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leaf green team help

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
im pretty sure LG counts as third gen. anyway, remember this is ingame so no HP and i honestly dont wanna obsess over the perfect nature

-metrenome (fun move dont try to replace)
-light screen
-elemental punch (not sure which one yet)
i wish i could get CM but its not available on hypno so dont even bother telling me to

-aerial ace
-steel wing
-quick attack
i know its only ok, but pidgeots movepool is limited and i have a sentimental attachment to pidgeots so i always use one

-tankish move (what should i use?)

-dragon claw/fang

-ice beam
boltbeam combo. mixed sweeper, suggestions for better role welcome

-bulk up
-cross chop
-mega punch
physical ownage. and no i dont wanna use machamp instead, i like primeape

suggestions welcome as long as its plausible. im not terribly keen on replacing any of these pokemon however with someone else


hooray, it's Jetx!
buttersgirl said:
im pretty sure LG counts as third gen. anyway, remember this is ingame so no HP and i honestly dont wanna obsess over the perfect nature< I won't do one then

-metrenome (fun move dont try to replace)<I would
-Shadow ball/ brick break (For dark or ghost types)
-Fire punch
i wish i could get CM but its not available on hypno so dont even bother telling me to

-aerial ace
-Steel wing
-Toxic/ agility<More will use spcl attack moves to beat a bird
i know its only ok, but pidgeots movepool is limited and i have a sentimental attachment to pidgeots so i always use one

blastiose@lum berry
-Ice beam
-Earthquake/ hydro cannon

-dragon claw < There's no move called dragon fang
-Earthquake <Hypno has fire move now
-Aerial ace

(just try to get an attack raising nature, preferably adamant)
-Sludge bomb STAB
-earthquake (good for ground types) STAB
-Rock slide

( Nature must be attack raising preferably adamant)
-bulk up
-Rock slide/ body slam <Alternative type
physical ownage. and no i dont wanna use machamp instead, i like primeape

suggestions welcome as long as its plausible. im not terribly keen on replacing any of these pokemon however with someone else

Calling all RMTers: Saying I'm a bad RMTer isn't a good idea because I won't give up, if you're fed up with me teach me to become better...


buttersgirl said:
im pretty sure LG counts as third gen.

It does.

anyway, remember this is ingame so no HP and i honestly dont wanna obsess over the perfect nature

I'll try not to. =P

-metrenome (fun move dont try to replace)
-light screen
-elemental punch (not sure which one yet)
i wish i could get CM but its not available on hypno so dont even bother telling me to

Actually, Calm Mind is available on Hypno. Anyways, what's the point of Metronome?

Calm Mind
Thunder Wave
Fire Punch

Fire Punch is to rid of Bug-types. Most Ghost-types you'll encounter in LG have the Poison-type duality as well (Gengar family), so Psychic is obvious. Dark types won't be that common anyways and you can just switch out to Primeape.

-aerial ace
-steel wing
-quick attack
i know its only ok, but pidgeots movepool is limited and i have a sentimental attachment to pidgeots so i always use one

Try Return over Featherdance.

-tankish move (what should i use?)

-_-; This needs some improvement.

Ice Beam

I suppose you could keep Bite over Haze since this is an InGame team.

-dragon claw/fang

You're close.

Dragon Dance

It would actually be HP Flying instead of Return, but you've made it obvious that HP isn't going to be easy.

-ice beam
boltbeam combo. mixed sweeper, suggestions for better role welcome

Earthquake absolutely needs to be here. Try that over Bite. Sludge Bomb also looks more feasible than Superpower.

-bulk up
-cross chop
-mega punch
physical ownage. and no i dont wanna use machamp instead, i like primeape

Nothing's wrong with taking the speedier option.

Cross Chop
Rock Slide
Bulk Up

Earthquake is the option for anything Cross Chop won't obliterate. Rock Slide is for Flying-types, and Bulk Up has an obvious role.

suggestions welcome as long as its plausible. im not terribly keen on replacing any of these pokemon however with someone else

We don't really do that in RMT anyways.
Comments are in bold.
Natures? Held items?

buttersgirl said:
im pretty sure LG counts as third gen. anyway, remember this is ingame so no HP and i honestly dont wanna obsess over the perfect nature

-Calm Mind

-aerial ace
-steel wing
-quick attack
i know its only ok, but pidgeots movepool is limited and i have a sentimental attachment to pidgeots so i always use one

Choice Band.

-Ice Beam

-dragon claw
Focus Punch

Rock Slide
Shadow Ball

Choice Band.

-cross chop
Rock Slide

Choice Band.

suggestions welcome as long as its plausible. im not terribly keen on replacing any of these pokemon however with someone else

Ditch Pidgeot for a Special Sweeper.

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
i have sentimental attachment to pidgeot. im sorry but im not gonna replace it. however, for the most part ill use these suggestions. i didnt think hypno got CM...but yeah now that i know ill work on it. and blastoise sounds WAY better now. thanks for the help. btw, what breeding would i have to use to get wish on hypno?
It's an NYPC move, so yeah, that is pretty much inplausible. Thunder Wave instead.
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