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Legendary Dogs


Dragonite Trainer
Btw, if anyone is looking at this x.x . Do eggs have a higher chance of being shiny than if they where wild? And is the egg shiny or not shiny when you recevie it, or the moment wher eit hatches? Thanks!


Lunar Origin
No, it doesn't matter whether it is from an egg or in the wild, the chances of getting a shiny are 1/8000 something...


its 1/8192 percent chance. every time, not total (it wont happen once every 8192 battles)


Gen 6 = <3
I believe that Entei, Raikou and Suicune appear only in Kanto but I am not sure. as for Shiny pokemon... No matter how you attempt to get a shiny, SRing, eggs and wild encounters the chances will ALWAYS be 1 in 8192. The shiny chances are like flipping a coin (only its not 50-50) if you flip a coin and get a tails will you be garanteed a heads next time you flip? No you will still have those same chances of the coin landing on heads or tails 50-50. So even If you battle 8192 pokemon you are not garenteed a shiny. even ask Alzi~Pokemon_Master he has SRed over 100,000 times and still hasn't encountered shiny Rayquaza.
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Dragonite Trainer
Thanks! This was of great help! lol 100 000 times! Thats CRAZY! Anyways, I've never seen any shinies and I've been playing since Crystal, I've probably battled more than 8192 pokes lol. I'm gonna go now lol. Thanks again!
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I also played 500 hrs and never seen a shiny.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
about the Eggs, the egg will be shiny or not when you receive it, so if you want a shiny, Save before you get the egg and then hatch it without saving!!!
if it hatch and it isn't a shiny, SR and try again.
