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Leaf Green Trade Problem

Dotaitos Tree

Stop Or Ill Shoot...
i have a mew and deoxys in leaf green when i try to trade them to emerald it says "this pokemon can not be traded at this moment" is there a way i can get rid of that


Well-Known Member
This definately DOES NOT belong in the Tech help.

However, have you already obtained the National Dex in Emerald?


This definately DOES NOT belong in the Tech help.

However, have you already obtained the National Dex in Emerald?

I don't think that's going to help now that it's already posted....

Anyways, since it's Mew and Deoxys, I suspect you cheated to get them (if you did, you obviously used basic cheat codes, thus you couldn't avoid the game's filters)

Well, for the most part, cheated Deoxys and Mew cannot be traded to FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald (they CAN trade to Ruby and Sapphire, seeing as they can trade sharks to one another). That's because the two need an obedience bit or the game will not allow you to use them outside the respective game.

If it's not that, then get the National Pokedex. rofl :p


Steel and Dark
well for me, i obtained everything the ruby and the saphire and the nation dex, and wen i try to link up both games, it just doesnt work, its like i never hooked up the 2 games, it just says make sure ur conencted