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LF: Hidden Ability Pokemon, Shinies, 6 IV Ditto, & Master Ball FT: HA, Shiny, EV Trained Pkmn, Items


VGC Trainer
Hello Serebii Forum. I'm in the market for HA Pokemon, a couple shiny pokeomon, 6 IV Ditto and a Master Ball. Hopefully I have something in my wares that peaks your interest as well.

Looking For:

"Ah! I'll buy it at a high price!"

HA Arrokuda / Barraskewda (Propeller Tail)

HA Scraggy / Scrafty (Intimidate Ability)

HA Riolu (Prankster) / Lucario (Justified)

HA Jangmo-o / Hakamo-o / Kommo-o (Overcoat)

Shiny Eevee or Shiny Umbreon

6 IV Ditto

Master Ball


"Welcome stranger! Got somethin' that might interest ya. hehehe"

HA Snorlax (Gluttony)

HA Galarian Corsola (Cursed Body)

HA Dynamax Butterfree (Tinted Lens)

HA Eevee (Anticipation) (W/ Curse, Yawn, & Wish Egg Moves)

HA Ralts (Telepathy)

HA Duraludon (Stalwart)

HA Drilbur (Mold Breaker)

HA Darumaka (Inner Focus)

HA Snom (Ice Scales)

HA Shellos (Sand Force)

HA Farfetch'd (Scrappy)

HA Shuckle (Contrary)

HA Centiskorch (Flame Body)

HA Vulpix (Drought)

HA Applin (Bulletproof)

HA Rookidee (Big Peck)

HA Growlithe (Justified)

HA Rufflet (Hustle)

HA Charmander (Solar Power)

HA Solosis (Regenerator)

HA Pichu (Lightning Rod) (Timid Nature W/ Fake Out Egg Move)

HA Magikarp (Rattled) (Along with the rest of the world)

Shiny HA Magikarp (Rattled)

Shiny Magikarp (Swift Swim)

Fully Trained Pokemon
Ferrothorn (Grass/Steel) in Quick Ball
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Ability: Iron Barbs
IVs: 31 HP/ 31 Atk/ 31 Def/ 31 Sp. Def
EVs: 252 HP / 30 Def / 226 Sp.Def
Nature: Sassy
Current Moveset:
– Power Whip
– Gyro Ball
– Leech Seed
– Protect

Dragapult (Dragon/Ghost) in Ultra Ball
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Ability: Clear Body
IVs: 31 in Everything but HP (HP was Hyper Trained)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
Current Moveset:
– Draco Meteor
– Shadow Ball
– Thunder Wave
– Protect

Shield Exclusive Pokemon (I actually have most pokemon from completing the pokedex except for a few I touch traded for)

Starter Pokemon

Fossil Pokemon

I also have Bottle Caps, Gold Bottle Caps, Ability Capsules, Mints (All of them), Sweets (Strawberry, Berry, Love, Clover), Evolution Items, Beast Ball, and more items if you're interested in those.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please post them below and I'll answer them as best I can.

PS: Good on you if you know what game the quotes above are from
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Well-Known Member
I have HA: rufflet scraggy riolu jangmo, some of them with apricorn balls and EM.
Also have a not shiny HA charmander in moon ball with 3 or 4 EMs.
I would be interested in the shiny pichu


VGC Trainer
I have HA: rufflet scraggy riolu jangmo, some of them with apricorn balls and EM.
Also have a not shiny HA charmander in moon ball with 3 or 4 EMs.
I would be interested in the shiny pichu

What does EM mean?