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Leveling up help.

The End

Sea Ruby Trainer
I got two GBAs, to mix records and trade. And I have a question.

What Pokemon gives out the most experience at Level 50? I tend to raise them, and mix records so I can battle them over and over to level up.

I was thinking about using Snorlaxes, since I already have one, and that they give you a big amount of experience alone.

Can anyone assist?


Back I guess??
Chansey (tied with Blissey) is the Pokémon that gives more EXP.

Without Lucky Egg and considering that you used your Pokémon (I mean, it´s not traded) a Lv 50 Chansey will give approximately 2732 EXP points.
At Lv 100 it´ll give 5464.
Holding Lucky egg against Lv 100 Chansey: 8196
If your Pokémon is traded and if it´s holding Lucky egg each Lv 100 chansey will give 12294 EXP points ;D

You can use this calculator:
And with exp share it will make your training wery easy if u train below 10lv pokemon