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Legends of Fanfiction

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hello people, I was just going through Archangel RJ story (Legacy of a master), I was copying the story so I could save it to my computer and read it whenever I want and started to think.
Which stories did you like back in the times of Sceptile and Archangel? And are the stories in the present better then back in thier times?
Well, I wouldn't sat better because I haven't read it all of the fanfics, much less the completed section of fanfics, but I still like Sceptile and Archangel to even this day (It was funny seeing my reviews back in the early days, kinda more noob like then really).

Also one more question, does anyone know where Sceptile's fanfic has vanshied to? I can't find it anywhere in the completed fanfic area and I want to read it again.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Dias and Dark Scyther 1010, when they wrote pokemon fanfiction. And I admit even though Beau, aka Daatingu was a good writer- before he became a cheating man **** :/ but I digress.

DS wrote Legacies if I'm right, or something to that extent, and Dias wrote some good pokemon fanfiction too. Some other people but those two leap into my mind with a sledge hammer and a can of whoop-butt

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I remeber Beau's fanfic, faintly but I still remeber it.

Also, I just scouted the completed fanfic again and realize, there aren't many finished trainer fics (Like ArchangeL), either that or I have gone blind.
Well, it makes me determined to start my trainer fic after graudaution and hopefully finished it, and it being good (COnquering Houenn was a complete bust, it was doomed to fail from the start, by the way, that was a fanfic I started two years ago when I first joined)


Just me
I was also one of those who were spellbound by DarkScyther 1010's Legacies. Of course, in the days even before that - before the Great Downtime of 2003 - I was reading a fic by a user named Kecleon called From Rookie to Champion. As it happens, I landed on just the right fic, because he both continued writing at another forum during the downtime where I caught up with the fic when I found it, kept writing it, eventually finished both it and its sequel, and is still writing today. Stroke of luck there.

Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
Legacy of a Master was a wonderful story. Unfortunately, it was the only one of that era I ever read. As, of course, it is the only one in the archive.

What is different now is that the game has evolved so much. Writers have to try really hard to make original ideas and still make it a good story. Most try to make it too original, thus using their "classic" shine. Most are just different genres that aren't journey fics - the ones that are most remembered.