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Least favourite Pokemon of each generation

1- Paras : it gives me chills
2- Tyrogue : I just don't like
3- Pluse & Minun : Bruh just pichu blue and red lol wtf
5- PATRAT, also timbur and tympole, palpitoad, scraggy, scrafty, cinccino,gothita, dousion, reiniclus, ducklet, Landorus, Tornadus and Tundurus....man
I definitely still hate a lot of gen 5 designs
6- Quilladin, It's a disappointment
7- Rowlet.. overrated
8- Skwovet and Greedent ...Those things seem to promote a cereal or something


Kaleido Star FOREVER in my heart <3
gen 1: graveler

gen 2: skiploom

gen 3: volbeat

gen 4: wormadam

gen 5: gothitelle

gen 6: furfrou

gen 7: celesteela

gen 8: stonjourner
I had to google Skiploom hehe


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
1. Voltorb and Electrode
2. Wobbuffett and Smeargle
3. Volbeat, Illumise, Gulpin and Swalot
4. Bonsly and Mime Jr.
5. Watchog, Emolga, Sawk, Throh and Hydreigon
6. Malamar
7. Araquanid
8. Galarian Meowth and Perserker


Well-Known Member
Gen 1: Jynx
Gen 2: Chikorita
Gen 3: Volbeat/Illumuise
Gen 4: Purugly
Gen 5: Gothorita
Gen 6: Aromatisse
Gen 7: Bruxish
Gen 8: Cinderace


I Crush Everything
There are very few pokémon I actively dislike, so most of these are the ones I happen to like less than most others in the gen.

1) Flareon. Mostly I'm more sympathetic towards unpopular pokémon, but I find it very hard to give sympathy to this thing, which is the most uninspired design in an overrated line. Gen 1 had quite a few duds in terms of evolutions, and this palette swap of eevee with a tuft of hair attached is definitely one of them.
2) Umbreon. I don't think there's any gen 2 pokémon I generally dislike, but there is a handful of them which fall to the wayside for me, and picking one which does so the most is pretty hard. Umbreon's the one pokémon I come closest to having beef with in gen 2, though it's not really umbreon per se so much as some of its fans rubbing me the wrong way.
3) Swalot or salamence. Again, a hard choice, as there's nothing in gen 3 I actively dislike, but swalot probably displays the greatest degree of falling to the wayside, being basically muk with a noodle mustache, and not even building much on gulpin's concept, and salamence doesn't seem to have much more to it than one-upping dragonite by being a "real" dragon and probably contributing a lot to the flack dragonite gets, which only gives dragonite underdog points with me, and puts salamence in a pretty unfavourable jerk-jock kind of light.
4) Lumineon. Again, most of gen 4's pokémon I'm ambivalent towards at worst. Lumineon is probably best described as epitomizing the struggles fish pokémon have in terms of being forgettable. Overshadowed by starters which share its type, usually pretty lackluster in terms of stats, not having much special abilities. Lumineon's even stuck being the super overdone-for-water-types blue while most of the other fish get warm colours. And it loses its tetra-style stripe finneon has, though then again, resembling one of the most generic aquarium fish probably wouldn't do it much good.
5) Gigalith. This whole line is just kind of ehh to me. I guess it's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way in that it sits right on the line between an animated inanimate thing and an actual creature, especially in the transition between its forms. Like, sure geodude's line is kind of like that too, but at least there the whole line definitively has a face rather than starting as some walking stone ear, then the line seemingly not making up its mind whether those vaguely face-like features are ears or eyes or eyes inside ears? I guess I just have a bit of trouble making head or tail of this line, and that bugs me.
6) Scatterbug. There really isn't anything from gen 6 I actively dislike, but I've always found scatterbug pretty dull, though maybe that's just because of how long for a Bulbapedia editor to actually write anything on its page about the inspiration behind it. Still, it's literally left in the dust by any other caterpillar pokémon in terms of appeal, and the fact that its line is the only bug type line in all of gen 6 is really disappointing, especially considering it's yet another lepidopteran line, just like the first ever bug-type line.
7) Zeraora. Gen 7 is first gen I had trouble choosing a favourite from when the poll was being taken a few years back, but strangely enough, it's seeming equally hard for me to choose a least favourite. I went with zeraora because I just about always forget it when thinking of gen 7 legendaries, or gen 7 pokémon in general. It doesn't even seem to have a legend attached to it. Heatran at least is memorably useful in battle, this thing, as far as I know, is overshadowed by raikou in terms of both appeal as a legend and appeal as a useful pokémon in battle.
8) Orbeetle. I mainly hold a grudge against orbeetle for wasting a new type combo on a pokémon based on an already-used animal. Yes, it's one which kind of fits with the region, and yes the original ladybird pokémon was extremely bland, but still, why go for another ladybird when there still isn't a termite pokémon, and a psychic-type oracle termite pokémon was absolutely begging to be made (look it up, termite mounds have been used in divination in real life)? Orbeetle's probably fine completely disregarding the context, but given the situation surrounding its being made, it along with scatterbug kind of exemplify symptoms of the bug type getting worse treatment than it deserves from the developers, just in terms of putting thought into inspired designs for the pokémon.


Half a centaur
Gen 1. Raticate. Ugly rat.

Gen 2. Piloswine. What even is it?

Gen 3. Lombre. Definitely got the short end of the stick compared to the rest of the evolution line.

Gen 4. Kricketot. Bide, poor exp, not even cute, lame.

Gen 5. Tympole. That creepy human-like face.

Gen 6. Diggersby. Dirty old man rabbit needs a shave and a shower.

Gen 7. Gumshoos. Ugly weasel thing made worse with evolution.

Gen 8. Greedent. Fat old man squirrel needs to shave and go on a diet.

The hardest ones were Gen 2 and 4, they don't really have any Pokemon that stand out as "I really don't like you." I had to reach for Piloswine and Kricketot was more for the early game Bide torture.


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
Gen 5. Tympole. That creepy human-like face.

Gen 8. Greedent. Fat old man squirrel needs to shave and go on a diet.
I always thought Tympole looked a bit like Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm not saying that's a good thing.

Greedent is okay for Peter Griffin and/or Big Chungus memes, that's about it.


Kaleido Star FOREVER in my heart <3
Gen 1. Raticate. Ugly rat.

Gen 2. Piloswine. What even is it?

Gen 3. Lombre. Definitely got the short end of the stick compared to the rest of the evolution line.

Gen 4. Kricketot. Bide, poor exp, not even cute, lame.

Gen 5. Tympole. That creepy human-like face.

Gen 6. Diggersby. Dirty old man rabbit needs a shave and a shower.

Gen 7. Gumshoos. Ugly weasel thing made worse with evolution.

Gen 8. Greedent. Fat old man squirrel needs to shave and go on a diet.

The hardest ones were Gen 2 and 4, they don't really have any Pokemon that stand out as "I really don't like you." I had to reach for Piloswine and Kricketot was more for the early game Bide torture.
Fully agree on Greedent , Gumshoos , Diggeresby...
Ruined their first forms..
There aren't really any pokémon I downright hate, but I'll try to make a list of the ones I dislike the most.

Gen 1: Pikachu. For the most obvious reason that it's the series mascot and is freaking everywhere. Design-wise there's nothing bad with it, but it has a bajillion different formes and Raichu is just so much better.

Gen 2: Sunflora. It's the most generic looking pokemon ever. It's just a sunflower with a stupid face, there's sunflowers with faces in basically any media at least somewhat targeted towards a young audience. It has no gimmicks, no mega or regional formes, it's just a generic plant with a face and way too difficult to obtain in the original Johto games.

Gen 3: Probably my favorite gen, but I'll say Hariyama. I never liked it and its face always creeped me out. I still don't get where its mouth is, is that thing below its face actually its chest or some weird chin flap?

Gen 4: Ambipom. One of the most hideous pokemon in existence. Yeah, Aipom could really use an evolution, just not this evolution.

Gen 5: Probably my least favorite gen. There's quite a few pokemon that don't appeal to me, but I'll say Alomomola takes the cake. I'm not fond of the design and it seems completely pointless. It's just one of those fillermon gen 5 seems to have a lot of.

Gen 6: Chesnaught. Never been that disappointed with the reveal of a final evolution of a starter. Before gen 6 was released I settled on picking Chespin as my starter, quickly changed my mind when Chesnaught was leaked.

Gen 7: Bruxish. Why is this fish wearing makeup? Why does it have thick, human like lips? Why does it have that look on its face? The world may never know.

Gen 8: Greedent. It doesn't really feel like a pokemon. It looks like it'd belong more in a disney movie as a regular fat squirrel than being an actual pokemon.


Informed Casual
A lot of my picks are personal and have to do with wrestling with both my Christian faith and enjoyment of this franchise and where the two intersect. There's a fair chance I'm taking this way too seriously, but everyone's going to bring their baggage into analysis and that's what makes it interesting.

Gen 1: This was actually a really tough one for me, which makes me sound totally nostalgic or like a Genwunner. But the first batch of Pokemon are just that solid and iconic. If I had to pick one, I'd say probably Kadabra because of the whole Psychic issues, but even then it never really bothered me like I expected it to. Honorable mentions include Drowzee and Hypno - they're a little redundant and hypnosis is a complicated subject for me.

Gen 2: Another really tough one. You can tell that a lot of the Gen 2 Pokemon were designed around the same time as their predecessors because the two put together really feel like a unified whole. This is still probably my favorite generation primarily because I love these designs, but I'll go with Sunflora because in my opinion, Bellossom did it better.

Gen 3: This is where the series begins to diverge for me. I actually think the biggest issue I have is with the official art style change because I loved the watercolor palette of the early Sugimori art so much. Yet here is where the designs start to get both simpler and more complicated, if that's even possible. We'll address the change even further in Gen 5. But for now, the mons I take issue with are Combusken, Nuzleaf, Glalie and Exploud. Slaking is another honorable mention.

In spite of my whining, though, the Hoenn games did introduce me to some of my favorites in the franchise. The Ralts line functionally replaced the Abra and Jynx line for me (possibly out of necessity on TPC's part due to the lawsuits and controversy), and I couldn't be happier.

Gen 4: To this day I still haven't played a Sinnoh game. This gen came around the peak of my confusion with the series; I was never exposed to the "Satanic Panic" when the franchise first came out, but had to work it out around this time. Between that, compounded with my dad's passing and DPPt's storyline essentially revolving around "gods and creation myths", I had to step back for a time and observe from afar. The Johto remakes pulled me back in because the originals were the peak for me and God was helping me figure things out. Ironically, I really like a lot of the Pokemon from this gen though because they added on to the classics in meaningful ways. The box legendaries were total duds, though. Dialga is passable, but Palkia really didn't click for me. Giratina's an honorable mention, but it's better explained with a couple of different Pokemon in future generations.

Gen 5: A soft reboot of the franchise brought us a whole lot of new Pokemon, many of them filling eerily similar roles to Gen 1 classics. The art style change gets to me once again here. I've seen a lot of people say the designs are actually more streamlined, using more simple shapes as opposed to the more natural details of Gen 1 and 2. There was a meme going around comparing Vulpix and Zorua that explains this well. But to me, the gen 5 Pokemon always felt more unnecessarily complex and that's why I didn't care as much for this bunch. This is best exemplified, for me personally, in the Pidove line. Compare this generation's regional bird line to any other and it looks the most like a non-Pokemon animal, and it just doesn't work for me. Even with gender differences, it's just not working for me.

Yet with all that, the Pidove line still only takes the place of honorable mention. My real least favorite in Gen 5, and in fact the whole franchise, has to be Patrat. Those freakin' eyes...just, eww. I can think of only two Pokemon whose designs actually gross me out - Palkia which I mentioned in gen 4 and then this guy. I don't know why Watchog isn't as bad - maybe because I'm distracted by the reflective vest? But yeah, Patrat is a Pokemon that I just stay away from at all costs. And thankfully it's completely unnecessary because the Lillipup line is available at the exact same point in the games.

Gen 6: Fairies! Yay! I'm a big fan of the new type and the extra layer of balance it brought to my favorite game of chess with fuzzy animals. The Flabebe line was the perfect representative for the new typing, and Swirlix, Slurpuff and Spritzee provided excellent alternatives along with the retcons. You might think with the obvious omission that I'm going to go after Aromatisse here, but I've actually warmed up to it. There was certainly disappointment after learning about Spritzee's origins and the potential a plague doctor Pokemon could bring, but I think it was more the shock of what we didn't get as opposed to what we actually did that soured so many to the perfume Pokemon. The real offender for me from the Kalos bunch is actually the Honedge line, and it's not the overall design that bugs me but rather a piece of its ornamentation.

I blame Pokememes for this. When Honedge was first revealed I thought the concept was really cool, but someone had to point out that in its official artwork on the hilt, there's a series of swirls that looks eerily similar to a group of three sixes. Kind of ironic that I'd be writing this only a day after Lil Nas X decided to grace the world with Satan shoes, huh? It carries over to the rest of the line, Doublade simply being two Honedges with pink eye and Aegislash having the design right in the center of its shield. I've been told it's unintentional or has another meaning, and I'd love to be proven wrong. In terms of both design and game mechanics, it's one of the coolest and most effective Pokemon to use. But I just can't shake it. You would think after all the insanity when Pokemania was in full swing, the Pokemon company would try to avoid giving its detractors ammunition like this, but here we are and it pains me.

Gen 7: My second favorite generation after Gen 2. I honestly can't find a dud in the bunch. The new Pokemon are almost entirely slam dunks for me, taking inspiration primarily from the animal kingdom yet adding the perfect touch of whimsy the series is known for. The Ultra Beasts are so different from anything we've had before and are just so bizarre that somehow they work for me. So I'm going to cheat and use an Alolan form as my least favorite this gen. It has to be Alolan Geodude, Graveler and Golem here. Besides the addition of rock eyebrows and a beard for the final form just looking off, I really can't get past their 4x weakness to Ground. Obviously there are plenty of other Pokemon with 4x weaknesses that I don't have a problem with. Heck, the Kantonian forms are fantastic. But it just feels like far too much of a downgrade to me.

Gen 8: Another good batch. I have very little bad to say about the Pokemon of this generation. There are a few that fail to stand out, like Indeedee and Pincurchin, but even then I don't have feelings about them one way or the other. The real duds of this gen would have to be Skwovet and Greedent, which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. A lot of people have no love for these two mainly because they just look like regular squirrels. We technically already had that in Sentret and Furret and they were much more stylized and worked better as a result. My personal issue with them, though, is similar to that with Patrat because they are essentially unnecessary. They didn't need to exist because we had an early route Normal type in Wooloo that was just fine. Another honorable mention is Runerigus; it's a similar situation to Aegislash but more subtle - check its weight in kg.

I liked providing a lot of details because I think it was more insightful this way. Now you know a little bit more about me, what makes me tick, and what ticks me off ;)
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Scatterbug. There really isn't anything from gen 6 I actively dislike, but I've always found scatterbug pretty dull, though maybe that's just because of how long for a Bulbapedia editor to actually write anything on its page about the inspiration behind it. Still, it's literally left in the dust by any other caterpillar pokémon in terms of appeal, and the fact that its line is the only bug type line in all of gen 6 is really disappointing, especially considering it's yet another lepidopteran line, just like the first ever bug-type line.
Scatterbug and his entire line seems to pay tribute to pixels, which ended in Gen V
Maybe that's why Vivillion has red and blue in the center, referencing the early games

Scatterbug represents a pixel (that's why it has those little black squares), Spewpa represents the canvas, And now the pixels have different colors, it also seems to represent the "drawing" process.

Vivillion, Represents the finished drawing

Divine Retribution

Every 10 years, a great man. Who pays the bill?
Gen 1: Zubat due to how annoyingly common it is in almost every cave in almost every game. Tentacool is a close second but I've had some decent success with Tentacruel that warmed me up to its evolution line.

Gen 2: Sentret. Definitely my least favorite of the regional rodents. It doesn't even have a good design in my opinion.

Gen 3: Snorunt. It took me ages to figure out how to actually find this thing in R/S/E, and once I did find and evolve it, its stats were extremely disappointing. I figured that, because other Pokemon who were hidden away in obscure areas like Bagon had very powerful evolutions, and Glalie was used by a member of the Elite Four, it would have pretty good stats. Turns out, nope, its stats are awful.

Gen 4: Not going to lie, there's a lot of Pokemon in Gen 4 I don't really like. Probably the ones I dislike the most are the Combee line. I don't like their designs, their stats suck, their typing sucks, only females being able to evolve is sort of annoying, and I never loved the honey tree mechanics much in the first place.

Gen 5: Pidove. While Sentret is my least favorite regional rodent, Pidove is my least favorite regional bird.

Gen 6: Diggersby. I hate this thing's design, although it's really the only Pokemon from Gen 6 that I dislike.

Gen 7: Toxapex. Quite possibly the single most annoying Pokemon to be added to the game in a very long time. I'm guilty of using it myself sometimes but it's not a fun Pokemon to use, nor is it a fun Pokemon to play against. It's also the one Pokemon that showed me how fundamentally broken Regenerator is as an ability.

Gen 8: There really isn't any particular Gen 8 Pokemon that I strongly dislike. I guess I'd go with Frosmoth due to how underwhelming its stats are. Given its simularities in design to Volcarona, I was expecting it to live up to its moth predecessor's legacy, but it just doesn't hold a candle to Volcarona. Even then though, it's not that I dislike it, it's just that I'm a bit disappointed in what its stats ended up being.


Informed Casual
Gen 6: Diggersby. I hate this thing's design, although it's really the only Pokemon from Gen 6 that I dislike.
I forgot about Diggersby lol. The only thing it’s good for is a Big Chungus joke.


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
Gen 1: Zubat due to how annoyingly common it is in almost every cave in almost every game. Tentacool is a close second but I've had some decent success with Tentacruel that warmed me up to its evolution line.

Gen 8: There really isn't any particular Gen 8 Pokemon that I strongly dislike. I guess I'd go with Frosmoth due to how underwhelming its stats are. Given its simularities in design to Volcarona, I was expecting it to live up to its moth predecessor's legacy, but it just doesn't hold a candle to Volcarona. Even then though, it's not that I dislike it, it's just that I'm a bit disappointed in what its stats ended up being.
I've never really felt any hatred towards Zubat, and it doesn't even annoy me that much when I encounter one in a cave. I'd say this is partly to do with me having Zubat/Golbat/Crobat on my team in a successful Heart Gold playthrough I did, it took a while for Zubat to get going because of how weak Leech Life was back then, but once it learned Bite and Wing Attack it became a valued member of the team, to the point where I now consider Crobat one of my favourite Flying-types.

The only real issues I have with Snom/Frosmoth is the evolution requirement (but this was before I realised that Snom can't evolve if you level it up outside of the Wild Area during Sword and Shield's main story) and Snom is available too late in the game for an Ice or Bug-type to be much use anywhere. Again, I used Frosmoth on my most recent Shield/Isle of Armour/Crown Tundra playthrough, and it held its own well enough against the likes of Piers and Marnie. Not a fantastic Pokemon, but also not a weak link either.


Well-Known Member
Gen 1: Voltorb/Electrobe, Nidoking/queen, Rhyhorn, Kangaskan, Snorlax, Diglett/Dugtrio, Dragonite
Gen 2: Noctowl, Unown, Steelix, Girafarig, Stantler
Gen 3: Ludicolo, Slaking, Whimsicur-Exploud, Plusle and Minum, Vollbeat and Illumise
Gen 4: Tangrowth, Lickilicky, Magmortar
Gen 5: Timburr-Cronkeldur, Thro and Sawk, Basculin, Emolga
Gen 6: Barbanacle, Dedenne, Vivillion
Gen 7: Comfey, Drampa, Alolan Diglett/Dugtrio
Gen 8: Coalossal, Chewtle and Drednaw, Eiscue and the horrible fossil abominations(yes, I get the joke, I just don't find it funny)


Live freely
Gen 1: Despite having Kanto as my second least favorite region, I actually like most of the Pokémon. The only Pokémon I outright dislike is Jigglypuff. I’ve always found its gag in the anime annoying and I was relieved they dropped it in AG only for it for to come back in SM. I always thought it was a underwhelming choice in Smash too and would’ve preferred Meowth or Eevee as the secondary unevolved Normal Type to join Pikachu (I know it was added because of its similarities to Kirby). It’s also a weak Pokémon with a disappointing evolution. At least Igglybuff is kind of cute,
Gen 2: Dunsparce. I wil always hate when a Pokémon has a low encounter rate but has abysmal stats. The design isn’t anything special either. It has such a cool inspiration but this was a terrible execution.
Gen 3: Luvdisc. I don’t hate any of Gen 3’s Pokémon but I really don’t care for Luvdisc. Its only niche (Heart Scales) slowly faded out over the years. Doesn’t help that Hoenn is full of good Water Types.
Gen 4: Everything from here until Gen 7 is a hard choice since I really like all of these Pokémon. I guess Mantyke since it really feels like Dex filler. Most of the time you find Mantine on the same route and you have to go out to find a Remoraid to evolve it, I know Baby Pokémon aren’t exactly loved but this feels like the most redundant.
Gen 5: Keldeo. I’m not a fan of the design nor its movie. The worst offender is how minimal its forme change is.
Gen 6: Carbink. I love all of Gen 6 but Carbink is the one I have the least amount of attachment to. I still love it though.
Gen 7: Komala in a similar vain to Carbink.
Gen 8: Cursola. Such a disappointment for a “buff” to Corsola


I Crush Everything
I blame Pokememes for this. When Honedge was first revealed I thought the concept was really cool, but someone had to point out that in its official artwork on the hilt, there's a series of swirls that looks eerily similar to a group of three sixes.

Another honorable mention is Runerigus; it's a similar situation to Aegislash but more subtle - check its weight in kg.
I was a bit surprised that the vague, possibly unintentional inclusions of this number seem to bother you more than the much more conspicuous references to hellhounds in houndoom's design, said pokémon not even getting a dishonourable mention in your post.

Interestingly enough, I actually recall being told in church camp that the Mark of the Beast didn't even look like three sixes in John's original scripture, due to the different numerical system used at the time. I think the speaker's interpretation was that actually the number used Greek letters as digits with the two "peripheral" digits being the same as in the word for "Christ" (Χριστός), while the middle one which stands for "60" is a very serpentine-looking Xi, making the mark of the beast signify a false prophet.

Though then again, I know that Christians don't necessarily have the same interpretation even within sects, so you might very well be in the "there are no accidents, even in translation" camp. And of course you're perfectly allowed to have a least favourite number. I just was a bit interested by this anecdote of hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. And it's probably relevant information that the church I grew up with was one which had much less literal interpretations of the term "satan" and "hell" than some others, so I'm much less inclined than some others might be to bat an eye when seemingly-satanic imagery pops up.

Also, I forgot to mention my least favourite alternate form. I can't think of a regional variant I really dislike, but if megas can be counted, I definitely have to pick Mega Charizard X. It is the one and only pokémon I truly believe has no right to exist, being pure blatant superfluous fanservice. I actually used to like charizard early on, though a few of its fans did rub me the wrong way, and once the developers actually listened to those fans, it was enough to ruin the line for me. I was a tad annoyed when gen 8 decided to, among quite a few things, discontinue mega forms, but the one silver lining was that this piece of pandering incarnate was gone along with the rest of the megas. Though continuing to show charizard favouritism by giving it a free giga form while locking the other starters' behind a paywall barely made it worth it.


Informed Casual
I was a bit surprised that the vague, possibly unintentional inclusions of this number seem to bother you more than the much more conspicuous references to hellhounds in houndoom's design, said pokémon not even getting a dishonourable mention in your post.
It’s kinda weird but Houndour and Houndoom were never an issue for me. Maybe because I thought more of them in the context of Cerberus and Hades than of the biblical concept of hell? I had to look up hellhounds on Wikipedia (totally trustworthy right?) because I don’t recall them being mentioned in Scripture at all. I didn’t see anything about them specifically within the canonized text. (66 books - no apocrypha. Would love to talk interpretation stuff with you but not sure if it’s too much for this thread lol)

I could have made it a little more clear in my Gen 4 section but my dad’s passing in 2006 opened up a whole lot of stuff relating to mental health and faith. It kind of bled over into my analysis of the franchise thanks to all the timing and Gen 4’s themes. I’ve grown a lot since then but there will always be room for further. That’s actually one of the things I love about the Pokémon series and open ended questions like this one.

Somewhere I read that because of the series’ structure, Pokemon has a way of uniting people under a common umbrella while at the same time allowing for individuals to express themselves very freely. The kind of Pokemon a person attaches themselves to can actually tell you quite a bit about who they are sometimes and that really fascinates me. Maybe it’s a big part of why I’ve stuck around all these years.

As for Mega Zard X, I totally see where you’re coming from. I think the sheer ridiculousness of its “blatant superfluous fanservice” made me enjoy it in an almost ironic way. But it definitely makes sense as a turn off too.

Plus I really like Fire/Dragon as a type combo and we don’t see it that often.
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