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Legendary Friend Areas?


Does anybody know how to get the friend areas for Rayquaza, Groudon, and Deoxys? Also, how do I recruit the 3 Regis?

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
I believe you get those automatically after recruiting those Pokemon. Also, the Regis are in the Broken Relic as bosses on Floors 15, 25, and 35. Make sure you have the friend area for Baltoy because they stay there.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Rejis: Must have a friend area Everything else: Auttomatic accesess after befriending.


fredfredburger yes!
automatic for raquaza groudon deoxys. buried relic regis floors 15 25 35 and automatic after you recruit them also.


I wanted ketchup!!!
The first three you mentioned autamticaly. Regis you need to buy Ancient Relic

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
in order to recruit the regis you need the friend area "Ancient Relic' and you must have the "Rock part" (for regirock) the "ice part" (for regice" and the "steel part" (for registeel). you can have the item in your bag or you can have the music box in your bag to recruit them.