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LF Shiny Mew and Shiny Giratina


Well-Known Member
Both MUST be legit and preferably untouched, with a Modest nature.

Also looking of the various event Mews (Toys r Us, MYSTRY etc.)

Post what you're looking for and I'll see what I can do.


Veronica Taylor fan
Actually, the Toys R Us Mew is the same as the MYSTRY ones. ^^o

All Mew obtained from the Toys R Us event have the OT MYSTRY.


Well-Known Member
REally? Lol, I thought they were two different ones...


Shiny Lover xD
i have mew mystry..got any shinies ? xD


Well-Known Member
30, and I think it's either brave or hardy. You interested?


Well-Known Member
Sure. JUst out of curiosity, is it still LV. 10?