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~Light up the way...Chinchou~


Gizmomancer supreme
A quickie by me (by my standards, that's about 3 hours):


Chinchou is one of the oddest-looking and yet strangely cute Pokemon...I'm not sure if its shadow is cast correctly, but I'm pretty glad it took on such a 3D-ish look.

Tell me what you think about it :D.


Jirachi Master
The shading is amazing. I love his pose!


i love how it looks like it's underwater! the shading is great and i love the antennae. so bright xD

great work all the way!


Active Member
Wow...this is really good. You captured a 3D effect quite well. The shadow looks fine to me.

The Edge

The underwater lighting worked very well...I mean, you can actually tell it's supposed to be underwater. XD The shading is all but perfect, I love the water-color-ish look you gave it. Antennae are especially well done.
Wish I had some more substantial criticism, but seriously, it's almost perfect. Great job!


Well-Known Member
Eee, Chinchou. <3

I agree, you did a great job capturing the 3D effect. You actually feel like you're underwater with it. XP The shading is awesome, and as for the shading on the attenna being difficult, it looks fine to me. So does the shadow, btw. I don't really have a whole lot constructive criticism to give you, so sorry about that, lol. But um, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see more art from you! :D


true love
I liked the colours, the effects and the background...I give it a 9/10
Way to read the rules / break 'em. :rolleyes:
Rules said:
Better elaborate on that post or .. else.

Uh.. on topic, that was some very nice deep-sea lighting you did, though you called it an experimental, still came out very beautiful. As for the 3D aspects, I can see pretty clearly that it is done so with precision. The antenna looks fine to me, so no need to worry about overperfecting it. You could almost see the flow of the water with that picture, via its antennas. Still, a nicely done fanart of Chinchou. Thumbs up for ya, so keep it up.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
wow...thats is just amazing the way you've caught the light off Chichou's anntenae and how it dazzles the water around it...
i wonder how you would do with a Lanturn...


Quintessence of 42
It was a great picture! Good job!

I especially liked the shading on the antenna (eheh), and the expression was really great. The lighting looked pretty cool, too, and I didn't need the explanation of what was going on in the picture to enjoy it.

Overall, a superb job. ^_^