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Leaf Green Team Rate

-Baton Pass
-HP Ice

Porygon 2@Leftovers
-Shadow Ball/Recover

-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide
-Brick Break

Arcanine@Choice Band
-Extreme Speed
-Iron Tail
-HP Bug/Ghost

Exeggutor@Lum Berry
-Sleep Powder
-Sunny Day
-Solar Beam
-HP Fire/Ice

Crobat@Choice Band
-Arial Ace
-HP Ground
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb

As you can see, i have no idea where the ev's should go. I also would like to know which moves should I stick with for the ones that have a "/"


Well-Known Member
What is the power of Hidden Power?

Brick Break sucks on Sandslash, use Counter/Hidden Power [Bug].


prophecy fulfilled
stab earthquake = 150 base power
super effective brick break = 150 base power

brick doesn't even do more to tyranitar then stab quake does;

stab se quake = 300
4x se bb = 300

meaning brick break is a waste of space on sandslash
for jolteon, it was either a baton passer, or an annoyer, and from what i read, annoyers suck.

but thats why i posted this team up here, to get some help.

Shiny Supercow

S*ck My PokeBalls
I don't agree with that, an annoyer who uses thunder wave > roar can be quite irritating


prophecy fulfilled
thunder wave doesnt make an annoyer, thunder wave is a support move



Lol @ Jolteon being an annoyer.

HP Grass > HP Ice. But you shouldn't use HP in-game.

Your team has like zero defensive power, and Sandslash doesn’t resist Normal/Fighting/Flying. You concentrate too much on sweeping and not enough on Defense.
hmm.. yea you're right. well i'm willing to change the last three pokemon, arcanine, crobat, and exeggutor. any good suggestions?

as for jolteon, what do you think of this set up

-thunder wave
-thunder bolt
-HP grass



Attract is for noobs. Your original set is better.

Ludicolo or Milotic are very useful considering that your team has major Swampert troubles.
Adding in a Steel type would be nice. CB Metagross is a much better CBer than Arcanine or Crobat.


Blaziken rules!
It's a strong team already.


Slaking could help this team as he can clean stuff before they can be treats. (go with Heracross if you can't get a Slaking)

Some wisher can help this team a lot. Only thing that can recover itself is pory2. I'd suggest Vaporeon with Haze/Surf/Baton Pass/Wish.

Something that could pass some stat-ups will be nice too.


Some wisher can help this team a lot. Only thing that can recover itself is pory2. I'd suggest Vaporeon with Haze/Surf/Baton Pass/Wish.
A lot of people make this mistake. Wish is not a Baton Passable move. It works automatically without Baton Pass.


Well-Known Member
Baton Pass just makes getting the Wish to the right pokemon easier.