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Legend of Zelda : Seeds of the Future

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror



When the Hero of Winds took the Master Sword, the weapon of evil's bane, and struck the evil Gerudo king Ganondorf, turning him to stone by slamming the sword firmly into his head, the world was saved from his dark tyrany and peace returned. The King of Hyrule, washed away by the waters sent by the gods on his own wishes left only few parting words.

"I have scattered the seeds of the future"

With Hyrule finally washed away, the above world revelled in peace. The Hero of Winds had since left to explore the seas along with the Princess Zelda, in the form of Tetra, and her Pirate horde. The people above the sea, oblivious to the events which passed beneath the clear blue water continued their lives without worry. But where Hyrule had been permanently sealed away, the dark gate that Ganondorf had one used remained open by the narrowest of margins. Though the dark magic that once flowed from it was severely depleted, an older and more ancient magic began to seep out of it and into the world above.

The Seeds of the Future, spoken of by the King as Hyrule submerged, existed as he said they would. Birthed by the Great Deku Tree himself, six seeds were carried to six uninhabited islands across the ocean. Each seed possessed a magical aura, that once unlocked would create a whole new island, one rich with life that would attract travellers from far and wide, repopulating the Great Ocean with a diversity of people once more. Though the seeds were made for good deeds, they themselves would not be able to tell the difference.

The ancient magic that was slowly surrounding the islands quickly found the seeds and infected them with a demonic presence. With the Hero gone and no way to contact him, the seeds quickly grew out of control, twisting into abnormal monstrosities that soon bore monsters and vile creatures that loosed themselves onto the ocean. The people hid from the monsters as best they could. Some stood, bravely trying to fight them back. Some were successful, and it was these who's courage caught the attentions of the three guardians of the ocean. The Great Deku Tree, the dragon Valoo and the whale Jabun. They each sent messengers to those people, begging them to take on the monsters at their cores. The places were the seeds lay. Only by defeating the darkness could the seeds be properly unlocked and peace returned to the Great Ocean.

Sign Ups

Species: Check out below for some information
Weapon: Weapons are NOT that common in the Great Ocean. So please also explain where you got your weapon from. The more diverse it is the better (swords get boring after a while)

Sample: Your character receives a letter. It is written in a language you cannot translate, but you still feel a strange calling from Windfall Island. You make your way there the best you can. This is a necessary field as it sets your characters up for the start of the RPG (as well as judging your skills)


Oceians (Hylian/Hyrulian/Gerudo)
People with pointed ears aren't all that common on the ocean, but those who have blend in with others without concern. There are some women who look exquisite no matter what the instance.

The bird people who live on Dragon Roost know the many islands of the ocean very well.

It's rare for a Korok to venture out of the Forest Haven.

Very rarely seen, but they are known to sail around selling things.

A small group of Zora have swam across the ocean and set up home near the Angular Isles.

After the Forbidden Forest was made peaceful again, several Deku moved across to the Forest Haven and set up home there. Some even travel further afield to trade.

Others can be discussed.

On a final note, this RPG will be Cel-Shaded :D and my title would have been so much cooler had Image tags worked in this forum. Oh well.

Oh, and if anyone can find a good quality map of the Great Sea and it's islands from Wind Waker, I'd much appreciate it, the only version I have is a hand drawn one from GameFAQs

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Name: Zero

Age: 23

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male

Discription: Taller than most people, Zero seems to be a mixture of all races. He has the slender body of a Zora, thin and tall, but full of muscle. His skin is tanned after his travels across the Great Sea, bronzed forever by the effects of the sun. He has the muscles of a Goron though, even if they are not apprarent when first viewed. His hair is brown and wild because of sea winds that have made him a rather striking figure.

Zero's face is bronzed from the sun, but holds a slight grace about it. His eyes are piercing brown, and look beyond what those see to take in the deductions of the world around him. His head is perfect, as are his teeth. Many times over has his appearance been the object of desire of the women he has met on his travels.

He wears nothing on his head, but has a light shirt colored blue. Above this he wears a light jacket because of the night air out at sea. His pants are baggy and black, and he wears shoes colored sand-brown.

His has a tattoo on his left arm that he was given long ago on an undisclosed island that was uncharted. It is in the shape of a symbol like the Goddess marks intertwined.

Personality: Zero is very calm, and very shy despite his appearance. He is often quiet because he thinks no one cares about him, which is how he likes it. Zero is very honest and noble, and always goes out of his way to help those in need. That is why he travels around in a boat to distant islands with little food.

Zero does however have a temper that can flame quickly if he is insulted too much. He normally only fights when he has to.

Weapon: Zero carries a harpoon gun, which he has learned how to use in combat as well as hunting for fish. It is about three feet high and is carried by a latch on Zero's back where he keeps in when not in use. The harpoon can be fired from the gun, and is attached by a chain twenty feet in length.

Zero also has mild understanding of combat with spears, so he uses the gun as a melee weapon in addition to a gun.

Shield/Armor: Zero's tough hide protects him from most harm physically, though he has little protection against knives and magic other than dodging. Zero's body has zrtic endurance, meaning that he can withstand cold weather longer than most. He doesn't care either for boiling weather.

Equipment: Zero carries a few potion tools, though he only knows a few things about potion making. His harpoon gun is his main weapon, and can even block a sword. He carries books around in his boat for the main purpose of studying about the world and its inhabitants.

History: Zero is from Windfall originally, but because of his parents he was unable to leave before his eighteenth birthday. His parents forced him to study, so he did. Wishing for a scholar for a son, they trained him themselves to be able to work problems, homeschooling him.

Zero wasn't very pleased with the teaching at first, but after a while he learned to like learning. He gained great intelligance, advancing higher and higher. In no time at all he began to even surpass his father in the fields of study, for his father wanted nothing less from his son.

But Zero still yearned for a life at sea, and worked away from his home as a waiter at the local bar to pay to make a boat. There he learned the ways of thieving, and taught himself how to observe far more than he had with just books, becoming a different scholar than the one that his father wanted, a scholar of all traits. He soon learned how to observe the differences between people, using a scientific method of his own design that allowed him to tell apart people by a glace.

He defeated his father in wits, on the day of his eighteenth birthday. It was on that day his parents knew that they could no longer hold him to the island, and gave him an Ocarina like the Hero of Time, with a special spell to help those near death.

Zero thanked them, and sailed away on a small ship colored red and brown and with a dragon figurehead. He journeyed around the ocean, learning about the world. One day, he sailed further from the Great Sea and into an uncharted territory, and made landing on an island.

He does not remember what happened after arriving, but only knows that it was there he was given his tattoo.

Other: Zero's intelligance is vast, but has limits. Even though he can read people's past from a glance, he has little luck about himself. He can't read emotions very well, but can understand body language. He does not have a very practical view of the world, and is ignorant of everything outside the realm of his studies. He does not know a great deal about the Hero of Time for example, though he could site from memory the basic signs of an enemy.


"Take this for three days," said Zero, handing a small vial filled with red potion. "After that you should feel better."

"Thank you sir," a sick boy answered, handing the vial to his mother. He was pale, but Zero recognized the symptoms of the illness from a book of disease he carried with him. Zero patted his head, and smiled at the mother.

"You're both going to be fine," Zero told her, standing up from the bed. The medicine would work and heal the boy. "Take care of yourselves."

"Sir," the woman muttered, looking down at the medicine. "You have helped us in more ways than you can imagine."

Zero nodded, and picked up the harpoon gun he had discarded to take an examination of the child. "Make sure to keep him inside, and in the future, keep him out of the sun when it gets this hot."

With that he left the small hut, and headed down towards his boat. It was a smaller vessel than most, but it was his. He walked down the hill that led up to the hut he had been in, and to the docks where his boat was waiting. Zero's ship had seen many travels over the years, and had a paint job that was beginning to fade. He had to get it checked the next time he made landing on Windfall.

He got into his boat, it was nothing special, just a small one manned schooner with a dragon figurehead. But he loved it, it had been his home for years. He boarded the ship, and set sail.

After pulling away from the island, he took notice of a small piece of paper that was lying on the inside of the boat. Curious, as he had not seen it there before, he lowered himself in and picked it up.

Upon the parchment was a language that Zero could not understand, strange for him as he had made a personal study of language in order to dispatcher codes. He did not know why he could not read the writing, but felt the need to return home, for a reason he could not describe.

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IRC bum
Edit: Woot, done. If'n anything needs changing, it won't be a problem.

Name: Reliana (Rell-ee-ah-nuh)
Age: Twenty-one
Gender: female
Species: Rito

Description: Reliana stands at about five feet-ten inches in height. She retains the typical light creamy hued plumage of the other Rito with the main distinction of the colored bands across her feathers in flight. Instead of the typical brown, they have attained a charcoal hue with a lighter grey for the mid-feathers instead of the usual browns and retain their black tips. Her eyes are auburn-red in hue with her delicately shaped tawny beak between them. Far from offsetting her paler complexion, her hair is of silvery-white with underlyings of copper and amber. Though short, only reaching to a quarter of the way down her back, she keeps it tied back with a rogue shorter patch of about half an inch wide to frame the right side of her face. Reliana's bird-like feet have three toes each along with a small side talon on the inside. To earthbound races, her foot and ankle orientation would be as if they were to walk on the pads of their feet.

Shying away from the classical, more feminine dress, Reliana chooses to adorn herself with a tunic and belt of navy blue with the bottom trimming of a medium grey and a thin band of aquamarine directly above it and a pair of off-white breeches. The material is thick enough to protect against some of the wind chill effects during the cooler days and in flight at higher altitudes than she usually cruises. She likes to cover her forearms with a sapphire blue cloth wrapping rather than leaving them bare.

Personality: Reliana finds the earth bound and aquatic races to be fascinating, having been used to flying. Often she'll watch them and how they perform their tasks without the aid of flight. She can be a bit of a tease about it, but means nothing by it, occasionally helping if she feels up to it. A sense of adventurousness hangs about her since she sees exploring and adventuring as being one of the ultimate challenges. Reliana also enjoys a decent challenge in puzzles and other mechanical workings until they bore her. She enjoys passing time by playing games with those of her own race and with others. Reliana has a very mechanical mind and is one who enjoys toying with anything she can get her hands on, usually to see how it works and its function; however that's usually after she takes whatever it is apart. Thus, it's fairly to sedate her when she's angered - give her a new trinket to toy with and she'll grumble, but not be as mad. Usually it's not easy to get her in a high furor, but when she does, Reliana does lash out with words and sometimes a nearby handy object. It's also one of the few times a new trinket will not amuse her. She does have a tendency to turn serious matters into a "game" but in truth, she doesn't want to dwell on the pessimistic side of things. However, dire occasions she does take seriously and does dwell on the what if's that come with it.

Weapon: Pike - the haft is a touch over five and a half feet in length and made of hardwood with a softwood core. The haft has been treated to resist the elements better than if it were untreated. Leather binds the places where she grips it, but is not adorned elsewhere. The pike head is about another twenty inches of combat length with another six inches where it fits over the haft and fashioned of metal. Shaped like an 'X', the main point is sixteen inches in length that widens a smidge at the five inch mark before returning to its usual width of an inch and a half. Continuing down, nearing the end of its section, it flares out a touch with a slight upturn at the ends. The metal edge is not smooth, but is barbed so that it does more damage being removed than being impaled into something. The final four inches consist of four, inch long backward curving barbs.

Because of its size, it can be wielded while airborne, albeit not in a bludgeoning or slashing manner - instead it is used to cripple a foe. Accuracy and damage dealt when using it in this way is lacking, as it must be grabbed at the far ends to avoid slamming into a foe. However retrieving it, without breaking the haft, after driving it home poses a problem as well as leaving the wielder vulnerable.

The weapon is something passed down the family line beginning with her great-grandfather's service as a guard. Since then, the original haft has been replaced and the pike head reforged to remove the chips. Her mother was the original heir of the weapon but gave it to her husband as a gift, though in reality she felt a male would find better use of it. Reliana would occasionally "borrow" it to practice her hand dexterity.

Shield/Armor: Reliana wears little else armor-wise with the exception of twin leather bracers for around her ankles whilst airborne and a pair for her wrist when grounded.

Equipment: Aside from her weapon and armor, Reliana carries little else besides her old grappling gear, some rations, and her paltry amount of currency in her mail carrying pouch on her belt.

History: Reliana spent much of her time in the mail business when she was deemed old enough to work. In the few years before she got her wings, most of her time was spent sorting the mail and taking it to the various carriers to be delivered. It was something she enjoyed doing for the few rupees she was given, being a young helper, and allowed her more mechanical mind to take hold. Her father awarded her for her tasks with a grappling hook to get her used to being off the ground once she got her wings and she greatly appreciated her new item, if a bit much. A little past her sixteenth birthday, she went up to Valoo to receive her wings. After her first few shaky attempts of flight, she began to get the hang of it. By the time she reached eighteen, she was allowed to join the ranks of the carriers. It afforded her the freedom of the skies and a continuation of her job. Soon after, her father allowed her practice with his pike; however she did end up slapping and tripping herself with it multiple times. Yet he never fully gave it to her, too afraid she'd go off on her own away from home.

Other: While Reliana's weapon can be wielded airborne, she's far from proficient with it - simply gripping it in a fashion to be used as a weapon poses enough of a challenge for her.


Reliana sighed as the cool wind blew across her face. For once her duties as a mail carrier didn't seem so great, not with the crosswind threatening to wrench her from her course. At least she'd be back home at Dragon Roost for a couple days before being sent out again. The grey feathered Rito flew on, watching the dimming skies of dusk and the towering form of her home island.

Touching down on the dirt covered landing pier, she released the magic of her wings, allowing them to return to their humanoid shape. Brushing off her navy tunic, she entered the main cavern with her mail bag at her side. Opening the flap, she brought out various parcels of mail and slowly began to sort them on her walk up to the mail station.

"Good flight Reliana? Thought you would've been back a couple hours ago," a masculine voice laughed ahead of her.

"Would have, Damin, if a crosswind hadn't kicked up," she replied nonchalantly, still arranging the mail. She could tell the larger male was walking beside her by the way his shuffling gait stayed near. It was obvious he wanted to tell her something - normally he just greeted her and left for the evening, only keeping her company if there was something up and about. "Is there something you wanted to say?" she asked, placing the mail down on the desk and turning to face him.

The tan feathered Rito grinned and handed her an envelope addressed to her. "Mail for you it is. Another carrier brought it in before you got here and I told him I'd keep it for you. I mean, you do tend to wander off after work to go tinker with something, so I wanted to be sure you didn't miss it."

Surprised, she took the letter from him and looked at it. None of the inhabitants of the other isles knew her well enough to be sending letters and any other Rito would just come up and tell her. Waving the other worker away, she grabbed a seat behind the wooden counter, not taking her eyes of the strange parcel. Carefully opening the off-white envelope, she removed its contents. Unfolding the letter within, she stared at the strange text before her auburn-red eyes. Something...something was tugging at the back of her mind.

To Windfall Island?

"Interesting, something worth looking into," Reliana chuckled. "To Windfall I guess, as it seems whoever or whatever sent me this is trying to tell me to go in that direction. Better pack the essentials; hopefully Father won't mind my borrowing his pike for a bit..."

Stashing the letter in her bag, she scribbled a hasty note explaining her inkling and to tell her parents not to worry. Leaving the note in the middle of the table, she darted off to her room to get what she needed. Ignoring the glances passed her way, she bounded into her room and immediately began to root about for whatever looked useful. Tossing a few rations into the pouch from her store, she found her old grappling gear given to her those years ago when she couldn't fly. Reliana shrugged and tossed it towards the bag, she may not need it now, but felt it might be useful if she found herself unable to fly.

Quietly finishing, she exited her room and walked up another few floors to where her parents' room lay. Glancing about like a thief, she proceeded in entering and scuttled over to where the pike was kept. Taking a firm grasp of the weapon, she stopped. Her parents' voices drifted up from outside. Dashing to the window, she clambered onto the sill. Sticking one foot out to carefully grip the pike, she reformed her wings and pushed herself clear.
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Power Shot - Just because you have the word Power in your name does not give you the liberty to power play in RPGs. Declined for a number of reasons.

Hakerius - Depends on how old you make your Rito character. If they start off young then flight shouldn't be available, and it can be worked in later. If they are older, then they can start able to fly.

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Could you tell me what is wrong so I may fix my sign up? You were not clear, so I am unsure as to what you were talking about. I'd guess it would be the masks, but could you tell me what needs to be fixed?

Lady Myuu

Damsel mostly Stressed.
A question about the flight thing, how old is old enough for it? I don't want my character very old you see, perhaps 15 or so but I don't know the age they get the flight. I know they get it when they reach 'maturity' but... when would that be exactly?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Power Shot

While there, he also recieved a mysterious power though to have been destroyed centuries ago
Zero has his masks, that allow him to transform into a Deku, Zora, or a Goron.
It has mild healing powers but the greatest power is the Song of Healing, which allows him to save people's lives.
He gained genius intelligance, advancing higher and higher
Sample: Your character receives a letter. It is written in a language you cannot translate, but you still feel a strange calling from Windfall Island. You make your way there the best you can. This is a necessary field as it sets your characters up for the start of the RPG (as well as judging your skills)

Lady Myuu - I'd say about 15/16 as an age. But the game hints that Rito's gain their wings when they mature mentally too, so depending on your personality or state of mind it could be younger or even older. But I'd say about 16 as an average.


I <3 Catgirls
PX, when is this scheduled to start? I wanna know, so I can figure out if I'll be active enough or not. Sorry if this question seems a bit outlandish, maybe.

My home PC is working, but I have had no time to reinstall everything I need, so it's basiclaly still kinda unusable. Classes are ending this week, and finals in the next week. So I was wondering, do I have at least a week before signups close and/or it's too late to join and you're too far into the story?

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
I have altered him and removed his masks. The tattoo's power was merely meant to be able to remove the masks, but know it's just something he picked up. I have also altered his weapon and explained his intelligance.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hey RL, is my Rito's heigh alright? Not sure how high they would be
Name: Jade
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Rito
Description: Jade is about 152cm high with a yellow beak between her green emerald eyes, The back of her wings are a unusual brown colour and her high is black with a light shade of dark red. She wears a white clothing that has jade diamonds on her.
Personality: Jade is mostly a brave Rito who will defend her Island with anything that comes to her, Jade is also nice and calm but is horrifeld by ReDeads and hope to never come across one. But other then that Jade will stop any creature that comes through, even if she fails.
Weapon: Crossbow, jade is the only Rito that ever knows how to hold one right with her wings, her father had given it to her, he said he found it somewhere deep on Windfall Island, that it came from something.
Shield/Armor: For protection Jade wears an amulet to bring her better protection, even thought some of her friends think it a waste of time Jade stills believes in it, she wears some steel on her wings.
Equipment: Crossbow, Armour, Some seeds that Jade's not sure about, a Peach that will get the seagulls to help even thought the Seagulls aren't very powerful.
History: Jade's father had disappeared in a storm, no one ever found him. So Jade is looked after by her mother who is really sick nowadays. Back when Jade was 6 she tried flying from Valoo's roast when he wasn't around and broke her wing, she was scared to fly again and not sure if she can now.
Her fear of Redeads come from when a friend of the family took her onto an Unknown Island, unfortuenly the Rito had landed right next to a RedDead and was killed, when the slow moving eypatian mummy like creature went towards her she was paralzed and so scared, The Redead almost jumped her but she was saved by a much older Rito.

So do I put the sample in now or Later?

Edit: Also I dunno if I will be on everyday, does that matter?

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
bronislav84 - I don't know, when it gets enough people I suppose. But yeah I'll allow LSU's.

Power Shot - Declined, it's still missing something I specifically asked for.

Willow's tara - Description and Personality could do with a bit more detail. Put the sample in now please, and don't worry about not being on every day. I don't expect people to post constantly.


Name: Kali

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Species: Zora

Description: Kali stands at around 5’5 in height and possesses a rather thin built body, though muscular as the rest of her species, she is still lithe and furthermore, fragile. Her skin is the typical light blue in colour, though it appears a darker shade of blue than what it truly is from afar. Dark blue markings run through her tail, growing darker as they reach the fin at its end. These dark marks are also present on the bigger fins that sprout from her arms, painting bizarre markings along their surface. Her stomach is home to a loan pattern, which takes the shape of a small sea serpent when looked at properly, which is why she was bestowed with the nickname; Sea Demon.

Kali wears little clothing other than the half tunic she wears around her bottom half; a brown belt encircles her waste to ensure that the flimsy, green cloth keeps its place and doesn’t slip down further than her waste. She does own a pair of brown boots, which she doesn’t normally bother to wear for she enjoys spending her time swimming in the depths of the sea.

Personality: Kali is a fun loving being, and hates being cooped up in one place for to long. Adventurous and rather troublesome, she finds herself getting in to trouble with the local sea monsters most of the time for intruding on their territory or causing some sort of annoyance to them from passing back and forth their homes. Saying that she was a good tempered Zora would be incorrect, for in truth, she is rather sarcastic and witty, and this can come across as intimidating to most, but in the end, she is only having fun.

Weapon: Around a year ago, Kali discovered a sunken ship embedded under moss and grime towards the north of their home. Being as adventurous as she is, she decided that taking a look would cause no harm to anyone and so ventured forth into the ships depths. There, she discovered rotting corpses of creatures long forgotten. She panicked of course, and in her rush to get out of the ruins, she collided with a decomposed body and from the body fell a spear. The spear was covered in grime when she first picked it up, but after leaving the ship and washing it in the clearer water on the surface, she found a silver coating. It was nothing big, a simple silver spear, but after carving some wave patters into its body and circling the centre with rope for which to grip, it became a most fierce weapon.

Shield/Armour: All Kali possesses to defend herself are her fins. Enlarging them, they serve as a powerful shield as the rock hard fins act as a strong metal, which will protect herself from physical blows, but of course this comes with a price, and all across her fins are deep scars from past attacks made on her.

Equipment: At her belt she carries a pouch filled with ingredients from the sea from which she can concoct healing potions. This is all she really carries as she finds no use for anything else when at sea.

History: There was little mention of the Zoras before the Hero saved the seas from Ganandorff, but in theory, Kali and her kind had been in hiding for a fairly long time, afraid of the consequences that may have come if they ventured into the hands of evil. But after the evil had been put to rest, they emerged and set up their home above the surface. Kali’s parents never had spent much time with her after she reched the mature age of thirteen and she spent most of her time with her troublesome brothers, older than her only by a few seconds. They played together, made trouble together and travelled together, some would swear that they were not brothers and sister, but the best of friends.

Other: N/A


The sea was calm and quiet, not even the fish stirred the waters surface, and the sun was just rising over the horizon. A loan bottle floated, carried by the small gusts of wind, heading towards the north. It bore a small sheet of parchment with in, and upon it was written some sort of language. It seemed that the bottle would go unnoticed until it reached land.

For days in travelled, over harsh seas and narrowly escaping the jaws of sea monsters, it was as if fate was carrying it towards a certain destination, until one day…

Bubbles gurgled from under the seas surface and made their way to the top, bursting as they came into contact with the glass casing of the bottle. Suddenly a finned hand encircled the glass and dragged it under, this interruption was quickly followed by a splash as a blue being pushed its way through the water, into the air, and into the water again.

The young Zora looked pleased with herself and smirked at her two brothers who came swimming up with amused grins plastered upon their faces. She threw the bottle into the air, and caught it without much effort in her hand once again. She had yet to realize the small white paper that was sealed within.

Her brother, Kaze, who was the oldest of the trio, patted her on the back and nodded towards the bottle with a curious glance. “What’s that?”

Kali wondered for a second of what her brother was talking about before she caught sight of the paper within; she raised an eyebrow and uncorked the bottle, before dipping two of her fingers into the tight opening to fish out the paper. Within moment, she was reading over the unfamiliar text, her brothers looking over her shoulder.

“What is this? It makes no sense!” Yelled Dominic, snatching the paper from Kali’s grasp “Another piece of junk someone’s thrown away.” He took another look over it, and threw it carelessly into the air.

Kali was quick, and snatched it back out of the air, for some reason, she felt a strange calling, but she couldn’t quite make out where it was from, or what it wanted her to do. All she could do was look over the text again and again, but none of it really made sense to her no matter how many times she would read it.

Her two brothers bid her farewell as they became bored with the paper, and swam off opposite the horizon back towards the island. Kali on the other hand placed the parchment into the small pouch strapped to her waste, and took off in the direction of the falling sun, towards the direction of Windfall Island.

‘Windfall, why Windfall?”


Think Different
Could you allow Skull Kids as a species? I wish to reuse and redo my sign up for your last Zelda RP.

Also: Map Of Great Sea. Not sure if this is what you were after, did you want the island shapes?

I'll edit my sign up into this post if approved.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Ookami - Accepted

PhQnix -

Skull kids
They say that the Korok once took on a human human long ago in the past. In times gone by some Korok who got lost in the Forbidden Forest slowly turned back into that form, while also transforming into a more mischevous form. When the Deku moved out, so did some of the Skull kids.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Razor Leaf, I wanted to know if I could reserve a place in the sign ups to at least try to make it. I really enjoyed the Windwaker and I would like a try for this one, but I can't fill it out right now. I should be able to around 5:30 (CDT) today. Thanks for reading. I'll edit this post later.


Okay, here's my sign up try:

Name: Kiara

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Species: Rito

Description: Even though Kiara was already an aspiring Rito girl, earning her wings at fourteen, she had the stature of a twelve year old girl. Despite her young girl looks, Kiara has a body figure of her age. Her skin is a deep brown, but not so dark like chocolate. Her emerald green eyes pierce everything she glances at. Her clothes are simple, as a overlarge shirt and a normal blue/green pair of shorts. They are worn out because of all the exploring Kiara has done on Dragon Roost Island.

Personality: Kiara's one of the more quiet Rito on the island, but that doesn't mean she's not up for an adventure once in a while. She's more reserved than most, but once she starts having a fun time, Kiara acts like a normal girl, getting into the most dangerous adventures but having a blast. Sometimes, Kiara can even come off to people as a little too sarcastic, but in the end, she's only out to enjoy life as much as she possibly can.

Weapon: When Kiara first had to travel up to the top of Dragon Roost Island to recieve her wings from Valoo, she accidently ended up taking many wrong turns, coming in contact with many different and strange creatures. Being easily scared, she ended in a dark corner, resting her legs and feet from walking/running for so long. That was when she discovered a chest sitting in the nearby corner. Being brave enough to open the box, she discovered a bow inside. The wood was coming chipped off on the edges, but on the wider part of the bow, near where the arrow would be launched from was a small sentence carved into the bow. It read "When destiny calls...you will answer." Kiara was immediately interested and kept the bow for herself.

Shield/Armor: Being a Rito, Kiara's only real defense is her wings. Training many times with her bow and arrows (that she carved herself), Kiara's wings have built up an ammunity to many things. That doesn't mean, however, that she can't be defeated and/or injured by many things.

Equipment: Kiara carries a small knapsack on her back, carrying her most needed essentials and of course her bow and arrows. Since she's always on Dragon Roost, she doesn't feel the need to carry anything else along with her.

History: Kiara was born and raised on Dragon Roost Island. Her life has had many unexpected turns, however. Her mother died when Kiara was born from complications, and her father left soon after, saying to himself that it was his fault that Kiara's mother had died. So, Kiara was raised by Komali's father, the head Chieftain of Dragon Roost, with Kiara growing up with Komali as a brotherly figure.

Other: N/A


The sun sat high in the sky, the beams shining down on the world below. The warm rays arrived on an island that sat near the edge of the world. Dragon Roost was this island's title and it was well called island for atop the mountain sat the legendary dragon Valoo who watched over that isle and protected it from harm.

Sitting on the rail overlooking the enormous ocean was Kiara, swinging her dangling bare feet. She was extremely bored, as she usually was. Nothing seemed interesting anymore, now that Komali had disappeared off, doing more boyish things than she would've liked. The Chieftain forbidded her to follow Komali on his journey to see Valoo again, to give him something that seemed to be of great importance, so that was how Kiara had arrived at this one place.

"You better be careful, you might lose your balance." came a voice from behind her. Kiara whipped around, seeing her older cousin, Miaka standing there, smiling.

"I'm not going to lose my balance. I've sat up here hundreds of times, I'll have you know. Never once have I-" Kiara's self-esteem boost was cut short when a sudden burst of wind caused her to fall forward and off the mountain's side. She landed in the cool, crisp water below. She came back to the surface slowly, whipping her hair out of her face.

"Thought you said that you've never fallen before, Kiara." Miaka called down to her, trying to keep her composure, wanting to laugh at the girl below.

Kiara didn't answer, only swam to the shore of the island, making sure her bow and arrows hadn't fallen out of her knapsack.

"Oww! What the...?" Kiara had stubbled on something hidden in the sand. It appeared to be a shiny, clear bottle, undamaged at all by the rough waters of the sea. Inside was a tiny piece of parchment, almost as yellow as the sand inside.

"What is that?" asked Miaka, who had just flown down next to Kiara. The girl in question only shrugged her shoulders and tried to pull out the cork that sealed the paper inside from the world. The cork was stubborn but finally opened and Kiara pulled out the sheet.

The paper had unusual lettering on it, something that neither Kiara or Miaka could comprehend. Kiara felt weird as she handled the letter, knowing it had some sigficance or the person who had wrote it wouldn't have hidden it.

"Can you read it?" Miaka grabbed the paper from her cousin, seeing if it was closer that she could make out what it was trying to say.

Kiara only shook her head no. She felt something important in this letter as she look the symbols and jumbled them around in her mind. The wind blew once again, lifting her light brown hair off her shoulders and the wind glided to the west.

'Windfall Island? Something's there....at Windfall Island.'
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Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Added the sample, I always forget about that for some reason.


Name: Kureiguu
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Deku Scrub
Description: An average brown Deku Scrub with long green-yellow leaves as hair that can come down just enough to cover his eyes, he has a large mouth for firing Deku Nuts and Seeds, and two average brown feet that can run faster then you'd think, he is however, a little short, around the sive of 3 Koroks standing on each other and he's quite thin as well but most Scrubs have the same body build, he has two yellow eyes that look glowish and he often looks quite depressed. Basically he looks like the Deku Scrub Link turns into but whithout the hat, he does however have green shorts with pockets, though they weren't very rare or special.
Personality: Being a loner through most of his life, he isn't very talkative but when he does speak to others he is kind and understanding, if he gets mad (which is very rare but it can happen) he'll think of any excuse to start attacking, he can be quite fierce for a Scrub.
Weapon: Deku Leaf, recieved from the Great Deku Tree himself which is quite an honour (Read more about Kureiguu recieving his leaf in the story sample.)
Shield/Armor: None, armour isn't usually built for Scrubs, especially small ones like him.
Equipment: 30 Deku Seeds (He usually just runs to pick them up again after firing them) and 10 Deku Nuts which are rarely used because they're useless after, he fires them through his mouth at great speeds.
History: Kureiguu wandered around the Forest Haven for most of his life, he was an orphan and didn't have any friends, they all found some sort of excuse to stay away from him, some said he was too small, others said he was just plain weird, there was one time when the Great Deku Tree had summoned him and said that kureiguu's life would change soon enough, the Tree also offered one of its leafs but this only made the other Deku's jealous, they bullied him more, it seemed the Tree liked him, it was always keeping an eye on him one way or another.
Other: Nope, nothing...
Sample: Kureiguu had given up, he couldn't fit in so he decided to leave the Forest Haven, he quickly found the local Beedle Boat that sailed around the island.
"Ahoy, what can i do for you!?" shouted Beedle as Kureiguu hopped down to the ledge next to the Boat.
"I'd like to ride on your Boat for a while" Kureiguu replied quietly, soaked by the rain, Beedle didn't seem to mind.
"All aboard, im departing now!" Beedle said, he sounded very loud
"Why are you shouting?" Beedle didn't seem to hear Kureiguu, who didn't find it weird that Beedle didn't ask any questions at all. After around half an hour, Kureiguu noticed that they weren't getting anywhere, even he could tell if they were surrounded by a whirlpool and that was the case. He was about to run to Beedle when the boat rocked madly as a giant Octopus came out from the centre of the Whirlpool.

"Aaah!" Kureiguu started panicking, launching random Deku Seeds in all directions untill eventually one hit the Monster in one of it's eyes. Being a good aimer, Kureiguu quickly noticed this and hit each of the Thing's many eyes untill it was blinded, the sun started to come out and Kureiguu noticed a distant Island,
"You saved me!" Beedle said bowing to Kureiguu as if he was a hero
"Take some Ammo" he presented Barrels full of Deku Seeds, Kureiguu took some utill he had 30 again and waited until the Boat arrived at Windfall Island.

"I'm staying, this place seems nice." Kureiguu said, Beedle shrugged his shoulders and imediantly departed, he seemed to know his way. After Beedle was out of sight, Kureiguu noticed a letter in his Leaves, after opening it, he saw it made no sense and put it into his Pocket, some strange feeling in his head said he wanted to explore the Island so he started doing just that...
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Lonely Wanderer

Well-Known Member
Name: Zímila

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Gerudo/Hyrulian (After all, Gerudo are only females (aside from the male that appears only once every 100 years))

Description: Although being of the race of Gerudo, all of her features are not exactly completely from the features of a Gerudo. For example, her skin is more of a creamy, faded brown than the bronze skin of a Gerudo, and her height is a little bit lacking, only reaching at 5’4. The body is in acceptable conditions for agility and hard work, though Zímila prefers not doing much work. Her long hair is a very light orange, tied up in a ponytail that usually hangs on her right side of her body. Her eyes are rather appealing, being the color of green with traces of a golden color around the pupil. For clothing, her clothes are nowhere near the ones of her ancestors; she wears a birch-brown tunic, completed with pants and a pair of leather sandals, while a light-red shirt is seen underneath her coverings. Her lips, however, are painted with a green color, with the inner parts of the opening are yellow; it was tradition to have the color lips of the clothing, but Zímila had instead used it from the color of her eyes.

Personality: A very sassy lady, Zímila isn’t too comfortable in a crowd with more than two other people. If comments that are rude to Zímila are said into her face, she’ll make the most sarcastic and cruelest comments that nearly anyone could not come up with. However, she otherwise tends to keep her mouth completely shut, unless the temptation to respond is greater than she can resist. Strangely, she is proven that she can be rather calm in a situation; he temper doesn’t fly out unless someone necessarily attacks her or threatens her. Although there are some times when she is rather kind and polite, she doesn’t go trust anyone immediately, for her suspicions are very hard to be proven not true to herself. She will only follow orders of those she believes have greater power than herself and shares the same goal with them, but more specifically, she only follows the orders of the males over the females, unless that female has her trust. Zímila also does not back down on any challenge that she is faced with, for she believes that if she does so, then she’ll be a disgrace in her case. Because of this, any fight that she might spot will probably end up getting her involved as well…

Weapon: The weapon that Zímila carries with her is a long spear, which the blade is slight curved and a red cloth is tied around the upper part of the wooden pole that supports the blade. Jiel had taught Zímila how to make a spear that was at least decent enough to cause damage to opponents that might go face to face in a battle if one was ever to occur. The pole was made by a drifted piece of wood from a ruined boat, and it was shaped with a rock that is actually the blade. The blade, however, isn’t entirely sharp as it can be; the end is a bit dull for a weapon, although jagged pieces stick out of the sides, enough to penetrate through flesh.

Shield/Armor: Her clothing is weak, so she really does not have any armor; however, she had enough agility to use it as a defense in case of approaching attacks. She also has some techniques to use the pole of her spear as a blocker in hand-to-hand combat.

Equipment: Zímila’s only equipment, aside from a long piece of leather that supports holding her spear behind her back when she doesn’t have it in her hand, is a small pouch hanging on a single string, which carries her rupees, a few rations, and a wooden flute, in which she likes to play songs taught by her mother every now and then.

History: Zímila came from the lone and unorganized island of Greatfish Isle. Her mother, having the blood of Gerudo, had fled to these forgotten strips of land after being raped in Windfall Island because she had the looks of a…rather strange, exotic woman. Zímila was taken here as an infant, in which the mother and the infant were occupied by a friend that goes by the name Jiel. The mother had died when Zímila was only three, and it was said that she had a disease that drove her mad and drown herself in the water (although she might’ve just committed suicide). Jiel did happened to know some ways (though not all) in surviving by themselves, and he taught the young girl about surviving on one’s own. Although her knowledge of being alone as well at out sea is not outstanding, it is at least worth enough to be considered “useful”. Jiel also had a few skills in fencing, but he does not own a weapon of his own; instead, he and Zímila used long, smooth branches for combat, in which Zímila soon got in the hang of it, although her training isn’t completed yet (it was interrupted by the letter).

Other: N/A

The swaying of the gentle sea breeze brought the familiar scent of salt water up into Zímila’s nostrils as she sat on the sandy beach, meditating in her spot. With her eyes closed, she concentrated on nothing else besides the silence of the darkness that she was in; the sounds of the waves slowly crashing on the beach were blocked out, and so were the sounds of the seagulls. As she continued on with her meditation, a sudden thought had bothered herself, and the control of herself was soon loose, in the point where she had to open her green eyes…

“Zímila!” A distant voice cried from the other side of the land. “I need you to come here and see this!”

Zímila was rather confused and curious about this; Had Jiel found something rather mysterious, or had a ship appeared in the horizon? The possible choices on what it could be had her stand up from her spot, staring for a moment in her own world of space.

How come she had the gut feeling it was about the thought that came up?

Shaking her head to get herself back to reality, she turned and walked to the other side of the island, which she’ll admit was only about 50 paces far. It was soon that she saw Jiel, a tall, skinny man with handsome figures of short golden blonde hair and a black tunic. Jiel had his face looking at the horizon of the sea…but there were no boats or any signs of life at the Great Sea besides an occasional flock of Seagulls. Zímila could see that Jiel was holding some kind of scroll in his left hand, which shook nervously as he held it. A look of confusion had crossed her face, and she whispered in a weak voice, “Jiel…”

“See if you can try to read this,” Jiel said, holding out hand behind his back, still not having any contact with the young Gerudo. Slightly nervous, Zímila took the scroll, and she rolled it out, surprised to see it written with labels in a language she did not understood. Her eyes squinted, trying to see if she had any idea on what the language could be, but it was too complicated to handle. However, a couple of labels had jumped out to her, and she looked, coming out with random answers in her head on what it could be. Sadly, she had no clue about anything the scroll had written, and just as she rolled it back together, a single name had merged into her mind, echoing inside her head.

Windfall Island…

This thought that had appeared in her mind did cause some kind of sense, although Zímila couldn’t be exactly sure if she was to go to Windfall Island. After all, her mother was raped there, and a rather popular place, there’s no guess on what could happen at the merchant isle. It seemed as Jiel must have been psychic or something, as he pointed to his small sailboat that drifted nearby the shore…

“Take that to wherever your destination goes, for I can’t join you here.”

Zímila was lost of words upon hearing what he said; Desert him to go to Windfall…or whatever? Her mouth opened to argue, but Jiel had left before she could respond. Zímila watched in silence as he walked to the other side, not daring to her at her surprised face. Zímila started at a moment, not sure about what to do…

Turning to the sailboat, she realized what she had to do now. She’d have to leave northwest to Windfall Island.