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Let's envisage a GSC remake!

Crystal Walrein

Some of my friends are wondering what a GSC remake would be like. Here are some of my impressions of a remake of Gold, Silver, and Crystal — look and criticise:

http://*******.com/a2eiz4.png http://*******.com/a2ej69.gif http://*******.com/a2ejjd.gif http://*******.com/90zwpv.png http://*******.com/900ydt.gif http://*******.com/900ykh.png http://*******.com/900yv8.gif http://*******.com/900z2v.gif http://*******.com/90c9yh.png http://*******.com/a2em2o.gif http://*******.com/a2embo.png http://*******.com/a2emj5.png http://*******.com/a2emq0.png http://*******.com/a2en8l.gif

The second one was a mistake, that highlight should have been over Curse!
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Well-Known Member
Oh I see. Lol! They're pretty good! I agree.. part from the font but everything else looks cool.


This was a triumph.
Wow, these are impressive, good work I must say. ^^ Still, I think they're a bit dark, if you know what I mean. The menus in the pokemon games have always been very light-looking. You seem to like gradients. The last one is great, just like I've imagined New Bark Town to look like if GSC was remade, though the gradient text thing is a bit unnecessary.

None the less, great work.
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cool job!!!


Chaotic Dreamer
I agree with Drake, the gradients are just not pokemon looking.



Live Long & Prosper
The menu with the Pokemon who can learn the attack, can't learn it, and have learned, looks good colour coded.


But in the Berries Bag, the cursor is over Cheri Berry. Isn't the berry shown Peacha?