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Least fave character(In the show)


Live long, & prosper
Let's see hear now,I've covered Teams and Pokeballs oooo,How about your least favorite character in the show.Think about that one person who you'd like to see mauled by a Mightyena or sung to death by a Jigglypuff. ;}


Well-Known Member
Hikari sucks! ^-^ anabel sucks very much, but not as much as hikari! :p

Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
I dislike plenty of characters
not doing explanations because I have to go to bed right after this
DJ Mary
Ariel (Johto filler character)
Lance (I still think he's hot)
Sakura (although I dont hate her as bad anymore)
and some other characters


Venusaur The Best
Tracy I didnt like the orange island episodes or him no one can beat brock haha

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Max! May should have left the little brat at home. >_<
And Tracey because he's boring and nowhere near as cool as Brock.

Yoru Ryu

Ash. I'm getting sick of seeing him. He also seems to have short term memory loss. No, he can never remember a Pokemon after about five episodes so he has to whip out that Pokedex. If he didn't have that he'd be screwed. Brock is starting to get a bit... i dunno. I only like Ash when he's shipped with Lance D:

They should've switched Ash with Hikari.


Team Awesome
Harley. He started off on the wrong foot with me by being angry at May for no good reason (a dislike of his cookies is NOT a reason to be angry!), his trying to trick her into faltering during battle, and causing May to be hurt just made me hate him, and he hasn't recovered since. He's had a few good moments (arguing with Jessie and his battle against Wobbuffet, calling the other twerps May's "boy toys"), and I get his camp value, but I really hate the guy. Characters who take pleasure in hurting others rank at the bottom of the barrel with me.


Strawberry fields.
May. I did not care for the third generation characters, and let alone its vast pool of uninspiring Pokémon.


serebii one

I hate Max, he is an annoying little know-it-all who has to tell you when a pokemon spits water out of its mouth that its using a water attack.I also hate Ash, he almost never loses anything important and has been on for five or four seasons.Also, he has had his pikachu forever and still has not evolved it!I hate Tracey to, he waves his hand over the paper and a magnificent picture appears.Proffeser Elm, he is annoying and I just plain hate him.Harley, he is always cheating and tring to trick May in contests,and he always walks gay. Last person, the guy in the contests that always says either "remarkable" or "not very remarkable" in a gay voice. Plus, I hate when they do voice spin offs, its confusing.