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~Launch the Super Secret Project Z!...PorygonZ ex~


Gizmomancer supreme
Pardon the long title :D.


I never imagined myself making a Pokemon card for a Pokemon that has not been officially launched in English yet...but since I'm sure PorygonZ is going to be the English name, there's no harm, I suppose :p.

Anyway, PorygonZ ex allows you to use 2 Supporters a turn...in a way, since its Poke-Power can copy any Supporter already in your discard pile. Its Data Overdrive becomes more powerful the more cards you have in your hand, so it ties in with its Poke-Power. I've decided to use Cascade's sleek-looking Acanthite blank for this card, since it's something different from me. Thanks Cascade :)!

Also, you can check out the art here. It may look a little like Cascade's work, but it's mine :p.

Give your comments and crits!


Dazzled By The Roses
super wickedly cool..!! i give it 10/10..it's flawless, you are 1 of the most talented fake card maker i've ever seen..keep up the good work !!


Staff member
Super Mod
Very very nice. It looks basically flawless. I love your artwork of PorygonZ, also.

Good job. ^^


I'm the Go-Getters!
*Takes one look faints.* *Smoke cloud comes up*


Well-Known Member
Rockin' card, dude. The card is so good, I'd thought its an official scan. The attack is a great idea, rewarding you for drawing more cards.


Furret rocks
It's brilliant, though, playing two supporter card seems a bit much...


Well-Known Member
super wickedly cool..!! i give it 10/10..it's flawless, you are 1 of the most talented fake card maker i've ever seen..keep up the good work !!

I agree 100%! 20/10

EDIT:WOOT!!! Jade Star Trainer!Next rank is Orange Champion!!!!! WOOT!!!