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Legendary question



I know that in the games, most of the legendary pokemon are considered as the only one of its kind that exists, and is genderless. My question is, are those same legendary pokemon considred this way in the anime- the only one of its kind, and also genderless?
This should be in anime. And some legendaries in the anime have more than one and genders. Might want to be specific about which lengedaries you're talking about.



Yeah, ok!
There are many species of the same legendary.

The only one that's "one of it's kind" is Mewtwo, because he was man-created.

All the others have offspring and the like.


Custom User Title
I'm not sure if that can be said about Houou. The way the legends are worded suggests he's also one of a kind.


Contaminated KFC
CyberCubed said:
There are many species of the same legendary.

The only one that's "one of it's kind" is Mewtwo, because he was man-created.

All the others have offspring and the like.
I dunno about that. I'm willing to bet that the 3 legendary Johto pokémon are the only ones of their kind, considering they were created by Ho-Oh. Speaking of which, I'd assume there would be only one Ho-Oh, taking into account its god-like status in both the show and games.

And creatures like Jirachi and the Regi Trio could be possibilities also.


Raiden Maximus
Mewtwo, Rukario, Mew, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Jirachi, Groudon and Rayquaza are the ones with the only one to it's kind. Once they die, they'll become extinct.


Team Rocket's rockin
Suicune, Entei and Raikou should be one-of-a-kind, at least going by the story that relates them to Ho-oh. Of course, that would mean Ash saw that same Suicune on more than one occasion, if you're considering the movies as part of the same timeline.


Yeah, ok!
Gravy said:
I dunno about that. I'm willing to bet that the 3 legendary Johto pokémon are the only ones of their kind, considering they were created by Ho-Oh. Speaking of which, I'd assume there would be only one Ho-Oh, taking into account its god-like status in both the show and games.

If the writers adapt the storyline from the games like that though.

I remember when we all thought there was one Lugia, one who was the "guardian" of the sea thanks to the 2nd movie. Then all of a sudden a mother and baby Lugia show up in mid-Johto.

Although I kinda agree with Ho-oh, it's lack of a movie definitely seems to indicate something "godly" about it.


Custom User Title
CyberCubed said:
If the writers adapt the storyline from the games like that though.
If memory serves, Matsuba did recount the legend of their creation in "A Ghost of a Chance".


pikadon92 said:
Mewtwo, Rukario, Mew, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Jirachi, Groudon and Rayquaza are the ones with the only one to it's kind. Once they die, they'll become extinct.
Who's to say that they'll die?(other than Mewtwo, and possibly Mew. As for Rukario...well...>_>)

Ho-oh probably won't die due to its godly image, and if it does die it's most likely similar to a phoenix in that it reincarnates itself after death.
Groudon, Rayquaza, and Kyogre seem like beings that have always been there and always will. And as we've seen, Groudon and Kyogre have major impacts on the Earth's climate - if they DID die, things would go out of whack if they didn't die at the same time. And even then, I'm not sure what would happen with the weather...
Jirachi...well, it wouldn't be TOO big a deal if it died(Faunz would suffer, but other than that...), but I doubt that it would. Plus it's been alive for several thousand years already.(at least 3000, going by the 6th movie - It wakes up once every thousand years. It's woken up at least once for people to find it and see what it could do, it had to have woken up another time for people to tell how often it awoke, and it woke up another time during the 6th movie. Although it could easily be even older...)

I like the idea of there being at least one "main" legendary of each species that doesn't age/die/etc and is primarily responsable for the major role its species plays in the world. When it comes to species with more than one member, they can die and do age, but they live considerably longer than the average Pokemon.

Suicune, Entei and Raikou should be one-of-a-kind, at least going by the story that relates them to Ho-oh. Of course, that would mean Ash saw that same Suicune on more than one occasion, if you're considering the movies as part of the same timeline.
Ash has seen several legendaries more than once, even if it was once in the main anime and once in the movies. Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Entei, Suicune, and Groudon(sort of) are in both; Mewtwo has been in a movie and a special(when it was actually seen by Ash, anyway; it's been in actual anime eps but not seen by Ash at all in them); and there are a few other instances.
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pikadon92 said:
Mewtwo, Rukario, Mew, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Jirachi, Groudon and Rayquaza are the ones with the only one to it's kind. Once they die, they'll become extinct.

What about Deoxys? And who knows, maybe the Celebi from Movie 4 travels all around the world so it could have been the same one that meets Richie, and the gang in an upcoming episode.
pikadon92 said:
Mewtwo, Rukario, Mew, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Jirachi, Groudon and Rayquaza are the ones with the only one to it's kind. Once they die, they'll become extinct.
Your probably right, but Mew may be 2. It appeared in movie 1 AND 9, so meh

And Jirachi is probably a he, since the group calls Jirachi "he" in the movie

And the legendaries dieng, that'll probably not happen >.>


Hmm, this leads me to another question.

Are the pokemon legendaries in the games actually genderless, or have they only been labeled that way because the poke-scientists haven't ever seen or studied them? I know they're unable to breed, but that could be just for gaming purposes.... if everyone had a million legendaries, they'd just be unbeatable and there'd be no point to the game.

So... what do you think??

And everyone, thanks for replying to my original post!! :)


Yeah, ok!
Well like you just said, the only reason the legendaries are genderless in the games is because Nintendo doesn't want you to breed them.

In the show we've seen a mother Lugia... (well unless it's asexual or something), so I think it's pretty obvious that "most" of the legends or at least the birds have genders.

I mean heck, can Mewtwo be seen as anything but male? o_O


I guess it depends on how you look at it. I'd imagine legendaries would have ways of not being seen by humans other than there being only one of each of them. Also, Mew is considered as the beginning of all pokemon or something like that, right? Unless Mew's status is an established "fact" within the pokemon universe, that could just as easily be a wrong observation. As time goes by, the legends and stories people tell about anything in general tend to exaggerate. Mew could just be a very powerful, clever little pokemon that's been pretty good about not being seen.

...Yeah, I'm looking into it too much. But this is a pretty interesting discussion. :)
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The Sylvan Saber
Well, in my humble opinion, the whole thing about having legendaries one-off and genderless in the games is probably to prevent people from breeding armies of legendaries and thus breaking the game. ^_^;

Biologically, it is ridiculous to think that these things don't have genders and generations. Even the games prove that legendaries do exist as more than one creature, as some of the frontier brains obtain legendary PokeMon. (And yet, you aren't allowed to use any in the frontier. X_x They're cheating against their own rules!)

Deoxys and Jirachi are alien organisms - Deoxys is an anthropomorphized, sentient creature which may has apparantly evolved from a Virus. Both of them have 'hibernating' forms - Deoxys can (when travelling through space, for instance) let go of the organic matter it generated and transform into its purest core form - as long as that core is left intact, Deoxys may easily regenerate (like a Starfish, for instance.) Jirachi seems to encase itself in a layer of meteorite-like rock as it hibernates.

The Weather Trio (as I personally call the three 'super-ancient' PokeMon) also have hibernating forms. Like the legendary birds they seem to have an effect on the climate - the climate influence in the birds' case is only relevant apparantly to a specific Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres trio which have, apparantly, more elemental power than the rest of their kind, and due to the particular location of the Shamouti island region - the ocean currents are affected if their equilibrium is ever disturbed. (shrugs)

The legendary beasts... I'm not certain about those. I haven't seen the particular episode which is the Anime's excuse for their origin, but fact is that they are quite ancient. Three of them were revived by Ho-Oh, but does that mean that's ALL three that ever have been? Maybe they're just so rare, that the three revived ones are the ones that gave the species its legendary status?

Mewtwo's a definite one-of-a-kind, being manmade. Unless if it splits like Neifirst in Phantasy Star 2 and lets his better half out in a body of its own. xD

I dunno. I think the almighty turkey that is Ho-oh is way overrated, but the anime DOES treat it as a god - making it an exceptionally rare sight. However, Ho-Oh is a Phoenix. Meaning, it dies, but is reborn from its ashes time and time again, so I doubt that it has the actual need to procreate. However, I'm still wondering if Ash was delirious when he saw that shining Ho-Oh in the first episode, or if Ho-Oh simply dived into a bucket of gold paint before taking that flight. ^^;

The Latis... There's a whole damn lot of them. And I do mean a whole damn lot. Movie 5's introduction reveals that the two guardian Latis that remained were simply the only two that stayed of a whole flock, out of care for the old couple that considered them their children when they were found, hidden in human form, on a beach (The dubbed version of course cut the sequence and utterly butchered the back story, but one of the nice things about anime is that you can ignore the atrocities of the dub and consider the original. xD)

As for the Regis, I've put together a theory regarding them and the possibility that more than one exist - one that you can find here.
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