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legenardy befreinding questions,jirachi/celebi


Well-Known Member
if you go all the way through wish cave , and you dotn have the wish stone in your possesion , will jirachi join you?

and does celeby come with its friend area?

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
If you'd rather make a wish than recruit Jirachi, you can choose from:

  • Lots of money (all the Poké in Wish Cave)
  • Lots of items (all the items in Wish Cave)
  • A Friend Area (one you don't have yet)
  • More strength (an item that will raise your stats)
  • Or something good (either you'll get a new teammate, or your rescue rank will increase)


Well-Known Member
oh thank you guys, and i have one more questrion about buried relic, i beat rayquaza a long time ago and i still havent gotten anything about it