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Lapras Of Luxury! (259)


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Lapras Of Luxury!

Taking a detour to pick up an egg for Prof. Elm, Ash & Co. meet up with Ash's old friend, Lapras. However Team Rocket are wanting to attack the school of Lapras. Can Ash & his old friend protect the school?

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Should have gotten Lapras back, he would have been great against Ash's first opponent!


Team Awesome
With all the pokemon let go on the show, at least it was great to see a pokemon from the past again. I just wish they hadn't made the obvious mistake of implying Brock met lapras before, but otherwise the episode was fine. I liked the ending, too, when Lapras got to take over the leadership role. I really love the Larvitar arc as well, so this episode makes me excited when I get to it.


Custom User Title
I was going to say something derogatory about 4Kids, but on second thought, I think that does a good enough job on its own.


Yeah, ok!
Didn't they have Brock say, "That's the Lapras we traveled with in the Orange Islands!" when Brock was even there and never even met Lapras?

Granted I suppose Ash or Misty could have told Brock about Lapras during Johto, but it's funny the way Brock made it sound that he was there.

Oh, and just watch Cold Beam become an actual move in the 4th generation.

Hey, it happened with Tickle. "Bulbasaur use the Tickle attack on Psyduck!"

Anyway, I liked this episode. Really makes me want to train a Lapras, it does.

Poor Laprases(or Lapri, I guess XD). Getting sucked into a whirlpool would ruin anyone's day, I'd surmise.

I like the idea of sound communication between the Lapri(I love that:D).

I lol at the fact that Lanturn got a voice change in a span of two episodes. Really, a bundle of them would've been understandable, but this......Actually, I guess it was smart. Two Lanturns shouldn't really have the same voice, just like humans.....Ignore the above complaint ._.

I also like the Supersonic radar idea.

Overall rating:
8.5 out of 10
Probably another of the best fillers ever. Lapras is one of the only Pokémon that Ash used to own that I liked. Seeing it again rocks. Plus, this begins the Larvitar arc, which is probably the best arc ever.

The 8th Champion


Firstly, I still remember ash calling Lapras to use cold beam, should be ice beam. Any way, it was really great that they featured a pokemon from the past episodes, it was one of the better episodes. 7/10.
Wish Ash could have gotten Lapras back, at least we get to see her

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
This episode was excellent.I really ennoyed seeing Ashs Lapras again after so much time and he grown up in beautiful and strong Adult.This episode brings back so much memories when Ash and group travelled on Lapras during Orange Islands.

I would really like if Ash meets up with him again someday but sadly this isnt very likely.Than again who knows.Im also glad that Ashs Lapras was recognized from leader of the group as someone strong enough to lead the group.This episode is truly a gem.


episodes where ash is meeting an old friend again are often enjoyable to watch, i wonder how much this will happen in the future (still busy watching some episodes)


Trainer Trainer
With all the pokemon let go on the show, at least it was great to see a pokemon from the past again. I just wish they hadn't made the obvious mistake of implying Brock met lapras before, but otherwise the episode was fine. I liked the ending, too, when Lapras got to take over the leadership role. I really love the Larvitar arc as well, so this episode makes me excited when I get to it.


brock was not there...


Trainer Trainer
With all the pokemon let go on the show, at least it was great to see a pokemon from the past again. I just wish they hadn't made the obvious mistake of implying Brock met lapras before, but otherwise the episode was fine. I liked the ending, too, when Lapras got to take over the leadership role. I really love the Larvitar arc as well, so this episode makes me excited when I get to it.


brock was not there...


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought it was great that we were able to see Lapras again. I was surprised by how much that it grew during it's travels with its family. I may be wrong, but Brock says that was the Lapras that traveled with them during the Orange Islands. However, I didn't think that Brock ever actually met Lapras. I was surprised that Ash recieved another egg too. I thought it was neat that Lapras took over and became the leader of the group.


I loved to see Lapras, great.

and Ash got an egg in the end, what a surprise...
