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legendary dogs

x sceptile x

grass master
just wondering how long it took for anyone to recruit entei.suicune or raikou and how high the percent it is to recruit them ty
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They all have a % of 0.1 without boosts so the highest you can get it is 34.1%. Unlike other legendaries you need to buy their friend area from wigglytuff (sacred field 6500) and the dogs have a body size of 1.

I was lucky with entei got it 3rd try (you cant recruit on the first time through each field) but i havent go raikou and suuicune yet though i have gone through each of there fiends about 7 times each. (at least you build up a good supply of thunder and waterstones). ;123;


Well-Known Member
Entei: 2nd try
Suicune: 3rd try
Raikou: 7th+ try(still don't have him)


I wanted ketchup!!!
I got entei on my 2 try


Well-Known Member
i got riakou on my first, im working on entie so this might be second.....

havn't gone for suicune yet


PokeMon Professor
Oh, the dogs weren't much trouble. Raikou-first try, Entei-first try, Suicune- second try. That's the one time I truly got extremely lucky.


PokeMon Professor
Man, bad break on Entei, huh?


Team In Flames
All on 1st. ;) I'm pretty lucky when it comes to legendaries.


Water Pokemon Master
Suicune on the 1st
Raikou: haven't started
Entei: haven't started

(just got Suicune 20 mins. ago


Onions? Where??
raikou 1st try, others, not started yet