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Les Miserables Club

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The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
This club was approved by PsiUmbreon.

Welcome future members of the Les Miserables Club. If you are interested in joining please state so in a post. This club is the place to talk Les Mis, in either book, musical, or movie. I am president of the club and am looking for a vice-president to help me run the club. If you are interested please PM.

Thank you,

The Masked Trumpet

{I Dreamed a Dream of time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living.}


Really and truly
I'd be absolutely delighted to join!
My high school did Les Miserables last year, and it was awesome, to say the very least. I can not begin to describe how amazing Les Mis is, especially the chorus. Yup, we made the play what it is. Especially Onlooker #2. *overinflated head bursts*

Here they sang about tomorrow, but tomorrow never came...


The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
Welcome to the club Psychic, our new vice-president, and I have this idea. What if every time a member posts a message they put lyrics from the musical at the bottom of the post? I guess it really doesn't matter but I thought it would be cool.

The Masked Trumpet

{One day more!
Another day, another destiny.
This never-ending road to Calvary;
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time.
One day more!}


Really and truly
Nah, I don't think so. It seems kind of silly. Maybe each person can 'claim' a Les Mis song, though. Not literally claim and put in their sig, but just as a fun Club sort of thing. :p

Okay, topic:
Which character's death do you find has the most emotional impact on you?

With me, it's a tie between Eponine and Fantine. Eponine because she died in Marius' arms-the arms of the one person she ever loved. Her life was just so miserable (then again, whose wasn't?) and the way she died at the barricade...
I think that if anyone else had played Fantine in our school play, I wouldn't love this character as much. She entrusts someone who is practically a stranger with her child, having the uttermost faith in a man who is being chased by the law. And the things Fantine did, just to keep herself and her daughter alive...

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