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Legit Manaphy from pokemon Ranger


New Member
Want a Gible holding a lucky egg



Well-Known Member
ehh, sorry, not the nature im looking for.i'll still trade you the gible, but not the lucky egg.

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
Did you want to trade with me? I have both the Gible and the Lucky egg... Wouold you throw in something else tho? Do you have a magmarizer by any chance?
Give me a second to breed a egg for myself first tho...

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
The masterball is fine... Thanks! ^_^ I'll PM you when I get on... Should be about 5 minutes...
Was there anything you might want for your Altaria?

Kuro Kaoru

Fun Festival
Eh, its okay, don't worry about the Altaria...
Is it alright if I give you a japanese Gible? Its taking too long for my eggs to hatch...
And are you by any chance the OT of the Manaphy? Could you rename it Serenity for me if you are?