
He became a secret agent two years later and was occasionally sent by the Mexican FBI to spy on enemy territory in his country, Mexico, when things don't seem right.
For five years, he has kept his country and his father safe from certain destruction and death, with a little help from his allies from the FBI, the police, the SWAT, and sometimes, the military.
P.S. Please forgive me if it isn't enough.
P.S.2. Thanks for the second chance, my lady. *bows down to her* You mind if I call you my lady?
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Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
... the history is just about the characters past, it has nothing to do with what is about to happen.

The goddess is not pleased o.o she swatted me ;; don't let her abuse me. She says she wants you to try again.

History is about the PAST not the present or future. PLease refrain from taking over the story and plot with it. You don't know enough.

Try again. One more chance and then you MAY be accepted... maybe..

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Not reserving sorry, its a first come first serve... actrually its not even that. Since its only four spots I'm taking in those I feel deserve it and have time for it.

The fourth wall:

When you rp its like watching a play and in a play there are three walls then a invisible fourth wall where the audiance can seen in. Whenever a character speaks out into the audiance and not to the otehr characters they are breaking the fourth wall.

They know you are there and they will talk to you. THey are brekaing the wall that is supposidly there.


Okay, okay.

I deleted that message, sorry =P

And here it is...

Name: Dengar Solun

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Cyborg

Abilities: Enhanced vision and targeting using his bionic eye.

Description: Dengar stands at about 6' 3", weighing 150 lbs. He is mostly human, but he has several robotic parts to him. His entire right arm is cybernetic and he has a bionic eye where his left eye would be. Also his left leg is entirely cybernetic. Otherwise, he has short brown hair and his human eye is dark brown. He wears a tight black leather flight suit as his normal clothes.

Personality: Dengar has grown very cold and serious around his world of technology. He tends to stay distant from other people and he is very cyncial. He will usually only do something for hire, as bounty hunting is one of the few ways a guy like him can make money. He will often tend to shoot first and ask questions later. He also has great trouble multitasking, as he prefers to keep his mind focused on one task at a time. Sometimes he will abandon dependence on technology out of doubt that it will fail him.

Weapons: Dengar carries with him a laser sniper rifle and a back-up heavy blaster pistol.

History: Growing up around technology, he is a natural with computer equipment and the like. He often had doubts about the dependency of growing robotic intellegence and kept his guard at all times. He never attended any schooling, but rather he trained himself on usage of different technologies.

At the age of 14 he earned a job as a bounty hunter for the government who were out to catch dangerous criminals who used the immense amounts of technology around them for their own benefit. However, he was inexperienced and eventually a robot designed by a dangerous criminal who caused a building to explode around Dengar. The resulting damage to his body forced him to replace his damaged parts to be replaced by robotic parts, making him what he is today. He continued to train himself using his new technologies and became a full-fledged bounty hunter. He continues to work for whoever hires him for a good price.

It's the best I could come up with for now...
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Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Ok everyone, look at O'Malley's post. I mean its not perfect but its sactisfactory and is part of what I am looking for. I am not saying who is in and who isn't until I get more posts (giving everyone a chance) But I just want to let you all know that O'malley did a fine job and I want this level or higher to make it.

O'Malley didn't have alot of info but knew that the world was sci-fi and ran with that, he did not try and job ahead or make up stuff for the parts he did not know mainly including the unnamed diety who is named but not said yet..

*gets hit* @.@ so abused by her

anyway, so everyone understands that this is all that is really needed for a acceptible character.

But of course everyone is welomed to try out for any position in the rp.

edit: Oh and O'Malley while I am praising you please do not delete messages, it screws up the thread. o.o please refrain from doing that.


Eternally hating D/P
OFF: Don't know if this is OK but well...

If Legendary Pokemon are allowed, I'll choose this character...


Pokemon World:

Name: Mew M. Psychic

Species of Pokemon: Mew

Age: 673

Gender: Female

Psychic: Slams people into objects or simply blast them with lots of mental energy. Mew's favorite attack!
Volt Tackle: Mew encases herself in a sphere of electricity and then slams herself into her unfortunate victim with a lot of force. Unfortunately, shocks herself as well... but do massive damage.
Future Sight: Create a distortion in the space/time continuum that will severely damage the foe. The attack takes a while to connect however and is completely non-elemental despite it's psychic classification.
Blood Sin: Mew's ultimate attack. Basically, it's all or nothing ; if the attack connects, it will be a critical hit AND a super-effective strike sure at one hundred percents on top of inflicting enough damage to KO any know Pokemon in the world instantly, including Legendary Pokemon. If it misses, Mew faints/dies. For obvious reasons, this is a very risky move that Mew (almost) never uses.
Attract: Mew is cute... extremely cute... too cute maybe. She also has nice curves... very nice curves... too nice maybe. As such, it is an easy thing for her to infatuate mature males and throw immature ones into a state of total awe, keeping them from attacking her. Since she is so cute, it doesn't matter if the foe is animal, Pokemon, human, or anything else ; has long as it has feelings and hormones, Mew can use Attract on him/it.
Protect: Mew form a protective bubble around her that deflect all incoming moves without exeption... the problem is that the bubble shatters seconds after being used and leave Mew vulnerable. Will deflect incoming positive moves as well.
Safeguard: Freeze Mew's physical status in time with a strange distortion, thus making her immune to all status problems for a short while. Last longer than Protect and does not make her vulnerable... but offer no protection against direct, damage-dealing attacks. She must also take the time to periodically regenerate the distortion.
Recover: Stored power, memories, feelings, energy is used to close wounds, clean infected wounds... in short, bring her back to perfect health. May not restore her to full stamina if her injuries are serious.

Personality: Extremely intelligent but sensitive... too sensitive. Hide her intelligence and true feeling beneath a veil of apparent immaturity. Takes everything as a game to avoid looking at the negative aspects of life.

Description: About a third of an adult human's size, covered with an almost invisibly short pink fur, has small, chubby arms that ends up with small delicate hands. She have large, cute ocean-blue eyes and big ears. Mew is not exactely thin... but the curves form such a harmony that she wouldn't have seemed as cute if she would have been thinner, actually. Her legs are small but incredibly strong... in fact, her leg muscles are her body's strongest muscles (excluding psychic powers, of course). Her feet are large and rabbit-like and she has a ridiculously long and thin articulated tail that ends up with an oval-shaped tip. The tip of her tail is her achille heel ; it is her body's most sensitive part and contact to it is guaranteed to either forces her into a state of intense physical pleasure or a state of unbearable pain. As such, if one can reach her tail, they will have a tremendous advantage over her.

History: The current Mew was born out of an anomaly which caused herself, the pink-furred Mew, to be born as well as the real, actual white-furred Mew while only one Mew (the white-furred one) was supposed to be born. Unlike her sister, who was powerful and gained all of her mother's knowledge at birth on top of being praised by nearly everyone since she was the successor, Mew M. Psychic, the fake Mew, was abandonned to fend for herself. Powerless and left in a world where everyone seemed to exist for the sole purpose of abusing her, Mew M. Psychic had nearly no chances of survival... but there were humans and Pokemon who had learnt of her existance and decided to put their faith in her rather than in the real Mew, believing that Mew M. Psychic may someday take the real Mew's place.

Strangely enough, as the centuries passed, the real Mew, having never even looked at mortals, begun to lose her compassion. She became cold, uncaring, unforgiving... and ultimately, self-centered and cruel. During this time, Mew M. Psychic grew in power from the love and care from the few souls who had faith in her... and Mew M. Psychic, having lived powerless for so long, came to grow respectful of all life... altought for some reason, she always felt jealous of her sister, who was praised just for sitting there, people respecting her only becease her fur was white.

At the age of six centuries, an event changed Mew M. Psychic's life forever... The Legendary Pokemon of Darkness was given a physical form... the form of a Mew clone gone awfully wrong, Mewtwo. Consumed by his own evil power and surrounded by humans and Pokemon filled with evil desires, Mewtwo was on the brink of insanity and when he broke out of his prison, he nearly destroyed the world by creating a massive Shadow Hurricane.

The real Mew, considering a clone to be unworthy of her time, never lifted a finger to save the world. Mew M. Psychic was forced to do all the job... altought she did receive a lot of help from the Chosen, Ash, she must admit it.

After this incident, the way the fake Mew was seen was changed. People begun to lose interest in the real Mew for while she was the actual successor, her soul was unworthy. Mew M. Psychic, furthermore, begun to assume the form of other Legendary Pokemon and intervened everywhere she could, correcting the flaws of the world...

Then, when Mewtwo's real power awakened and that the Shadow energy appeared, the real Mew went beserk and tried to destroy her opposite... but the fake Mew knew that despite being a living Shadow energy generator, that Mewtwo was not evil. Yes, he had negative energy flowing in his veins... but the soul that wielded those powers knew of positive feelings and understood them. Mewtwo was not a threat... not Mewtwo himself, at least.

The two fought... and in the end, seeing as no one really won, the real Mew agreed to let Mewtwo alone if they would find a way to control the Shadow energy so that people like the Cypher syndicate may not abuse it's powers ever again... altought she specified that she would never, never consider Mewtwo as worthy of respect, that she would only tolerate his existance.

Thus, the pink Mew and Mewtwo were left alone begun to work together to try and control the flow of Shadow energy... and the more Mew remained with Mewtwo, the more she begun to question herself about her ideals, about her goals in life... and about her feelings toward all things.

She realised that altought she had always seeked to make evil people forget about hatred and learn of love... she had never experienced the feeling for herself. She went to meet many males, some human, some Pokemon, some were fellow Legendary Pokemon... every time, she was betrayed in a way or another and left them with a sour taste in her heart.

Then, one fated day, she realised that during all this time, one male had never, ever betrayed her feelings, had remained with her, had always remained true to his word. This male was none other than her opposite... Mewtwo. Their emotionnal shells were broken and the two quickly fell in love despite the fact that they were polar opposites.

The two lived together for a while... but then, as Mew travelled the world, she heard that the real Mew had never acted not truly becease she was tolerating Mewtwo... but rather becease that Fate was behind her. She went to see Jirachi and learnt that according to Destiny, the real Mew was destined to destroy both her and Mewtwo and bring forth a new, better era.

Both the fake Mew and Mewtwo were angered. Angered that they, who tried their best everyday to correct the flaws of the world, were still seen as evil and that it would be that white-furred arrogant prick that would bring forth the new world.

The two decided to dispose of the real Mew once and for all. They decided that the world would not be leaded into a new era but such a monster. The two lured the real Mew to come to Mewtwo's dark castle and then, the two trapping her, the two struck. Mewtwo defiled her, shattering her powers and immediately afterward, the fake Mew hurled her sister from the very top of the dark castle and the unfortunate white-furred cat fell to her doom.

When Destiny was broken, the Legendary Pokemon became worried... and fearing that the world may fall in anarchy if mortals followed the exemple of the two cats and broke Destiny too, the Legendary Council became angry at the two. A bloody, meaningless war was triggered by this event as Light tried to destroy Darkness at all cost in a fit of unrationnal paranoia.

In the end, Mew unleashed the forbidden technique, the Blood Sin, to bring an end to the conflict as she absorbed the hatred and fear of all humans and Pokemon, to keep them from harming each others anymore... and while logically, the fake Mew should have lost her powers and joined the white-furred one in death, allowing for the rise of a new Mew, Mew M. Psychic survived... and kept her powers.

Mew M. Psychic had transcended the laws to which her specie was bound... and thus grew to a level of power unequaled even by Ho-oh himself. Her soul had reached a state at which being defiled physically would no longer affect her soul...

The strongest Pokemon alive, Mew M. Psychic remained happy in this state, using her powers to continue her quest to eliminate the flaws of the world she live in... but one day, a terrible nightmare came to her...

An unknow entity which claimed to be protecting all Possibilities told her that a Hunter, one of the deities which ruled over the Universe, had decided to merge the Pokemon World with four others in an attempt to cure herself of a incredible boredom.

This Hunter, "Lady Myuu", was dangerous beyond belief. The entity told Mew that while her powers wouldn't stop Lady Myuu from intervening... the entity told her that if she could last long enough, Lady Myuu will eventually find her match.

Mew was not sure about the meaning of all this... but all that she knew that whoever that "Lady Myuu" was, she would not let her harm this world and it's inhabitants! As long as a pulse of life will remain in her, she will resist that evil, evil person!

OFF: Maybe I went a bit overboard with the story but well... that's that.

NOTE: Mew's "Blood Sin" is a custom attack... but if it's not allowed, then it shall be replaced by Ancient Power.

Since I fear that 30120 sign-ups may have been posted by the time I completed my character's gigantic sign-up, I shall complete my alternate sign-up (in case I cannot choose a Legendary Pokemon as my character) later.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Fantasy World:
Name: Shinigami, real name unknown, nick Shin/Shini/Gami/Shiny
Age: Unknown, but appears to be around 20-something when Elven
Gender: Male
Species: Shifter
Abilities: Shinigami is a shape shifter of course, as his species dub reveales. But Shini is different, as he can become anything/everything alive, dead, imagined or real. He also had the ability to be what one could consider immortal, but what 'snatched-n-grabbed' him, seems to have nulified that and Shini not happy camper `bout that, nor is he happy about the fact that his abilities were squashed yet again, where anything over the size of a large horse he is unable to morph into. The forms he takes can be perfect, but if he's lax or lazy in shifting, they'll all have the same color scheme of blue/white/yellowgreen eyes.

Description: Shinigami has two 'base' forms. The first form, elven, stands at around six feet in hieght, has chestnut colored hair that goes to about the ears, blue eyes cocasion skin tone. Clothing is a deep blue vest, white leggings and white colored gloves/shoes. His second base form is that of a Unicorn stallion, the Japanese version of a Unicorn though, the Kilin/Kirin, he stands at around just above a deer in hight, with a branched elk like horn on his head, dear like build with split hooves on his back and front legs, a tail as long as his body, and scales covering his head, back, legs and tail. Color is a golden body, blue-white scales/hooves and greenishyellow eyes.

Personality: Shinigami could be seen as a wuss or a coward, but he's not. He just dislikes getting into fights if he can absolutely positively avoid them. Even if he's immortal, or was, he still doesn't like pain, eventhough he has a high tolerence for it. He can be rude and a bit sarcastic and blunt, but he does have a caring/kind side. It's just rare at appearing and comes off as 'tough love', but since this is a do-or-die situation, that small and rare side probably won't see the side of day. And just hope Shini stays the 'coward' everyone thinks he is...

Weapons: Whenever in the elven form, Shinigami has access to a long broadsword, that's around four feet or so in length, double edged (both sides are sharp), both the sword and hilt are a light sapphire blue, and on the hilt is carvings of stuff like leaves or something.

History: Shinigami isn't what you'd call a warrior or a fighter, not by choice anyways. What caused him to take up a life of fighting is because well, his people weren't fighters. But it was in vain as most of his race was obliterated in some war, long ago. So over time he became bitter and gained a twisted look on life at times, and came close to starving to death before hiring himself out as a protector/guardian. And that's been his job- lately it's been to a small village of elves which he secretly hopes will be okay untill he returns.

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Zerodius; denied. Just... no. Try again. Tone it waaay down. Just marysueish and way too... o.o just... try again.

and *I* am not the one behind this. 'LadyMyuu' is not this being at all. Actrually its another being greater then me >> she is using me to help hunt you all down and tell you the rules ect.


I think I fixed it or made it alot worse.

What do you think, my lady? *gets nervous*

P.S. Anyway, thanks for the second chance. You're so forgiving.

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
your history was fine before until you threw in the parts about the game, I liked learning about the reason why he was a fighter but I didn't want any involment of me or the game.

You did better and you just need to keep trying at games to gain more experince but I'm just going to elt you know your not really what I am looking for.

^.^ maybe next time.


Lady Myuu's Opposite
None taken the Human World yet?

Name: Alexander Downthunder
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Personality: Alexander is a man of a witty nature. He can joke about anything and seems to have the ability to find something good in most things. He is smiling and kind to new people and he trusts his friends good. His teacher in sword-mastery looks at this as a great weakness, as this can hinder him to attack in the direst of situations. He doesn't care about that, though.

Description: Alexander has brown, kind eyes in tough face that is covered in various marks of cuts and bruises and with short, dark hair on the top. Alexander dresses in grey nimble clothes consisting of soft grey pants and a black thin sweather. It is all covered by a long black coat.

Weapn(s): Two slim katanas that are a bit shorter than usual katanas. They are without any other decoration.

History: Alexander was born as the second-oldest in a group of 3. He started to learn Kendo at the age of 12 but was found by a sensei in the arts of real swords when he was 16. He learned every secret of the battle and spent many hours training. When he finally finished teaching the sword, he finished School and decided to travel around to see the world. Now, he is excited to see this new labyrint that is ahead of him, together with the swords.

Probably too short, no?


Hmmm... It seems none is in the Pokéworld yet, right? Then I´ll try to give it a shot.

So are we allowed to be legendaries? I would want to be Ho-Oh, but I always seem to mess up as I try to put a sign up as him. He is too perfect for my human brains to- Er, whatever, I´ll um, try some other one now. Suicune, perhaps?

Pokemon world:

Name: Aurora
Species of Pokemon: Suicune
Age: 459 (I think even the legendary beasts are kinda old...)
Gender: Female. (Yes, people. Female.)

Ice Beam
Hydro Pump
Icy Wind


Mirror Coat
Double Team
Agility (I know Suicune doesn´t learn it, but it would fit to her. If I can´t have this, please tell me and I´ll just change it.)

Personality: She doesn´t really like talking to people much, not that all of them would even understand her language. She usually seems cold and distant, for she doesn´t trust in other living things that much. She doesn´t feel need to talk with others. Everything she wants is to run like a wind, feeling like becoming one with it. She wants to stay far away from places with lots of crowd, simply because she hates places with a lot of people, feeling being trapped. She prefers wide open fields where nothing comes to stop her from running as much as she wants. She hates it when something comes to her way as she runs at incredible speeds, and is ready to fight to remove the obstacle with all her might. Meaning that she wants to be free, and is ready to fight for it. Which, she is currently doing.

Description: (Ugh, descripting a legendary beasts/cat/dog, the thing that everyone hates! Well, at least I do :p)

Aurora´s body is deep, sea blue, it resembling a panther, though she has no claws, only delecant paws. Her stomach though, is white. Her fur isn´t fluffy, its smooth and the fur is very short, her body sometimes looking as if it would be made of scales, instead of fur. She has two long, white, whip like tails, being mnore powerful than they look, swinging behind her beautifully as she runs. She has a huge crystal on her head, which splits into three, the two being small crystals at the sides of the buggest one, which is almost twice the side of her head. She has a purple cloak swaying on her back, looking like she would be carrying a purple cloud. She has red eyes, always having a strict, examing gaze, exept when she feels free. Then, those crimson eyes will glow sky blue.

History: (short little back story)

She has ran around the fields of Johto ever since she was resurrected by the Great Phoenix, Ho-Oh. She has been trying to find him for all this time, eventually learning to love the wind on her face. Slowly, her burning ambition to find Ho-Oh turned into just desire to run as fast as possible, reaching higher speeds than any other. She forgot her previous search, and has ran around the world for many times. Her biggest desire has been to find new land to run on, but she is yet to have accomplished in that.

One day, as she was just running about like always, she happened to see a huge hole on the sky. Strong winds began to blow, and soon she was sucked in that devious circle. As she finally was able to open her eyes, she found herself in a some place completely dark, her legs chained. She was unable to run and in her anger she began blasting Hydro Pumps around herself. Soon, a voice called to her, and told that the only way for her to get free was to fight in a tournament. And win. In case she would win, she would be shown a wide new world.

Seeing that changes were to get trapped for eternity or to fight to get into a new world, she agreed. The creature which lurked in the shadows left, leaving Suicube to roar after it, demanding it to show itself and free her. But the only answer was that she would be freed once the other competitors have arrived.

I wonder why I end up always thinking Suicune and Arcanine as freedom loving Pokémon? Sigh... Still, I hope its alright. If I need to Edit, just tell me. (Which you probably will anyway...)


Well-Known Member
Well, thought I'd have a crack at least.

*Mumbles nervously* >.>;


Name: Drog Soulbane

Species: Gengar

Age: Deceased for 30 years (Died at 20)

Gender: Male

Attacks: Defensive: Spite, Grudge, Haze Offensive: Nightmare, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Curse.

Personality: Drog, brimming with utmost amorality and hatred, is horrendously callous. To everything.
If there is a single thing Drog shows concern for, it would be his own demise – a matter that he holds with such intense abhorrence, he inflicts it upon all he can. Perhaps it’s to eliminate all possible threats, perhaps he’s just so hateful to everything that he is simply driven by maliciousness and gains pleasure out of others’ suffering.
Hate. It’s his favourite word.

He knows nothing of integrity, nothing of friendship, nothing of joviality or bliss. To him, the world is hell, and he is a demon; a fact agreed to by so many who know him or simply set eyes upon him – for there’s a high chance they wont survive for much longer.

If confronted with a being of an obvious higher power, Drog will immediately make use of his Destiny Bond, trying his damnedest to make sure the opposition’s demise coincides with his own.

Description: Drog prefers to take on a hazy, smoky form, translucent yet not invisible.
His eyes, pointed, large and malicious show no other emotion than perhaps an evil insanity, their pupils small and their size widened constantly. Their deep red hue only adds to the evil of his aura, and they aim solely to strike terror and twist stomachs.

Drog is a dull purple, drab and dark. Though it is hard to make out in his hazy form, Drog’s hue is tilting on to the side of blackness – however, he is not regarded as ‘shiny’, it just seems that his blackened heart, or even lack of one physically, has taken an effect on his external appearance and colour.

Unlike many Gengar, Drog does not, or no longer, retain the twisted, mischievous smile upon his lips that would otherwise pass him as a mere troublemaker.
Drog’s is misshapen, halved in size and but a slit upon his face, no teeth uncovered. It is either bent into a snarl or barely visible and curved slightly downwards.

His ‘claws’ are blunt, he finds no use for them and is therefore harsh upon them, applying them to trialing tasks such as scratching at all kinds of material to form threatening messages, curses and so on. He rarely uses them for battle, and makes use of them only when needed, such as close combat or a reflex.

He is rounded in shape, and thick spines crowd his back similar to a hedgehog. His legs are small and bulky and retain claws much like those that line his hand.

History: Drog’s past is a blur to him and tended to be forgotten by others. The truth was that he was a merciless prankster and pulled off the most dangerous of shenanigans, often risking lives and causing much destruction.
In the end, this led to his imminent death, murdered by those he had tormented – and, despite his lack of knowledge for his past, it’s conceivable that this vengeance was the trigger to his malevolence today.

Nowadays, Drog continues his ruthless terrorizing; though all playful aspects are non-existent.

He’s wandered throughout most of his deceased life in the outskirts of Mahogany Town, oppressing and maliciously attacking all he can in the process. Trainers, wild Pokemon and any other passer-bys are his targets, and threatened or not threatened, Drog attacks with a pitiless ferocity that has got himself quite a reputation – though he desires it gone, attention, although among everything else, is a thing that Drog despises.


Eternally hating D/P
OFF: Finally, here is my revised sign-up.

I included two choices of character, one in case Legendary Pokemon are allowed as a specie (READ THE SIGN-UP BEFORE SCREAMING "MARY SUE!!!" AGAIN), the second being if it is not allowed. Now... on to the sign-up.

My first choice is using a Mew... BUT this Mew is special ; it lost it's powers and merely regained enough for her to be as strong as a low-level common psychic Pokemon. Also, she will NOT suddenly grow back to uber-level during RP ; her power grow at the same rate as a regular Pokemon.

The reason for this is detailed in her sign-up.

Note that the background story for the characters (especially Mew) isn't exactely a happy-go-lucky type of background story... but since the RP's rating is set to "R", this shouldn't be an issue.

My second character is a normal Pokemon and should be completely fitting.



Pokemon world:

Name: Lyreem Lumina

Species of Pokemon: Mew

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Confusion: A small psychic discharge that strikes the foe's mind. May cause confusion.
Scratch: Lyreem's claws may not be the sharpest and longest in existance but it's still better than nothing when fighting Dark-elemental Pokemon!
Tackle: Smash herself into foe at full speed.
Pound: Slap foes silly. Since her arms are very short and frankly not that strong, this is her weakest attack but it's still there.
Attract: Face it, Mews are cute... well, at least, most male creatures think so.
Sweet Kiss: Being kissed by such a cute kitty may make the target faint (as in forcing the foe into a state of sleep, NOT induce instant KO).
Teleport: When all else fails, run away or in Lyreem's case, teleport away!

Personality: Sensitive to the point of insanity physically and mentally. Lyreem is affected by constant mood swings, from childish hapiness to crushing sadness to burning anger. As such, Lyreem is a very extreme and unpredictable character. Lyreem is very good-natured and hates hurting others more than anything else... but Lyreem is a little bit... insane. Becease of her past, Lyreem is totally bonkers and see evil everywhere even where there is none. Her paranoia doesn't make her see imaginary things... not yet. Becease of her paranoia, one should be very careful around her despite the fact that her powers are not nearly worthy of the form she has...

Description: She has big, cute large black eyes with large ears. Her frame is medium ; neither thin, neither fat... altought she is closer to the later. Her arms are small and ends up with delicate hands... in short, her arms are weak and nearly useless. Her legs, on another hand, are very powerful despite being just as short. Her feet are incredibly large and rabbit-like. Her body is covered with almost invinsibly small lavender fur. Her tail is incredibly thin and completely articulated. The tail's tip is oval and is Lyreem's weak point ; it is her body's most sensitive part.

History: Born in the forest of Purity, Lyreem was one of the three possible successors for the current Mew. She was extremely beautiful, good-natured, serious, and powerful which made her the most probable choice for being Mew's succesor... until the day she reached sixteen years.

On the outskirts of the forest, she met with an unknow shadow who acted all nice. Altought she was suspicious at first, knowing that no normal Pokemon should enter the Forest of Purity, the shadow acted in a really nice fashion.

She spent hours and hours speaking with the shadow... and her worries were slowly washed away. The shadow even revealed itself, showing her the frame of a male Umbreon about her age physically. The cat Pokemon continued to speak with Umbreon and soon, it was the night.

The Umbreon left after promising it would return... and the next day, the Umbreon returned. Day after day, the Umbreon came and the two spoke for long hours. Lyreem felt hapiness from meeting someone she could call a "friend" and his tales of the outside world fascinated her...

Months passed... and the Umbreon begun to act in a strange way. He became aggressive and begun to act as if he was constantly being pursued... and she noticed how his questions seemed more and more personal...

Then, someday, the Umbreon told her that it was enough, that he was going crazy, knowing such a beautiful female for such a long time and still remaining just a friend. He could not bear the torture that he was going throught, being in love in the middle of the Umbreon heat season and being unable to unleash his feelings.

Before Lyreem could do anything, the Umbreon lashed foward. The Mew tried to blast him away with her psychic powers... but she quickly realised that Umbreons were immune to psychic energy. The Umbreon, knowing full well that the Mew was nothing more than a defenseless kitty without her psychic powers, having never learnt elemental attacks, pinned her down.

The Mew begged him to let her go, not to kill her... and the Umbreon, to her surprise, stated that killing had never been his intention... and she became horrified, realising that it was her purity that he was targeting actually.

She knew that as a Legendary Pokemon of Light, she would lose all her powers if that disgusting male did whatever he wanted to her... and she struggled with all of her strenght, blasting about with psychic powers, calling to her sisters... but she was on the forest outskirts, at the limit, when her sisters were in the depths of the forest. Nobody came to help her...

... and Lyreem was forced to mate with that Umbreon... and she lost ALL of her powers. The Umbreon quickly left after stealing her purity, leaving her all alone, sad and broken as the one she had trusted so much had betrayed her in such a horrible way...

When she returned to the depths of the forest, sobbing like a child, her sisters and the current Mew learnt what had happened to her... and altought what had happened to her was unfortunate, the facts were facts.

She had lost her purity and thus, was no longer worthy of being a Legendary Pokemon.

Lyreem was banished from the Forest. Not even with a single ounce of psychic power, she was left to fend for herself in the whole wide world.

She ran into the Umbreon again, who learnt of what had happened... and decided to take advantage of it. Lyreem was forced into becoming his mate and from this, her distress grew even more. The more he abused her, the more distressed she became... and she begun to become insane.

The Umbreon travelled constantly, bringing Lyreem with him so that he may keep her all to himself, fearing that other Pokemon may try to steal her from him...

This little cycle continued for a whole year... and then, the Umbreon was found by a pack of Mightyenas. The dogs quickly devoured him and were intrigued by this strange cat Pokemon which looked like Mew but was obviously nothing but a mock-up.

Many of them tought about eating her... and Lyreem knew her life was on the line. Her survival instincts kicked in and she told herself that if she couldn't convaince them to spare her, she was going to get it since she had no powers...

She begun to discuss with them, trying to find a way she could get them to spare her life... and the leader told her that if she hadn't any utility for them, they would kill her. All she had to do is prove to them that she had an utility... and as she looked at some of the males in the Mightyena pack, she realised that some of them were staring at her in the same way that Umbreon had stared at her... and resigned herself, thinking it was the only way.

Lyreem's life in the Mightyena pack was bad... really bad... She was even more abused by those dogs than by that stupid Umbreon. Many times, she asked herself if she should have just ended it all unstead of carrying on with a life when she had already lost her family, friends, and all possibilities of a bright future since every Pokemon seemed to be interested only in abusing her.

But then... some of the pack members, disgusted with the way their peers acted, begun to take pity on the poor cat Pokemon... and Lyreem was surprised when one of the Poochyenas following the pack spoke with her, sympatising with her plight... and Lyreem realised that not everyone was full of twisted emotions.

Strangely enough, as she befriended some of the pack members and started to call them "friends", she became able to lift herself slightly above the ground... and realised that her powers came from positive feelings and thus, that the more friends she would have, the stronger she would be.

She doubted she could ever become a Legendary Pokemon ever again... but she now had friends, a reason to live, and a very pratical reason to carry on with her former responsabilities of eliminating hatred in the heart of others despite being banished and no longer getting credit for it.

As her power grew, Lyreem begun to feel distant from the constant abuse she was the victim of. She would soon escape it all... they would never humiliate her ever again.

When Lyreem grew strong enough, she escaped from the Mightyena pack with some of her friends and went to try and find a better life... but even among her friends, she found herself constantly terrorised for some unknow reason... and in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind, twisted desires had been born...

She had realised that having know only of pain, anger, and humiliation for all this time, she had became twisted herself... and realised that she would be never be able to live among normal Pokemon, her powers mixed to her insanity making her a potent threat. Sure, she was merely the strenght of an Abra or something... but she was growing in power and knew that the more she would grow in power, the more dangerous she would become.

Lyreem tought that the only way to avoid harming those she had grew to like would be to exile herself back among those who abused her... but this time, the roles would be inverted. Altought she sweared to face her own twisted mind and erase the hatred within the hearts of the evil ones, it is only obvious that with such a damaged mind as hers, her ideals may turn out into a justification for comitting horrible crimes...

Lyreem grinned like a psychopath, dreaming of vengeance as she floated back toward the lands which she hated sooo much...


Name: Derlank Raystar

Species of Pokemon: Pikachu

Age: 22 (in Pikachu years)

Gender: Male

Spark: Shock foe with static electricity. Not strong at all... but well, it's something.
Thundershock: A more powerful version of Thundershock and Derlank's main electric attack. The problem here is the range.
Thunderbolt: Shoot powerful bolts of electricity toward the target. Precise but require a lot of energy to perform.
Quick Attack: An extremely fast physical attack... but becease of Derlank's small frame, it is also weak... but well, it's better than nothing when against Ground and Rock Pokemon.
Thunderwave: This jolt of electricity deals no damage but is extremely likely to paralyse the target. Useful when Derlank needs to escape from battle.

Personality: Sarcasm is s favourite of Derlank. Strongly "realistic", Derlank see the world as it is: a stinky pit filled with hypocritical morons such as himself. He has seemingly no respect for nearly everything in existance, even considering the Legendary Pokemon as nothing but clowns. Derlank likes to use sarcasm to an unhealthy point and alienates himself to the eyes of nearly everyone the second he meets them. Bears a deep hatred of Pokemon trainers and would rather die than serve a human. Consider most wild Pokemon as idiots who live in little dream worlds and enjoy crushing their hopes by showing them the truth... as he see it. In short, Derlank is a sarcastic jerk with no subtility who will keep on bringing everyone around him down with his mean, blunt comments.

Some people may think that he has no heart... but beneath his tough emotionnal shell, Derlank has deep faith in the belief that the world's inhabitants are not foolish enough to nuke themselves and that, as such, it is always worth it throwing his life for a greater cause.

Description: About a third of a human's size, covered with yellow fur, has a long, thunderbolt-shaped tail, long yellow ears with black tips, short chubby limbs, is quite fat, has brown cute eyes, and has a mean, evil-looking grin on his face most of the time. Ever since an encounter with a certain Pokemon, Derlank lost his left eye ; an empty hole stands where his left eye should be.

History: This Pikachu was born in the Orre region and lived a normal childhood, loved by his parents, being told how extraordinary Pokemon trainers were...

As such, when Cypher rose, Derlank tought that he would get to be captured and loved by a good natured human... but was snagged by Cypher and quickly used as a ginea pig for their Shadow Pokemon experiments.

Derlank suffered grealty... but it was mentally that it was the worst. Derlank realised in a very shocking way that the tales about Pokemon trainers were just that: tales... and Derlank became depressed... and angry. Derlank was consumed by an intense hatred toward those who lied to him, toward the fools who had fooled him! He should have run from the humans! He should have run!... but he remained to be caught, like the naive fool he was!

As a Shadow Pokemon, Derlank became soulless and altought his consciousness was sealed, he could still feel more and more disgust as he was forced to commit horrible crimes by the Cypher agents. Worse, he saw that the famous heroes who fought Cypher... were identical to Cypher's agents with the only difference that they crushed the will of their Pokemon using psychological torture rather than infusing them with Shadow energy.

Derlank became literaly enraged and the day he was freed by a Pokemon trainer and brought to a shrine to be purified, Derlank refused the Purification. As a sign of revolt, he clung to his Shadow powers despite his soul being freed...

The more the Pokemon trainer tried to purify him, the more Derlank hated him... him and his stupid, mindless slaves who claimed that he, who had been freed and was truly free of mind, was still enslaved. Derlank hated them more and more... until he became one with his hatred and became an impossible to purify Shadow Pokemon... a demon...

This last mutation scared the Pokemon trainer and his Pokemon. They quickly abandonned the Pikachu, scared that it would corrupt any other Pokemon. Once in the wild, Derlank tried to find other Pokemon and tell them about everything he went throught in order to organise a rebellion against the Pokemon trainers.

Derlank ran into a certain green fairy Pokemon called Celebi... who begun to beat him up for revolting against Destiny. It was the fate of Pokemon to be trained by humans and he, a worthless servant of Darkness, had nothing to say against it. The Legendary Pokemon of Time and Death took out her scythe and slashed mercilessly the poor Pikachu... He was beaten up so much that Derlank lost his left eye and was left there, nearly dead.

The green fairy left him to decay and die... and Derlank grew sad as he realised that the Legendary Pokemon supported such a system... and as his depression grew, he dived even deeper into the darkness... and his hatred grew.

His hatred grew to a point that his aura of Darkness became powerful enough to deflect Pokeballs... he became... a Defect Pokemon. His heart burning with hatred, Derlank travelled throught the land and found his parents and his friends, who had lived in the same pack for their entire lives.

The pack hated him for what he was... they hated him for giving in to the Darkness... but their hatred was nothing compared to Derlank's anger. In his rage, he murdered his family, his friends, all those he ran into. Then, his fury developed into bloodthirst.

He travelled far and wide, killing everyone in his path, Pokemon and human. Children, women, men... no one was safe. His insanity grew and grew until another Legendary Pokemon arrived before him...

He recognised the pink-furred Pokemon from the legends... and Mew made Derlank relive his entire life, see all his memories anew... and as he did so, Derlank became horrified... horrified of what he had became. Mew told him that the reason Celebi was angry at him was not for opposing the humans' enslaving campaign... but becease he had gived up on his dreams, becoming one with hatred and becoming worse than a Shadow pokemon, becoming a real demon.

Derlank grew disgusted with himself and sweared to make up for his crimes... altought he knew that such crimes such as murder can never be repaired. As Mew left him, Derlank begun to look for other Pokemon... to warn them of the Pokemon trainers' true nature... and that they should never, ever give up on their dreams, never let despair and hatred grip their hearts...

As Derlank continue on his quest, little do he knows about the adventure he is about to be involved in...

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
I have edited the top with who is in so far. Yes I have gotten teh characters I have needed for three places.

As you can see I was looking for a certian type of character for each. I wanted to see who could fit into the mold the closest for what wold be seen worthy for the goddess...


I hope I get accepted because I did this as fast as I could so no one would take the spot before me

Name: Michael Mizrachi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Michael is very aggressive, cocky, and gets very temperamental at times. He is a very take charge kind of person who will not back down very easily. He is also very good at reading people and he can easily tell if they are lying or not. People do not respect him respect him, and if he messes up he is a person who will be criticized very harshly by his peers. He is not very showy and would rather be remembered for things that he did for himself than what he did if would be on a team. He is usually very serious even though he lacks intelligence. If he sees someone hurt he would rather become more of a hindrance then a help. Throughout most of his life his philosophy was strongly based on Social Darwinism because he thought that only the strong deserved to live. He is a very determined person and will not give up easily as well.

Appearance: Michael is pretty tall standing at nearly 6’2”. He weighs at about 185 and is fairly muscular. He has long legs and is great at jumping. He has brown eyes and brown hair as well. He has a scar across his face that stretches from his left cheek up to right above his right eye. He always wears a basic silver chain around his neck, and always has some kind of nice watch on. His shirts are usually older and of less quality, and his pants are usually short baggy cargos though he might wear jeans. He has a burn on his left forearms and it spirals around to his shoulder. He generally wears baseball caps as well differing from insulting, to sports teams, and to just solid colors. He usually wears a form of glove on his left hand that lets the tip of his fingers dangle out. This is used for pressure and used sometimes in strength training. His favorites are green base with white at the fingers. He wears his hair fairly long and it reaches to the bottom of his neck. He also has a few places to hold weapons such as a holster for his 9mm smg that sits on his belt. He also has an area for an AK-47 attached to a larger brown leather holster on his back. He also has a small area on the left side of his belt that holds knives that he uses for throwing when he is out of MAGs for his weapons.

History: Michael was born on October 23 1999. He was born in Liverpool, England. His mother was a professional golf player and his dad was a 10th grade English teacher at one of the best schools in Liverpool. Michael went by on his normal life as a child for a few years until he was five. When he turned five at his birthday party his dad gave him his first toy gun. He was mesmerized by the mechanisms used to make a noise to come out of a plastic barrel-like object. It was obvious by the way he naively and abnormally easily learned how to use a gun at such a young age. As he matured his parents realized that he wasn’t the smartest of people and they also realized that he lacked some common judgment that other kids, even of his age, would have. He had problems in school, but because he showed promising performances in many different sports including football, soccer, baseball, and archery. When he was 8 he finally began to catch up in school and did not really ‘completely’ on his athletic ability. Because of his lack of friends until a later age he usually took complete control on any team he was on and was sometimes over powering even his coaches. He was the scum of school and often would skip classes to stay on the different fields by himself playing different games on different machines. Being isolated from his peers for such a long time eventually made him a loner and he went back to being stupid and athletic. His parents did not know anything that was happening though because his teachers would lie to them just so that Michael would not have to be taken away from his constant athletic training. At 10 years old he was able to beat even the 10th and 11th graders in some sports. He was already tall, standing at about 5’5” as well. This is when his dad first took him to a shooting range. He was always in contact with fake guns but Michael had never used a real gun before. The first shot that he fired with a Mark 23 pistol hit on the outer edge of the board. He was addicted to the power of the gun and ended up staying there for hours on end on the weekends practicing his aim and attacking speed. Eventually he got so good that the employees at the facility were nearly leaving him unattended when he was their. He had formed a passion for the guns and was learning everything he could about them. With his experience in archery he knew how to throw knives making him one of the most versatile athletes of his time. He went for about 5 years living the way he always had until he got the message.

Weapons: As stated before an AK-47 and a 9mm sub machine gun.

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Am I the only one to notice when I said 'warrior from the worlds' everyone looked at the R rating and took it as 'psycho killers?'

<< >>

oh well I get to have more fun.

The accepted characters:

Michael Mizrachi - Basic human world - FlygonFirefly

Drog Soulbane - Pokemon world - Tale

Shinigami - Fantasy World - Renegade

Dengar Solun - Sci-Fi World - O'Malley


Myuu aproaches the owners of these characters, not caring if she is breaking the fourth wall or not.

"I will now share the rules with you, the ones your characters will not know themselves but yours alone."

The so called GM though she was being used more of a puppet gave a short bow before she began to speak:

1. Your characters when ubducted will have no idea where they are at or why. They will not know about the other characters in the labrynth for each one will be placed in a different corner of it.

2. Your character can be killed by me or the three other mini gms wondering about the place. We will test your skills and if you do not past our tests we will elimate you.

3. If your characters abilities are stronger then expected we will elimate said ebility or weapon. Which means your character will not be able to use it until we say so.

4. Your character will not run into another character unless *I* or the goddess states so in an updation post. The updation post is when *I* alone am updating the plotline. You will know for hte name will be LadyMyuu

5. If your character runs into another character it will be a duel between the two. You may not say 'I killed him' you will not say you delt a fatal blow. You may attack and you may hit but you can not 'kill'

Only a 'ref' will decide when it is time for the character's life to end or when to much damage has been dealt. There character may also flee the fight though it is a downer for the goddess and she may decide to elimate you.

6. This is a R rated game, things may happen that will be dark, bloody, cruel, crud and just plain wrong. We reserve the right to do whatever we please to your character.

7. Cussing is allowed (but probably be blocked by censors) though the R rating is not meant for cussing really.

Characters your characters should look out for:

Name: Doll
Species: rag doll
Powers: she likes to make things bleed and is good at it.

Name: Mooka
Species: silver mewtwo
Ability: Gender switching, groping, dirty things, he has strong psychic powers.

Name: RayRay
Species: Fox anthro
Powers: She is awsome at playing pranks and tricks and traps. Be careful though, they are often deadly if you lose.

Name: LadyMyuu
Species: Mew hybrid/immortal spirit
powers: Strong psychic powers, some time bending and twisting abilities, able to poof into a mewtwo or mew form. Knows some magic and has unlimited access to any weapon of any time place or space.


Wouldn't you like to know?
Some may be bad some may be good.

Characters your character would find helpful:

Name: LadyMyuu
Species: Mew hybrid/immortal spirit
powers: Strong psychic powers, some time bending and twisting abilities, able to poof into a mewtwo or mew form. Knows some magic and has unlimited access to any weapon of any time place or space.
Note: problem is, if you annoy me, I can be either good or bad >>

There will be items to gather and ubtain for your seccess, sometimes you may ahve to fight something to gain this item.


Myuu bows "Sign ups are now closed. Please be prepared for the hell that is coming"

There are three other good characters but you don't know who they are :p


I've Had An Idea, How About If People Can Sign Up To Be Ragdoll, Ect?

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
Um how about no?

These characters you see our original characters of mine from other rpgs. I am playing them to help wiht the ACCEPTED characters (which are not YOU) have a harder time getting through the game and add plot.

Sign ups are closed. as in meaning no more for ANYTHING.

Thank you very much.
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