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Lawls. C: Pokemon~ Art! (obviously?)


Ami Obbsessed

Fan character, Mine. No, she's just a trainer, no evil personnnn.

And a charmander.


xD; funny looking anatomy. I'm trying new poses. :c

any pokemon suggestions?


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, that Charmander really is funny looking. It's all in the legs and head man, but I bet you know that already. Just, if you're gonna do his face again, make it a little less human-like. Perhaps a bigger mouth would do the trick? :)

As for Mine, the colouring's great, but the way she's standing she looks like her spine's all bent and making her lean to the side. No worries, my people-pictures used to turn out crooked, too. ^^;

Pokémon suggestions... Pokémon suggestions... how about Banette, man? I always find it's hard to make him look real cool. (It's the eyes. :()


I agree with Raunchy fad on the Charmander - it's head is way funny looking. If you made it's forehead smaller, maybe that would help? But I think that his legs look fine. Gives the impression of movement, if you ask me.

And Mine looks really good. Her hand, though... Maybe you could make her fingers less pointy?

Uhm... Suicune is really fun to draw!


Salingerian Phony
I think the main problem lies in the shape of the head. Charmander's head isn't the same shape as that of a human (it varies considerably, actually). The top of the head is pointier than that, and it has a small snout that's only visible by shading in that illustration.

Speaking of which, that Charmander for some reason reminds me of Huey Freeman form The Boondocks.