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Legal Online Viewing

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Before anyone bites my head off, this is completely legal.
[Link Removed]

You can watch series one and nine only at the moment. But it will probably be updated as time goes by.

Have a look, if the people in charge here don't like it you can close this thread etc.
I don't mind.

I just thought some people would like to give it a try.
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You know, your thread was closed for a reason.

If you created this account for the sole purpose of advertising this site, then shame on you.


Well-Known Member
To his credit the site is good and helpful for helpful who can't watch the videos legally,it's possible the site will get shut down.


The three threads he created were posted AT THE SAME TIME and is WORDED THE SAME, most likely all of his threads were the result of accidental triple posting because of the forum speed, not his lust for advertisement. --;;

Also, that site links to full episodes on YouTube and hosts episode with a big "Encoded by..." watermark. It's NOT legal.
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Dull Manga Avatar
Sorry, but this is no more legal than any of the other ways of watching the episodes online which you aren't allowed to discuss on Serebii.net.
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