RaZoR LeAf
Night Terror
As I said in the last topic, I went back and read some of the earlier chapters again and was a little disturbed by how badly they fitted into the continuity I had going on at the point I was up to. The characters weren't deep enough, and the history wasn't right. So I have decided to go back and change them. Hence the 'Re-Mastered' in the topic title.
I hope all my regular readers stick with me while I trudge back through chapters they've all read before. Hopefully the thing I have changed and added will make this a new experience for you anyway. Also, any new readers that start here, please, stick with this version and you'll not go wrong. If you're really desperate, you can read the old chapters, but you'll only get confused if you flit between one and t'other.
Want to read the chapters without the reveiws?
Chapter 1: Lost in the Shadows
Chapter 2: The Sacred Trinity
Chapter 3: Facing Demons
Chapter 4: Mistaken Identities
Chapter 5: Herald of Fire
Chapter 6: Village in the Mist
Chapter 7: Labyrinth of Illusions [1][2]
Anyway, before each new chapter, I'm going to put the changes made in Spoiler Tags, so anyone who's read the old ones can see what's been changed, but people who haven't, wont get the chapter ruined for them. Enjoy.
Golden light poured in through the narrow window, illuminating the wooden room. A single beam hit the edge of a small green jewel, and in an instant, it was refracted at all angles, lighting up the small round spaces with a variety of green spotlights. As the light became hidden behind moving clouds, the green spotlights faded in and out of existence. Beneath the array a sleeper tossed and turned uncomfortably. The sound of a cockerel crowing accompanied the light, and the sleeper breathed a heavy sigh. From under the cotton sheets an arm reached out and felt around for something. It's fingers ran along the floor until they reached a pile of green cloth. Bunched up in the fist, the clothes were dragged under the sheet.
Pulling the green tunic over his head, the boy realised his hair was jutting out at random spots, and it wouldn't stay flat, no matter how much he tried. Giving up on best appearances, he grabbed a cloth hat, and shoved it into a pocket. Trying one last time to flatten his hair, he stepped out of his small room and promptly dropped three feet to the ground.
"I have to fix that step." he grumbled, rolling onto his side and sitting back. He blew a strand of wayward hair out of his face and saw the smiling face of a young girl standing opposite him. She was the same height as he was, while he was sat down. Brilliant green eyes stared at him, framed with equally brilliant green locks of perfect hair.
"You always say that, but you never do." she said. Her voice was sweet, child like, but with an air of sophistication and knowledge. "Good Morning Link."
Link pulled forward onto his knees and smiled.
"Morning Saria."
Link was in Kokiri Village. The Kokiri weren't awake yet, but they would be soon. None of them knew he was here, except for Saria, for it was thanks to her that he arrived undetected and managed to evade the others. Of course, he knew the forest like most people know the backs of their own hands, he had been raised here for much of his childhood. Events had conspired against him, and he had been forced to leave. For seven long years he had roamed the world, looking for adventure, for peace, and for a lost friend. Now, it was time for him to come home. Today was exactly seven years since he went away, and he had a dinner date to keep. Rather than staying in Hyrule Town, he'd opted for somewhere quieter, and out of the way. What better place than in the forest where he grew up.
"I know you want to leave immediately Link, but before you do, the Great Deku Tree wants to speak with you." Saria said, she motioned to a pathway through some narrow trees, where, a large canopy of branches stood out over the entire surrounding forest.
"I see. Then I'll speak with him first. I can grab my stuff when i come back, but after that, I can't stay any longer." Part of Link was eager to leave the forest, but there was an equal urge to stay. In his heart, he knew this was impossible. He reached into his tunic and found his hand come into contact with the cold, smooth surface of an instrument. An Ocarina he had been given by Saria when he first left the forest. Just knowing it was there made him smile, it was his guarantee that he would never be apart from her.
"Link I.." Saria started. Link turned to her and smiled. She gave a gentle sigh and smiled back innocently. "Don't worry, I'll talk to you again soon."
Link started off down the narrow path. He peered into the small windows of the huts that lay nearby, the child like Kokiri still asleep. He remembered the last time he walked this path. Chronologically, it had been to speak to the Great Deku Tree when he first met Navi. Link stopped for a moment and clenched his eyes shut. The thought of Navi made his heart ache, but he knew that where ever she was, she was safe. Safer than she would have been with him. He continued on, retracing his trail of thoughts.
The last time he walked this path, it was overgrown and filled with monsters, but what lay in the clearing was always the same. A massive tree, as wide as a castle tower, with grey brown bark hanging of it. This tree was long dead. Seven years long dead, poisoned by darkness. But while the body wasted away, the soul lived on. At the base of the tree was a small sapling. Almost the same height as Link, but as narrow as a flower stem, it sprouted out of a large bulb that sat half buried in the earth. Link bowed his head honourably before sitting cross legged before the bulb.
The soft bark beginning to form creased and contorted, shaping itself into a small face. Two black beady eyes opened, blinked a few times and settled their sights on Link. The bulb smiled.
"Good day to you Link. I trust you slept well?"
"I did thank you. Saria said you wished to speak with me?"
The bulb chuckled, and a gentle breeze blew across the lush green grass in the clearing. "Always to the point, I've always admired that in you son."
Link couldn't help but smile. This small tree, calling him Son. It made sense of course, the treeling had grown from a seed, a seed which had been born from the Great Deku Tree before he died. In essence, this newly growing tree was the Great Deku Tree, possessing all the memories and knowledge of his 'father'.
"You have a meeting today, at the castle. I hadn't forgotten. I've been waiting for this day to come for seven years. I have something to give you. Something that belongs to you."
From the thick branches of the old Deku Tree descended a long green vine. It was wrapped around a hard shell, but clearly held something inside judging from the delicacy it showed when placing it on the the floor beside Link. Link unwrapped the wine and let it ascended back into the canopy, while he set the large nut on his lap. He put both hands around the rim and pried it open.
"When you were brought into the forest as a baby, you were alone. Your mother had passed away before we could help her. When we took you into the forest to protect you, there was something else in the bundle you were wrapped in."
Link opened the nut and found inside a cornucopian shaped horn. At the tapered end, the edges of the horn had been smoothed over to allow a person to use it as a mouth piece.
"Neither my father or I know it's use, and I feel that it will not help you. It's use will reveal itself to you, only when you require it."
Link stared long and hard at the horn, before hanging it on his belt. Behind him, a cockerel crowed a second time, signifying that his time was almost up.
"I have to go now. Great Deku Tree. Thank You, for your hospitality, and.. for this gift."
"Good luck on your journey Link, and good graces to you and the Princess Zelda."
Link nodded, and left. He made a quickened pace back to his small house, the house he was told had been left alone, despite one certain Kokiri wanting it cut down. Inside he grabbed his remaining equipment. The last seven years had taken it's toll on his wide arsenal of weaponry and equipment. Gone was his Boomerang and Slingshot, his childhood weaponry replaced when it was no longer useful. His Bow wasn't in the best of conditions and his shield was scuffed and partially misshaped.
The rarer items he had placed in the care of numerous people when he left Hyrule. The Megaton Hammer, the Lens of Truth, the Mirror Shield, each had been given to respective Sages who would protect them. He still held with him, three precious artefacts, that had never left his side. Hanging around his neck were three jewels. The Kokiri Emerald, the Goron Ruby and the Zora Sapphire. The noise of rustling nearby alerted Link to the presence of others. The Kokiri were waking up. Quickly he gathered his things, and make a dash for the huge hollowed out log that marked the entrance to the sanctuary.
"Good bye Link. You know how to contact me if you need anything." Saria said. She had appeared silently beside Link. he nodded, paused for a second before dropping to his knees and hugging her tight. At first she resisted, but quickly folded her arms around the older boy's head and squeezed back. "Now go, hurry."
Link stood and walked out of the log. The canopy above instantly changed. The lush early morning sun faded away and was replaced by gloom and a thick roof of leaves and branches. He looked back over his shoulder, at the gateway he had stepped through, to find it was no longer visible. Just more forest, as far as the eye could see. He was in the Lost Woods. Had he been any normal person, he would never escape, but Link knew his way. He set off for the exit, the exit that would take him into Hyrule Field, and then, to the castle beyond.
Each step along the dusty ground was joined with the snapping of dried branches. The noise made was intentional. Not on Link's part, but for the forest itself. The noise of travellers had an effect on the mysterious woodland. It's magic strengthened, and it's siren song drew the curious deeper into it's inescapable reaches. Link knew of these dangers, and in order to counter them, reached inside his pocket for the small wooden Ocarina. Though it was a child's instrument, he could still play it without mistake. Putting the object to his lips he began to play a gentle song. It was not one of the magical tunes he had learnt on his journeys, but rather a regular song that he had been taught in an Inn one stormy night. It was called 'The Ballad of the Windfish', a tale of an island that's entire existence was nothing more than a dream conjured by a sleeping deity. The tale centred on the life of a young girl called Marin, who wished that she would be free of the island. Some versions of the story say that when the Windfish awoke, the island was washed away, leaving only a lone seagull flying over the spot in once inhabited.
The song filled the forest, and gradually, the lure failed to penetrate the notes flowing from the Ocarina. The forest seemed to sag under it's own failure, and sunlight began to creep through breaks in the canopy. Link looked up, there was a darkened path ahead, one so dark and gloomy only death could await those who would dare to walk it. A cunning trick on the forests part, for the most evil of paths is the only way out. He took barely a step into the shadows before he had passed through the membrane of the forest's aura. The sun was upon him, and he was at the edge of Hyrule field. In the distance, Hyrule Castle stood nestled between the hills of the desert and Death Mountain. Returning the Ocarina, he began a walk along the old dirt path that circled the field.
The lush green grass fluttered gently under the soft breeze, while the constant trickle of running water only served to enhance the idyllic feeling of the landscape. There has been a time where this field was a barren place. The rivers all but dried up, the grass burnt and poisoned, and ghost like beings roamed it's dark corners. But that place no longer existed, nor would it ever, thanks to Link's intervention. Kneeling beside the river bed, Link took a handful of water to his mouth to drink. He scooped up several more cups, splashing them over his face, and flattening down his hair. The sound of footsteps behind him moved his hand instinctively to his sword, but he moved away, realising who the steps belonged to.
"Good morning to you too, Epona."
The brown horse nuzzled her head against Link's shoulder, and began to drink the flowing water herself. Link stood and ran a hand down the horse's mane and back, brushing brambles and bits of grass from the mare's body. Before he had left Hyrule, Link had gathered together all the money he had and spent it on one thing. A young colt at the local ranch. While she wasn't much at such a young age, Link knew that one day, she would be the fastest horse in the lands. Link had been right, and Epona had become his most loyal companion. She scraped her feet on the ground and whinnied, pushing Link as he picked thorns and nettles out of her feet.
"Ok, Ok, I wont do that anymore. You good to go old girl?" Link patted her on the side. The horse bowed it's head forward in a mock imitation of a nod. "Ok then. You remember where Hyrule Castle is right?"
Epona scoffed and began to trot away from the river. It had been some time since they ran through Hyrule field, and neither wanted to waste it.
"Lets go the long way round. For old time's sake."
Saria sat with her legs folded beneath her, as she tended to the young Deku Sprout. Gently moving the soil around the bulb she ran her hand over it's stem, taking cups of water from a bowl and spreading it through the dirt. A breeze rushed through the canopy again, and the sprout sighed.
"I wanted to tell him." Saria said, there was sadness in her voice. "I tried so hard not to let it slip. I almost did. Great Deku Tree, I'm worried for him."
"Do not worry child. Link has matured more than ever over these past seven years. The war is long over, and the people of Hyrule are recovering. They all know Link's face, their hope and faith will give him the strength he needs to survive what is to come."
"You've felt it though, haven't you?"
"Of course. I feel all things through the earth beneath us. The shadows that hide their true intentions, the lingering chill on a night's breath. The emptiness. Tell me, are the other Sages any closer to finding the prophecy?"
Saria closed her eyes. Beneath her shirt a green light began to glow, and a small medallion appeared to float in the centre of her chest. The medallion glowed with the same light, before finally fading away. She opened her eyes and shook her head.
"Not yet, but Impa knows where to find it."
"Then the Hero is on the right track. The Sage of Shadow will meet him soon, and he will discover what is to be asked of him."
"Link has the Triforce of Courage with him. He will do what must be done."
"I fear that Courage alone will not be enough to fill the void. Only with Wisdom and Power can the darkness be overcome."
"For Hyrule's sake," Saria whispered "I hope you are wrong."
I hope all my regular readers stick with me while I trudge back through chapters they've all read before. Hopefully the thing I have changed and added will make this a new experience for you anyway. Also, any new readers that start here, please, stick with this version and you'll not go wrong. If you're really desperate, you can read the old chapters, but you'll only get confused if you flit between one and t'other.
Chapter List
Want to read the chapters without the reveiws?
Chapter 1: Lost in the Shadows
Chapter 2: The Sacred Trinity
Chapter 3: Facing Demons
Chapter 4: Mistaken Identities
Chapter 5: Herald of Fire
Chapter 6: Village in the Mist
Chapter 7: Labyrinth of Illusions [1][2]
Anyway, before each new chapter, I'm going to put the changes made in Spoiler Tags, so anyone who's read the old ones can see what's been changed, but people who haven't, wont get the chapter ruined for them. Enjoy.
Not much changed in the Prologue thankfully. There's a small addition in Link's Conversation with Saria. The biggest change is the exchange between Saria and the Deku Tree at the end. It's nothing major, but it hints more at what's to come.
Golden light poured in through the narrow window, illuminating the wooden room. A single beam hit the edge of a small green jewel, and in an instant, it was refracted at all angles, lighting up the small round spaces with a variety of green spotlights. As the light became hidden behind moving clouds, the green spotlights faded in and out of existence. Beneath the array a sleeper tossed and turned uncomfortably. The sound of a cockerel crowing accompanied the light, and the sleeper breathed a heavy sigh. From under the cotton sheets an arm reached out and felt around for something. It's fingers ran along the floor until they reached a pile of green cloth. Bunched up in the fist, the clothes were dragged under the sheet.
Pulling the green tunic over his head, the boy realised his hair was jutting out at random spots, and it wouldn't stay flat, no matter how much he tried. Giving up on best appearances, he grabbed a cloth hat, and shoved it into a pocket. Trying one last time to flatten his hair, he stepped out of his small room and promptly dropped three feet to the ground.
"I have to fix that step." he grumbled, rolling onto his side and sitting back. He blew a strand of wayward hair out of his face and saw the smiling face of a young girl standing opposite him. She was the same height as he was, while he was sat down. Brilliant green eyes stared at him, framed with equally brilliant green locks of perfect hair.
"You always say that, but you never do." she said. Her voice was sweet, child like, but with an air of sophistication and knowledge. "Good Morning Link."
Link pulled forward onto his knees and smiled.
"Morning Saria."
Link was in Kokiri Village. The Kokiri weren't awake yet, but they would be soon. None of them knew he was here, except for Saria, for it was thanks to her that he arrived undetected and managed to evade the others. Of course, he knew the forest like most people know the backs of their own hands, he had been raised here for much of his childhood. Events had conspired against him, and he had been forced to leave. For seven long years he had roamed the world, looking for adventure, for peace, and for a lost friend. Now, it was time for him to come home. Today was exactly seven years since he went away, and he had a dinner date to keep. Rather than staying in Hyrule Town, he'd opted for somewhere quieter, and out of the way. What better place than in the forest where he grew up.
"I know you want to leave immediately Link, but before you do, the Great Deku Tree wants to speak with you." Saria said, she motioned to a pathway through some narrow trees, where, a large canopy of branches stood out over the entire surrounding forest.
"I see. Then I'll speak with him first. I can grab my stuff when i come back, but after that, I can't stay any longer." Part of Link was eager to leave the forest, but there was an equal urge to stay. In his heart, he knew this was impossible. He reached into his tunic and found his hand come into contact with the cold, smooth surface of an instrument. An Ocarina he had been given by Saria when he first left the forest. Just knowing it was there made him smile, it was his guarantee that he would never be apart from her.
"Link I.." Saria started. Link turned to her and smiled. She gave a gentle sigh and smiled back innocently. "Don't worry, I'll talk to you again soon."
Link started off down the narrow path. He peered into the small windows of the huts that lay nearby, the child like Kokiri still asleep. He remembered the last time he walked this path. Chronologically, it had been to speak to the Great Deku Tree when he first met Navi. Link stopped for a moment and clenched his eyes shut. The thought of Navi made his heart ache, but he knew that where ever she was, she was safe. Safer than she would have been with him. He continued on, retracing his trail of thoughts.
The last time he walked this path, it was overgrown and filled with monsters, but what lay in the clearing was always the same. A massive tree, as wide as a castle tower, with grey brown bark hanging of it. This tree was long dead. Seven years long dead, poisoned by darkness. But while the body wasted away, the soul lived on. At the base of the tree was a small sapling. Almost the same height as Link, but as narrow as a flower stem, it sprouted out of a large bulb that sat half buried in the earth. Link bowed his head honourably before sitting cross legged before the bulb.
The soft bark beginning to form creased and contorted, shaping itself into a small face. Two black beady eyes opened, blinked a few times and settled their sights on Link. The bulb smiled.
"Good day to you Link. I trust you slept well?"
"I did thank you. Saria said you wished to speak with me?"
The bulb chuckled, and a gentle breeze blew across the lush green grass in the clearing. "Always to the point, I've always admired that in you son."
Link couldn't help but smile. This small tree, calling him Son. It made sense of course, the treeling had grown from a seed, a seed which had been born from the Great Deku Tree before he died. In essence, this newly growing tree was the Great Deku Tree, possessing all the memories and knowledge of his 'father'.
"You have a meeting today, at the castle. I hadn't forgotten. I've been waiting for this day to come for seven years. I have something to give you. Something that belongs to you."
From the thick branches of the old Deku Tree descended a long green vine. It was wrapped around a hard shell, but clearly held something inside judging from the delicacy it showed when placing it on the the floor beside Link. Link unwrapped the wine and let it ascended back into the canopy, while he set the large nut on his lap. He put both hands around the rim and pried it open.
"When you were brought into the forest as a baby, you were alone. Your mother had passed away before we could help her. When we took you into the forest to protect you, there was something else in the bundle you were wrapped in."
Link opened the nut and found inside a cornucopian shaped horn. At the tapered end, the edges of the horn had been smoothed over to allow a person to use it as a mouth piece.
"Neither my father or I know it's use, and I feel that it will not help you. It's use will reveal itself to you, only when you require it."
Link stared long and hard at the horn, before hanging it on his belt. Behind him, a cockerel crowed a second time, signifying that his time was almost up.
"I have to go now. Great Deku Tree. Thank You, for your hospitality, and.. for this gift."
"Good luck on your journey Link, and good graces to you and the Princess Zelda."
Link nodded, and left. He made a quickened pace back to his small house, the house he was told had been left alone, despite one certain Kokiri wanting it cut down. Inside he grabbed his remaining equipment. The last seven years had taken it's toll on his wide arsenal of weaponry and equipment. Gone was his Boomerang and Slingshot, his childhood weaponry replaced when it was no longer useful. His Bow wasn't in the best of conditions and his shield was scuffed and partially misshaped.
The rarer items he had placed in the care of numerous people when he left Hyrule. The Megaton Hammer, the Lens of Truth, the Mirror Shield, each had been given to respective Sages who would protect them. He still held with him, three precious artefacts, that had never left his side. Hanging around his neck were three jewels. The Kokiri Emerald, the Goron Ruby and the Zora Sapphire. The noise of rustling nearby alerted Link to the presence of others. The Kokiri were waking up. Quickly he gathered his things, and make a dash for the huge hollowed out log that marked the entrance to the sanctuary.
"Good bye Link. You know how to contact me if you need anything." Saria said. She had appeared silently beside Link. he nodded, paused for a second before dropping to his knees and hugging her tight. At first she resisted, but quickly folded her arms around the older boy's head and squeezed back. "Now go, hurry."
Link stood and walked out of the log. The canopy above instantly changed. The lush early morning sun faded away and was replaced by gloom and a thick roof of leaves and branches. He looked back over his shoulder, at the gateway he had stepped through, to find it was no longer visible. Just more forest, as far as the eye could see. He was in the Lost Woods. Had he been any normal person, he would never escape, but Link knew his way. He set off for the exit, the exit that would take him into Hyrule Field, and then, to the castle beyond.
Each step along the dusty ground was joined with the snapping of dried branches. The noise made was intentional. Not on Link's part, but for the forest itself. The noise of travellers had an effect on the mysterious woodland. It's magic strengthened, and it's siren song drew the curious deeper into it's inescapable reaches. Link knew of these dangers, and in order to counter them, reached inside his pocket for the small wooden Ocarina. Though it was a child's instrument, he could still play it without mistake. Putting the object to his lips he began to play a gentle song. It was not one of the magical tunes he had learnt on his journeys, but rather a regular song that he had been taught in an Inn one stormy night. It was called 'The Ballad of the Windfish', a tale of an island that's entire existence was nothing more than a dream conjured by a sleeping deity. The tale centred on the life of a young girl called Marin, who wished that she would be free of the island. Some versions of the story say that when the Windfish awoke, the island was washed away, leaving only a lone seagull flying over the spot in once inhabited.
The song filled the forest, and gradually, the lure failed to penetrate the notes flowing from the Ocarina. The forest seemed to sag under it's own failure, and sunlight began to creep through breaks in the canopy. Link looked up, there was a darkened path ahead, one so dark and gloomy only death could await those who would dare to walk it. A cunning trick on the forests part, for the most evil of paths is the only way out. He took barely a step into the shadows before he had passed through the membrane of the forest's aura. The sun was upon him, and he was at the edge of Hyrule field. In the distance, Hyrule Castle stood nestled between the hills of the desert and Death Mountain. Returning the Ocarina, he began a walk along the old dirt path that circled the field.
The lush green grass fluttered gently under the soft breeze, while the constant trickle of running water only served to enhance the idyllic feeling of the landscape. There has been a time where this field was a barren place. The rivers all but dried up, the grass burnt and poisoned, and ghost like beings roamed it's dark corners. But that place no longer existed, nor would it ever, thanks to Link's intervention. Kneeling beside the river bed, Link took a handful of water to his mouth to drink. He scooped up several more cups, splashing them over his face, and flattening down his hair. The sound of footsteps behind him moved his hand instinctively to his sword, but he moved away, realising who the steps belonged to.
"Good morning to you too, Epona."
The brown horse nuzzled her head against Link's shoulder, and began to drink the flowing water herself. Link stood and ran a hand down the horse's mane and back, brushing brambles and bits of grass from the mare's body. Before he had left Hyrule, Link had gathered together all the money he had and spent it on one thing. A young colt at the local ranch. While she wasn't much at such a young age, Link knew that one day, she would be the fastest horse in the lands. Link had been right, and Epona had become his most loyal companion. She scraped her feet on the ground and whinnied, pushing Link as he picked thorns and nettles out of her feet.
"Ok, Ok, I wont do that anymore. You good to go old girl?" Link patted her on the side. The horse bowed it's head forward in a mock imitation of a nod. "Ok then. You remember where Hyrule Castle is right?"
Epona scoffed and began to trot away from the river. It had been some time since they ran through Hyrule field, and neither wanted to waste it.
"Lets go the long way round. For old time's sake."
Saria sat with her legs folded beneath her, as she tended to the young Deku Sprout. Gently moving the soil around the bulb she ran her hand over it's stem, taking cups of water from a bowl and spreading it through the dirt. A breeze rushed through the canopy again, and the sprout sighed.
"I wanted to tell him." Saria said, there was sadness in her voice. "I tried so hard not to let it slip. I almost did. Great Deku Tree, I'm worried for him."
"Do not worry child. Link has matured more than ever over these past seven years. The war is long over, and the people of Hyrule are recovering. They all know Link's face, their hope and faith will give him the strength he needs to survive what is to come."
"You've felt it though, haven't you?"
"Of course. I feel all things through the earth beneath us. The shadows that hide their true intentions, the lingering chill on a night's breath. The emptiness. Tell me, are the other Sages any closer to finding the prophecy?"
Saria closed her eyes. Beneath her shirt a green light began to glow, and a small medallion appeared to float in the centre of her chest. The medallion glowed with the same light, before finally fading away. She opened her eyes and shook her head.
"Not yet, but Impa knows where to find it."
"Then the Hero is on the right track. The Sage of Shadow will meet him soon, and he will discover what is to be asked of him."
"Link has the Triforce of Courage with him. He will do what must be done."
"I fear that Courage alone will not be enough to fill the void. Only with Wisdom and Power can the darkness be overcome."
"For Hyrule's sake," Saria whispered "I hope you are wrong."
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