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Last Imagination XC: The Internetz!

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http://www.deviantart.com/view/25634904/ If Imageshack fails like a Magikarp go there.

More abstract stuff!

A joke off of Final Fantasy, XD and pokémon for some reason. The Espeon and Umbreon heads represent Rey and Cory respectively. The Internet has fads that need to be slain, period.

Please don't critique the following:


Something quick I did so the quality sucks, but the joke doesn't. Note this came before the boxart. I just made the Boxart to carry the joke even further. I highly suggest not critquing the battle scene, unless commenting on the joke because the art sucks that badly...

Anyway, go ahead and make your comments, I await your fruitful insights


likes 'poms :3
I have to say, I really like that first one. Tis very neat. Though, I would use smooth color transition on the smiley next time (like gradients, ect.)

The second one: It's subpar. The line art and shading are all over the place ans sloppy. The lensflares distracts from the characters fighting.

Next time, use smoother shading and don't do most of the picture in MSPaint. Use Gimp or another type of program.

Oh, and


Ah, comments! Woohoo!

I should draw something involving the o rly owls and a random battle of course. Gah! No pron please! You altered one of my works, gah!

I said not to critique the second one :p

Thanks though. I enjoyed making the XD joke. Some fads of the Internetz need to be struck down!
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