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Light ball, does it work on raichu?

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New Member
Hi, I have a firered game, with a pikachu with attached light ball (gotta luv it) anyways, the discription says for pikachu, but does it work for raichu to?

If it doesn't work for raichu, should I evolve or keep pikachu with light ball?

For those that don't know, Light ball adds 100% to special attack.


Palace Maven Spenser
only works on pikachu.

light ball doubles pika's sp.atk, so a modest pika witha 31 IV and full EVs acts with 436 sp.atk, compared with 306 for the same raichu.

i!Mr Poo-Poo Head!i

Well-Known Member
Yeah DEFINETLY keep it a perky little pika:p the amount between spt atk can be loads


Shine Now!
I always thought the Light ball were attached to Wild Pikachu 5% of the time.


Well-Known Member
can't you only get light balls in emerald?


Well-Known Member
You can get a light ball in the safari zone, but its only in emerald. I would suggest using a pokemon with compound eyes or something along those lines to increase the chances of a pikachu holding light ball.



<-If only it was red
The light ball only works for pika.

HOWEVER, there is 1 other use.

On emerald, if you breed 2 pikas/ riachus/one with a ditto, and one of them (Female I think) is holding the light ball, the baby pichu will know....
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