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legendary face off

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Firedance k'Treva

Dragonlady Knight
;249-d; ;249-d; ;249-d;
Triple heal shadow lugia, triple hurt jirachi
;150; Hp 6
;151; Hp 12
;249; Hp 21
;249-d; Hp 21
;145; Hp 12
;146; Hp 12
;144; Hp 15
;250; Hp 18
;243; Hp 12
;245; Hp 12
;244; Hp 9
;251; Hp 9
;381; Hp 15
;380; Hp 12
;385; Hp 9
;201-f; Hp 9
;386-d; Hp 6
;384; Hp 12
;383; Hp 12
;382; Hp 12
;377; Hp 9
;379; Hp 12
;378; Hp 12
;rukario; Hp 12
Last edited:


Master of mositure
Triple hurt shadow Lugia (for all the good it'll do), triple heal Kogre. *Clears throat for important announcement* UNOWN IS NOT A LEGENDARY! Thankyou kindly.


Triple hurt Lugia and triple heal Registeel.

Final Flash

I've still got it.
I will triple hurt rukario and triple heal lugia.


I actually like all legendary I don´t know why!!!! But It would be better if u could catch Celebi and Deoxy and Jirachi.


Triple hurt Shadow Lugia and Triple heal Registeel.
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