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Lati Master's cool sprites

Lati Master

Garchop Owns you!
hey im kinda new at spriting but i've made a few sprites



Whatcha Say???
Most seem cut and pastish try not to do that and also try to make fusions that will seem nice together .ya first reply


Staff member
The Mewtwo thing with the Lati wings was saved as a JPEG. You obviously figured out not to do that, since your other sprites are PNG, but re-saving the sprite as PNG doesn't fix the JPEG damage.

On your revamps, you just recolored. You need to customize the shading so that it looks like a newer sprite. You also left the outlines completely black. You need to shade them like a newer sprite; use the new one for reference.

Your mixes are pretty much just cutting, pasting, and recoloring. You should change the shading and outlining on the added parts so that they look like they fit with the new base sprite.

Your recolors aren't bad, but you should probably change some of the shading and outlining when you recolor so that it fits better with the sprite's new set of colors.


Manyula Trainer
For a begginner, these aren't too bad. (At least you aren't spriting inept like I was when I started. :p) Now, make sure to always save as PNG, not JPEG. You only saved as JPEG once, so that's good that the others are PNG. The mixes are C&P, and on some you need to recolor the parts you added. Your recolors are pretty good, it's always good to start off with recolors for a few tries. And on the revamps, you need to fix the shading so it looks like a newer sprite.

Hope that helps.