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Legendery Island Discussion


< So cute! *huggles*
Here you can discuss stuff about my RP Legendery Island. The plot, who is a good or bad RPer, what could be done to move the story along, blah blah blah. Any ways, yea, go have fun.

Little info on people to obey in the RP topic:

Mods as always...
Me the owner [Has the power to kick you out of RP, can decide wether accepted in, can ban from RP]
Divonte the Co-owner [Has the power to kick you out of RP, can decide wether accepted in]
Zerodius the Assitant Co-owner [Has the power to kick you out of RP, can decide wether accepted in]
DKzM0mA the Assitant Co-owner [Has the power to kick you out of RP, can decide wether accepted in]

The difference between kick out, and banning is this, if you get kicked out, you must read why, and also, fix up all the reasons why. Ex: I kick you out because, a.) not enough detail, and b.) short posts. If you can prove to me and the other co-owners, that those are fixed you will be let back in, being banned means you are not aloud to re-try out. Simple as that.

Please scroll down about 8 posts and read what Zerodius said. Also... I think on the second page... Zerodius has a post stating all the placeson the island... so go find it...

Right now... I do not have to get a point across... great job guys...

Umm... don't know of any special events at the moment... but yea...
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oops sorry bout that wrong thread.

When will the boat be departing, beacuse i cant wait for the adventure to begin.
Theres been enough big events in the museum. How about big events on the boat XD

first post (>-_-)>
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Eternally hating D/P
Since I am now a co-owner of this RPG, I will post some points about the plot...

First, the RPG didn't actually begun.

All that has happened so far:
-Characters arriving at museum.
-Wasting some time looking at fossils.
-Prologue Boss (Mewtwo)
-Jirachi awakens + Mew & Celebi not in good mood.
-Wasting more time fighting each others.
-Teams begun the initial assault.

Well, that's all.

Now, since no more people are joining, it is about time the RPG actually begun... and just a remainder...




That means that the boat isn't departing until either Metroid, Divonte, or I say so. This also means that you CANNOT make the Teams do a major attack on Legendary Island or the likes. If you still want to do so, then PM us.

Also... the one-line posts hurt my eyes as well as the total lack of detail. We are not little voices in your head and cannot guess what you are talking about when you post unless you post ALL the details. Make sense, everyone!

Also, I frown at uber trainers who got 50 Masterballs for no reason and do a lot of bunnying.

Now that this is said... know that the prologue shall end as soon as all time-wasting battles and events are done with and that every character got on the boat.

Stop posting battles, challenges, or other stuff "to pass time". We cannot start up the actual story as long as those continue on so please, wait a while, okay? It won't hurt you if you wait a day or so for everyone to make their characters reach the boat.

Well, that's it. Have a nice day.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

NOTE: Sorry for the harsh tone but well... I've seen some bad cases of people not making sense and it's getting a bit on my nerves...


Bring it.
That is all up to Metriod. He is probably waiting for more team m/a/o members to join up, seeing as we only have one or two. Also proud to annouce, Metriod was kind enough to appoint me assistant Co-co-owner^^


Eternally hating D/P
A comment about the RPG so far...

The lack of description... IT BURNS!!! IT BURNS!!!

Description, people! Description... or I start kicking people out! (I don't know if I can... but if I can, then I will do so! One-line posts are to be avoided at all cost, people! Rules, anyone? Yes, you can't post an uber novel every time... but come on! This is turning into spam...)

I had enough with the "Pokemon A use Hydro Pump. Then Psychic. Then Thunder."


That was a rant from a frustrated RPG co-owner, thank you.
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Bring it.
Another thing, try reading over your posts before submitting it. Although some of you aren't terrible at speeling, I've some posts can't I can't understand without re-reading it a couple of times. I don't say that you have to perfect, but try to re-read it for typos, grammar etc.


Eternally hating D/P
Some advice for those out there who wants to improve the quality of your posts...

First, you should take the time to read your posts BEFORE submitting them and ask yourself "If I was metroid0630/DKzM0mA/Zerodius... would I warn and then kick out the user who posted this?". If you have doubts about if you're making sense or not in your posts, this trick should help you.

Second: Regarding lenght... just look at the reply box. If your post isn't at least two lines long in the reply box, it will appear as a single line of text in the RPG (read: no good). To prevent this, add seemingly useless details. Detail how your character smiled or frowned before speaking, how the character sighed or growled or hissed, how the wind was blowing, how the character rolled his eyes, hovered there or landed before talking... adding details will not only pump up the lenght of your posts but will make you seem smart and help turning common, casual actions into interesting scenes.

Third: Likewise, don't abuse details. While I didn't saw this kind of abuse, it is sometimes visible in threads where description-obsessed "oldbies" abound. If your post is only one-line long, pump it up to two/three lines with description... but NOT to fifteen! Stating that Lugia looks like a dragon mixed with a bird and has hand-shaped wings is fine. Detailing the exact size of every of Lugia's feathers and explaining the exact color of every single scale is not.

Well, I hope that this will help you improve as a whole... and now, finally... HAVE FUN! Else... what's the point?

Have a nice day everyone.


atleast make it so we understan whats going on. And if 2 people post at same time it can get confusing so work something out / :


Bring it.
Work something out without flaming eachothers' necks. We all like this rpg, and the last we need is it this thread closed.

If you just read over your posts, not flame eachother and follow the excellent advice given to you by Zerodius above, we could make the rpg thread clean, and the best rpg in SPPF(exaggeration?)