Well-Known Member
Hello, all! This is my shop, currently, so feel free to request if the text below says "OPEN".
Shop is currently: CLOSED. Like, permanently. If you reeeeaaally want something, you can PM me...
First of all, the Rules! You didn't think you were getting away without reading these, did you?
1. Follow the form exactly. As of 11/5/06, I have been getting increasingly angry at those who don't have the common sense to follow the forms. It's up to the other workers what to do with their customers, but my customers had better follow the forms exactly. Or you get your request denied automatically. If you don't understand what something is, say so in your post.
2. You must type so that we can read it. No chatspeak, please.
3. If you don't like your request, ask the person who made it to fix what you don't like, go ask someone else, or go make one yourself. But don't you DARE start flaming us for it.
4. You may request two things at a time from each worker, up to a grand total of three requests per post.
5. The standard forum rules apply here as well. I will report any rule-breaking, and bring to a mod's attention a signature that breaks the rules. That means you don't double-post, spam, flame, etc.
6. BE PATIENT. It takes time to do requests, and I'm sure we're all very busy.
9. Indicate who you want to make your request.
Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
(For #5, I don't leave empty spaces any more. I erase them from the template)
Background (Link or general term):
Pokemon Behind/In front of Trainer (Specify behind or in front of):
Trainer (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, Male/Female for all and National Pokedex # for 4th Gen pokemon):
Sprite Backgrounds (Color of the boxes the sprites are in. Can be clear):
Badges/Symbols (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Battle Fronteir Gold/Silver):
Name (Thirteen-fourteen characters including spaces, case sensitive):
I will use PE2K sprites only!
Group Photos:
I thought these up myself, I swear. You can also call them whatever you want, like Team pictures or team banners.
One Team Photos
Pokemon (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Team Photos
Two teams, one on each side of Trainer
Line shape (curved or straight [see example]):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Trainer Team Photos
Two Trainers, one team each. Also, SkyHighSwellow edited that neat blonde-haired sprite, while I did the brown-haired one.
Trainer 1 (Link or sprite):
Trainer 2 (Link or sprite):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon)
~Jirachi Lover~
Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3
Name -->
Trainer Sprite (Link) -->
Pokemon Behind, Beside, or In front of Trainer -->
Pokemon (1-6) -->
Background (Link) -->
Badges (Same as lightfairy475's) -->
Colors Inverted (Yes/No) -->
Will use PE2K sprites or PokeSho images.
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Base (the one with changes being made to it):
(Gold trophies only)
Trainer Cards:
Trainer Sprite (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, note if shiny):
Pokemon Behind Trainer:
Template/ Background (Link):
Badges/Symbols (Same as above, but with Shinou):
Pictures (Links):
Background (Link):
Will have her forms and examples added as soon as I get them all together.
Shop is currently: CLOSED. Like, permanently. If you reeeeaaally want something, you can PM me...
First of all, the Rules! You didn't think you were getting away without reading these, did you?
1. Follow the form exactly. As of 11/5/06, I have been getting increasingly angry at those who don't have the common sense to follow the forms. It's up to the other workers what to do with their customers, but my customers had better follow the forms exactly. Or you get your request denied automatically. If you don't understand what something is, say so in your post.
2. You must type so that we can read it. No chatspeak, please.
3. If you don't like your request, ask the person who made it to fix what you don't like, go ask someone else, or go make one yourself. But don't you DARE start flaming us for it.
4. You may request two things at a time from each worker, up to a grand total of three requests per post.
5. The standard forum rules apply here as well. I will report any rule-breaking, and bring to a mod's attention a signature that breaks the rules. That means you don't double-post, spam, flame, etc.
6. BE PATIENT. It takes time to do requests, and I'm sure we're all very busy.
9. Indicate who you want to make your request.
Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
(For #5, I don't leave empty spaces any more. I erase them from the template)
Background (Link or general term):
Pokemon Behind/In front of Trainer (Specify behind or in front of):
Trainer (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, Male/Female for all and National Pokedex # for 4th Gen pokemon):
Sprite Backgrounds (Color of the boxes the sprites are in. Can be clear):
Badges/Symbols (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Battle Fronteir Gold/Silver):
Name (Thirteen-fourteen characters including spaces, case sensitive):
I will use PE2K sprites only!
Group Photos:
I thought these up myself, I swear. You can also call them whatever you want, like Team pictures or team banners.
One Team Photos
Pokemon (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Team Photos
Two teams, one on each side of Trainer
Line shape (curved or straight [see example]):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Trainer Team Photos
Two Trainers, one team each. Also, SkyHighSwellow edited that neat blonde-haired sprite, while I did the brown-haired one.
Trainer 1 (Link or sprite):
Trainer 2 (Link or sprite):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon)
~Jirachi Lover~
Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3
Name -->
Trainer Sprite (Link) -->
Pokemon Behind, Beside, or In front of Trainer -->
Pokemon (1-6) -->
Background (Link) -->
Badges (Same as lightfairy475's) -->
Colors Inverted (Yes/No) -->
Will use PE2K sprites or PokeSho images.
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Base (the one with changes being made to it):
(Gold trophies only)
Trainer Cards:
Trainer Sprite (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, note if shiny):
Pokemon Behind Trainer:
Template/ Background (Link):
Badges/Symbols (Same as above, but with Shinou):
Pictures (Links):
Background (Link):
Will have her forms and examples added as soon as I get them all together.
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