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I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
I just need to know is there any way (besides southern island) I can get a latios with timid nature without restarting the game again and again, so far I've had crap luck getting only rashx2, quirky, lonelyx2 and so on but no modest or timid. I also would like to know if latios' IVs are set from the second you start the game or, as I've heard from peepz that it can change as long as you haven't changed it after beating the E4 or is that emerald only or something?
In Emerald its set as soon as you decide your choice when your asked what color, so save before you watch the TV, I did this 10 times got a Latias Calm nature with perfect Sp.Def IVs^^


Well-Known Member
^^^ wow such dedication

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
^^^ Such a pointless post wow!

After you see the TV commercial, save then choose your Lati, then go out and find, capture and check for the one you want, it shouldnt be that hard.


hm yes i got a latios modest nature and its got really high sp. atk stats. i suggest you keep tryin to get one. you can do it


The new tuxedo look!
I got my shiny sceptile right after choosing latias in emerald, so I did not want to reset. In the end I got a quirky latias. Oh well. :(


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
you can only choose in em,
does this also apply for ru/saph too? because my brother is at the league but I have another em cart I can reset if necessary


oblivion weilder
i got a modest latios totally by luck and it says its max sp attak is 394 which is amazing so i guess i was lucky


Natsu no Maboroshi
Keep trying, you only need good luck. BTW, I saved before the tv, and I got a shiny latias :p