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legit celebi!


Well-Known Member
What is your Deoxys' nature and level?


Well-Known Member
oh. Sorry. I was hoping he was a Space Center one


what would you like for the entei that isnt shiny or event pokemon


New Member
it doesnt have to be from there to be legit. im saying its legit, and im no pokemon retard


New Member
i am only looking for celebi and i dont think someone will trade one for an entei, its there so i cant trade it with deoxys for a celebi


New Member
i am only looking for celebi and i dont think someone will trade one for an entei, its there so i cant trade it with deoxys for a celebi


Well-Known Member
I didn't say the Deoxys wasn't legit. I am looking for a Space Center one for myself, I personally got one from Pokemon Rocks 2005 already. I don't have a Space Center one yet.
i am only looking for celebi and i dont think someone will trade one for an entei, its there so i cant trade it with deoxys for a celebi

i have a ten anniversary celebi level 70 are the raikou, entei or deoxys shiny cause that would make me wanna trade