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Level 100 EV Trained..

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
Yeah, the wi-fi chat is filled with noobs who know nothing of EV training..

So yeah.


Garchomp with speed and attack EVS(+speed or attack nature)
Ninjask with speed and attack EVS(+ speed nature)
Lugia with def end sp atk EVs
Jolteon with speed and ap atk EVS (+ spd or sp atk nature)
Mew with speed and ap atk evs (+ speed nature)
Lucario with speed and sp atk EVS (+sp atak nature)
Blissey with HP and def maxed (+sp def or def nature)

So yeah, if you have any of these, PM me. I have many event pokemon, Shinies, and rare pokemon for trade, as well as my own lvl 100's.
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Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
anythng goes, 100 single okay?



Well-Known Member
i could prohably do you for you hte lucario i mean what shinies do you haave

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
Magnezone, crobat, ho-oh


Well-Known Member
ill od it for the magnazone

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
what are the lucario;s stats?


Well-Known Member
no i siad ill make one i got a riolo right now

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
I'll do it for a lucario with max sp atk and speed EVs, lv 100...not a low level lucario


Well-Known Member
ok never mind then that would take too long

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
cabman, I'll bet you for the magnezone in battle..


Well-Known Member
what do you mean

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
I bet magnezone and you bet something I want. We battle, and the winner gets the opponent's pokemon


Well-Known Member
ooo thats sounds like betting i dont like betting id be fine if they we clone but thier my only ones

Project Pantz

Net Battle=LamerCity
Um...Okay. Can I talk with someone that doest waste my time?