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LF Zeraora or Darkrai. FT Naganadel, Pokerus Reshiram, Pokerus Kyurem, or request


New Member
Hello! I have 6 more Pokémon to collect to finish my national dex and all of the ones I’m missing are mythical.

I am actively seeking ANY iv Darkrai or Zeraora as those are the two I like the most and have never had before. Not looking for competitive, just completion.

For trade, I have two Naganadels available (one level 41 and one level 42)
I have a level 50 active Pokerus, untrained Reshiram and level 70 active Pokerus and untrained Dialga and Kyurem.

I also have a shiny level 60 Tapu Koko, a shiny level 11 Dragonaire (originally from Pokémon go and transferred to Home from Let’s Go), and a level 100 shiny Yveltal.

If you have spares and don’t like what’s listed, message me what you are looking for and I’ll see if I have one to spare! Thanks!
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