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LF: Transfer only HAs; FT: Transfer only HAs

Hi everyone,
I am on a quest to collect all possible hidden abilities in Gen 6.
Can anybody trade me one or more of the following:

Anorith, Swift Swim
Lileep, Stormdrain
Shieldon, Soundproof
Cranidos, Sheer Force
Shelmet, Overcoat
Hippopotas, Sand Force
Kangaskhan, Inner Focus
Basculin (blue), Mold breaker
Basculin (red), Mold breaker
Deerling (Summer), Seren Grace
Deerling (Autumn), Seren Grace
Deerling (Winter), Seren Grace
Pumpkaboo (Super Size), Insomnia
Sentret, Frisk
Snorlax, Gluttony
Burmy, Overcoat

I can offer in exchange:

Bulbasaur, Chlorophyll,
Charmander, Solar Power
Squirtle, Rain dish
Chikorita, Leaf guard
Cyndaquill, Flash Fire
Totodile, Sheer Force
Treecko, Unburden
Torchic, Speed Boost
Mudkip, Damp
Turtwig, Shell Armor
Chimchar, Iron Fist
Piplup, Defiant
Snivy, Contrary
Tepig, Thick Fat
Oshawott, Shell Armor
Omanyte, Weak Armor
Kabuto, Weak Armor
Aerodactyl, Unnerve
Tirtouga, Swift Swim
Tyrunt, Sturdy
Qwilfish, Intimidate
Karrablast, No Guard
Patrat, Analytic
Dratini, Marvel Scale
Carbink, Sturdy
Miltank, Sap Sipper
Heatmor, White Smoke
Sudowoodo, Rattled
Larvitar, Sand Veil
Ekans, Unnerve
Exeggcute, Harvest
Smoochum, Hydration

A collection of 5-6 IVs finished Pokemon ready to be EV trained:

Shellder, Skill Link, Adamant, Rock blast, 6IV (1x) and 5IV (2x); Shell armor (6IV);
Houndour, Flash Fire, Timid, Sucker Punch, Nasty Plot, 5IV (3x);
Clauncher, Mega Launcher, Modest/Relaxed, (5IV)
Snivy, Contrary, Timid (6IV)/ Calm (5IV)
Nidoran (male), Poison Point, Timid (no SpA) and Rivalry, Timid, (6IV)
Swinub, Thick Fat, Jolly, Freeze-Dry, Icicle Crash (no SpA 2x; no Att 1x)
Foongus, Regenerator, Bold, (5IV)
Cottonee, Prankster, Timid, Memento, Switcheroo, Encore, (5IV)
Slowpoke, Regenerator, Timid, (5IV)
Chansey, Natural Cure, Calm, (5IV)
Heracross, Guts, Adamant, Rockblast, (5IV)
Ponyta, Flash Fire, Jolly, Morning Sun, (5IV)
Vulpix, Drought, Timid, Disable, Extrasensory, Hex, Hypnosis, (5IV)
Hoppip, Chlorophyll, Careful (no SpA)

And a collection of finished Mons from which I would generate offspring off to trade:
Dratini, Marvel scale, adamant, extreme speed, aqua jet, iron tail, dragon dance;
Carbink, sturdy, relaxed;
Exeggcute, harvest, calm, curse;
Shellder, Skill Link, Adamant, Rock blast, 6IV (1x) and 5IV (2x); Shell armor (6IV);
Houndour, Flash Fire, Timid, Sucker Punch, Nasty Plot, 5IV;
Snivy, Contrary, Calm, HP Fire, 5IV and 6IV;
Swinub, Thick Fat, Jolly, Icicle Crash, Freeze dry, 5IV;
Charmander, SolarPower, Timid, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, 5IV;
Charmander, Blaze, Jolly, D. Dance, D. Rush, Outrage, 5IV;
Charmander, Blaze, Adamant, D. Dance, D. Rush, Outrage, 5IV;
Gligar, Immunity, Careful, 5IV;
Slowpoke, Regenerator, Bold, 5IV;
Foongus, Regenerator, Bold, 5IV;
Alomomola, Regenerator, Impish/Bold, 5IV;
Bergmite, Sturdy, Careful, Barrier, Mirror coat, recover5IV;
Ferrorseed, Iron Barbs, Careful, Stealth Rock, Leech seed, Spikes;
Miltank, Thick Fat/Sap Sipper, Impish, Curse, 5IV;
Phantump, Harvest, Impish;
Larvitar, Guts, Relaxed/Adamant, D. Dance, Pursuit, Iron Head, Stealth Rock;
Froakie, Protean, Timid, Toxic Spikes;
Joltik, Compound Eyes, Timid;
Larvesta, Flame body, Timid, Morning Sun;
Clauncher, Mega Launcher, Modest;
Nidoran male/female, Hustle, Timid;
Darumaka, Hustle, Jolly;
Honedge, No guard, Adamant, Wide guard;
Kangaskhan, Scrappy, Jolly;
Fletchling, Gale wings, Adamant;
Heracross, Guts/Moxie, Adamant, Rock blast;
Elekid, Adamant, Static, Ice punch, Fire Punch;
Sigilyph, Magic Guard, Calm, Psycho Boost, Roost, Stored Power;
Pinsir, Mold breaker, Adamant;
Beldum, Clear body, jolly;
Goomy, Sap sipper, Modest;
Eevee, Adaptability, All relevant natures, Yawn, curse, wish;
Scyther, Technician, Vacuum wave;
Corphish, adaptability, jolly, aqua jet, ancient power, knock off;
Vulpix, drought, timid, disable, extrasensory, hex, hypnosis (5IV);
Venipede, Speed Boost, Careful, Spikes, Toxic spikes;
Growlith, Intimidate/Jolly, Impish, Close combat, morning sun, double kick, crunch;
Durant, Truant, Jolly;
Skorupi, battle armor, adamant;
Cottonee, Prankster, Timid, Memento, Switcheroo, Encore;
Audino, Regenerator, Bold, Wish, Amnesia, Encore;
Hoppip, Infiltrator, Jolly;
Clefairy, magic guard, calm;
Floette, Bold, Flower veil;
Grimer, Poison touch, Adamant, Poison gas, Shadow sneak, curse;
Chansey, Natural cure, Bold;
Klefki, Prankster, Careful, Spikes, Switcheroo, Play rough, Foul play;
Larvitar, Sand veil, Guts, Adamant, Iron Head, Pursuit, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance;
Shroomish, Poison heal, Impish;
Snubbull, Intimidate, Impish;
Pineco, Sturdy, Relaxed, Stealth rock, Toxic spikes;
Gastly, Timid, Levitate, Perish Song, Disable, Reflect Type, Grudge;
Darumaka, Hustle, Jolly;
Electabuzz, Static, Adamant, Fire punch, Ice punch;
Torchic, Speed Boost, Adamant;
Ponyta, Flash Fire, Jolly, Morning sun;
Pancham, Scrappy, Adamant;
Ralts, Synchronize/Telepathy, Jolly;

Let me know if you are interested.