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Leet Hammer Friends


r u srs?
This comic looks pretty good. A lot better than a lot of the stuff on this forum.

Rock Lobstah? Sounds familiar... :p


r u srs?
It's too bad this comic won't get much attention because it doesn't have pokemon in it (or at least not that much).


Heart & Soul...
HaHaHa!!!! But there is no neverending snow and only newfies say EH. Funny, still!!!!

Ark Kuvis

I'm Canadian myself. I desided to have the whole "Steriotypical" Canada going on.

Don't even get me started on Steriotypical Newfoundland....


used Metronome!
Immediately I thought "Davis PKMN Master" when I read the first comic... So it must be you, evading your ban... Well, anyways. Hello! This is better than your previous efforts... And as I'm reading I had a chuckle at the bear "pussiness" joke... It was so random... his sadness was right on. "Necessarily." Thanks for making a reference to me in #15... and to the Murderous Pidgeot in #16... I feel famous. It's not bad... It's certainly better than a lot of stuff here, but it's still relatively average. I'm not fond of the randomness... but I guess it's your "style."

Ark Kuvis

Immediately I thought "Davis PKMN Master" when I read the first comic... So it must be you, evading your ban... Well, anyways. Hello! This is better than your previous efforts... And as I'm reading I had a chuckle at the bear "pussiness" joke... It was so random... his sadness was right on. "Necessarily." Thanks for making a reference to me in #15... and to the Murderous Pidgeot in #16... I feel famous. It's not bad... It's certainly better than a lot of stuff here, but it's still relatively average. I'm not fond of the randomness... but I guess it's your "style."

Actually, the Space Pirate is refering to Doug, being a boomerang bro and...his blue shell...it may look like he's refering to you (actually, sponge thought that too), but it's a simple mishap.

and I'm glad Nixx is here. Awesome comic maker, awesome dude in general. Needs more love, peeps.


Heart & Soul...
god, just read them again! so funny! Are you making more 'o these, Ark Kuvis? Like the steven harper jokes. "go north, young koopas, Go North"! XD
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