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Legendary Pokemon


Well-Known Member
If recruiting Legendary Pokemon is your specialty, well take my advice.
Suspend any jobs for at the Mt. Thunder, Mt. Blaze, and the Frosty Forest dungeons.

;145; Zapdos is at Mt. Thunder.

;146; Moltres is at Mt. Blaze.

;144; Articuno is at the Frosty Forest.

Recruit any one and you get the friend area Legendary Island.
Recruit them all and head to their friend area and you can head to the Silver Trench.


Glitch Hunting Freak
Ummm.... There is a Mystery dungeon strategy thread. It already has this info and more including a way to beat them....


Well-Known Member
I used a Legendary Pokemon of my own ( ;385; Jirachi )
And I headed to the Silver Trench and got to B99F.

And got close to ;249; Lugia and using linked moves.

I used the Thunder and Shadow Ball TMs on Jirachi and using the moves.

Lugia's Gust attack does 10% less damage to Jirachi.
And Jirachi's Thunder and Shadow Ball does 50% more damage to Lugia.

I try lowering Lugia's Special Defense and paralyzing him.
And they usually work. Then Jirachi will attack Lugia head on.

There is a 100% chance of recruiting Lugia.


Well-Known Member
Yeah there's that.

Even I used Jirachi to battle ;384; Rayquaza (very risky)

First time I used Jirachi against Rayquaza,
It didn't go out right and Jirachi got devoured.
Rayquaza's Crunch attack is a dark-type attack.
And Jirachi takes 35% more damage from dark-type attacks.
( 10% less damage from "not very effective" attacks + 50% more damage from "super effective" attacks)

The second time I battled Rayquaza was a success. (I had to get 10 Joy Seeds)

Then a battle against ;150; Mewtwo was a doozy.
Using linked Shadow Ball and Thunder will lower its Special Defense and can paralyze.

Cannot recruit Mewtwo on first encounter.
I battled Mewtwo for the second time and it was recruited.


PokeMon Professor
I haven't recruited Lugia, Jirachi, or Mewtwo yet. I haven't played much recently, so I am lacking in legends right now.


PokeMon Professor
I need to recruit Lugia. I'm getting creamed in Silver Trench. I need Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, though I have Ho-Oh. I need Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Mew still.


Well-Known Member
He he... I used the floor modifier code for PMD Red: 32004139 00??
It only works with CodeBreaker.

Translate decimal to hexdecimal. decimal 98 = hexdecimal 62

And I used a Level 50 Jirachi to defeat and recruit Lugia.
Using linked Shadow Ball and Thunderattacks and hitting Lugia in the belly head on.

Universe Chaser

Trust me, I'm a cop.
Well, how is that going to help those not so strong trainers/rescuers that are too honest to use cheat codes?

Oh, and whn I got Lugia, I was months away from getting Jirachi.


The Grotto's Requiem
V_V I'm still trying to get moltres to get lugia. I'm bad at recruiting legends. Can you get Lugia on your first trip to silver trench?