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Lightfairy475's Request Shop, V2


Well-Known Member
Hello, all! This is my shop, currently, so feel free to request if the text below says "OPEN".
Shop is currently: CLOSED. Like, permanently. If you reeeeaaally want something, you can PM me...

First of all, the Rules! You didn't think you were getting away without reading these, did you?

1. Follow the form exactly. As of 11/5/06, I have been getting increasingly angry at those who don't have the common sense to follow the forms. It's up to the other workers what to do with their customers, but my customers had better follow the forms exactly. Or you get your request denied automatically. If you don't understand what something is, say so in your post.
2. You must type so that we can read it. No chatspeak, please.
3. If you don't like your request, ask the person who made it to fix what you don't like, go ask someone else, or go make one yourself. But don't you DARE start flaming us for it.
4. You may request two things at a time from each worker, up to a grand total of three requests per post.
5. The standard forum rules apply here as well. I will report any rule-breaking, and bring to a mod's attention a signature that breaks the rules. That means you don't double-post, spam, flame, etc.
6. BE PATIENT. It takes time to do requests, and I'm sure we're all very busy.
9. Indicate who you want to make your request.

Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
(For #5, I don't leave empty spaces any more. I erase them from the template)
Background (Link or general term):
Pokemon Behind/In front of Trainer (Specify behind or in front of):
Trainer (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, Male/Female for all and National Pokedex # for 4th Gen pokemon):
Sprite Backgrounds (Color of the boxes the sprites are in. Can be clear):
Badges/Symbols (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Battle Fronteir Gold/Silver):
Name (Thirteen-fourteen characters including spaces, case sensitive):
I will use PE2K sprites only!

Group Photos:
I thought these up myself, I swear. You can also call them whatever you want, like Team pictures or team banners.
One Team Photos
Pokemon (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Team Photos
Two teams, one on each side of Trainer
Line shape (curved or straight [see example]):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Double-Trainer Team Photos
Two Trainers, one team each. Also, SkyHighSwellow edited that neat blonde-haired sprite, while I did the brown-haired one.
Trainer 1 (Link or sprite):
Trainer 2 (Link or sprite):
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon)

~Jirachi Lover~
Trainer Cards:
1 | 2 | 3
Name -->
Trainer Sprite (Link) -->
Pokemon Behind, Beside, or In front of Trainer -->
Pokemon (1-6) -->
Background (Link) -->
Badges (Same as lightfairy475's) -->
Colors Inverted (Yes/No) -->
Will use PE2K sprites or PokeSho images.

Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Base (the one with changes being made to it):

(Gold trophies only)



Trainer Cards:
Trainer Sprite (Link or picture):
Pokemon (1-6, note if shiny):
Pokemon Behind Trainer:
Template/ Background (Link):
Badges/Symbols (Same as above, but with Shinou):

Pictures (Links):
Background (Link):

Will have her forms and examples added as soon as I get them all together.
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Can I work here.. I dunno how to get da grafics.. but seeing how good u people are.. can you tutormr please??


Well-Known Member
DarkLucario: Well, if you want to work here, you;'ll need to give me any example of your work you have. Judging from your post, I don't think you have any...
And I couldn't tutor a...a...person who learns very quickly. I'm a terrble teacher. Ask Leithsumbreon#1 or ~Jirachi Lover~, but I don't know what their answers will be. And why don't you just search the web with Google for a tutorial for what you want to learn to make? I didn't ask anyone how to make Trainer cards; I looked online, found a tutorial on someone's account on Neopets.com, and learned the rest through experience. It's really not that hard. I've only been making Cards for a month-maybe more, maybe less. I just tried my first sprite recolor and edit today, after reading tons of tutorials on www.dragonflycave.com. So go look online, and if you don't find anything, ask around for a tutorial. There's also tutorials in the Fan Sprite Section, I believe. The topic is stickied.
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I'm a Guy FYI
can i work here plz? i sent you a pm


Well-Known Member
Untitled: Your work is excellent, incredibly well-done; I wish I could sprite that well. I've reconsidered, though, and I think I have enough workers. My friend SkyHighSwellow is learning to sprite, and she asked to work in the shop when she gets better, and I'll have four workers then. Sorry, but I'll have to say no.
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Well-Known Member
I can do shinou lightfairy :).. I like the new shop.... its clean... I kept going to the old one and wondering why no one requested (I had the last page bookmarked.) Have you thought of a name so I can finish that banner?


Well-Known Member
I can do shinou lightfairy :).. I like the new shop.... its clean... I kept going to the old one and wondering why no one requested (I had the last page bookmarked.) Have you thought of a name so I can finish that banner?

The name is just as it says on the thread title- "Lightfairy475's Request Shop, V2" I forgot to PM you saying I have the new shop here. Sorry.
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Hi lightfairy.Now I see why you havnt pm'ed me in a while.Nice shop layout.Now I fell youll be busy in no time:)I might also want some sprites from Leithsumbreon and maybe a tc from ~Jirachi Lover~.But,for Leith,could I have:


Hey,I didnt want to waste a good post:/
Maybe ill get into making tc myself.Ive seen some guys do tc of their own and i want to do it too.Where do i go to get a tutorial?

Pm me once,will ya fairy?Im lonely lately:(,


Well-Known Member
dairugia: I could take a crack at that banner if you like, since it's only sprites. I'd have to look up the dimensions for banners again, though. If you'd prefer to wait for Leith, who probably has more experience anyway, don't reply to this.

theCHAOSkid of THUNDA: Actually, I'm still busy. Learning to sprite. Go to my photobucket account and you'll find dome recolors I've been working on.
...And that's the reason I started this TC shop (Well, when it was a TC shop, anyway). I wanted to do them myself. *looks for link* I have a tutorial here somewhere, and that's the only reason I'm giving you the link-I know where it is. And you specified TC tutorial.
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~Jirachi Lover~

Jirachi Lover
Hey everyone I can take request aswell!!


Well-Known Member
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Not bad Leith.Relaxing to see after 2 straight hours of pokemon XD and losing a shAdow pokemon and leaving a controller sized hole in the ground:)Its good,and for balls like these,you could try to add legs to the ball.Currently it seems the shop i requested in weeks ago has finally got out of their delays and sent me more pics then i could handle:/But none the less,good.Lightfairy,do you not like me anymore?AM I SO INSIGNIFIGANT TO YOU!?*CRIES,curtains fall,FIN*But seriously pm me will ya?;munchlax;

P.S. I went ot your Neopets account,and it said it doesnt existD8!have they deleted your account?
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Well-Known Member
I love having friends outside these forums...
K chaos, Ill give the ball another try, I'll have to mess with its dimension to make it work, but I like a challange. If I dont have it done by tonight, I probably wont have it done tomorrow 'cause Im going out right after school and prob wont be back for a while.. so you MIGHT have to wait till saturday :)


Dark Lord Smeargle
Line shape (curved or straight [see example]):Curved
Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):Typhlosion, Bayleef(shiny) Gyraods, Enpurto(;395;, 395) Hitmonlee, Quilava, Quilava (Shiny)
Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):Typhlosion(Shiny) Bayleef Gyrados(Shiny) Enpurto(Shiny, 395) Hitmonlee(Shiny) Quilava(Shiny) Quilava
Trainer (Link or sprite):
Trainer Sprite


Well-Known Member
Line shape (curved or straight [see example]):Curved

Team 1 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):Typhlosion, Bayleef(shiny) Gyraods, Enpurto(, 395) Hitmonlee, Quilava, Quilava (Shiny)

Team 2 (3-6, note if shiny, state gender, National Pokedex # [Kanto order] for D/P pokemon):Typhlosion(Shiny) Bayleef Gyrados(Shiny) Enpurto(Shiny, 395) Hitmonlee(Shiny) Quilava(Shiny) Quilava

Trainer (Link or sprite):

Trainer Sprite

*coughgenderscough* Without genders, I can't do the request...

Also, that's seven pokemon for your second team. six per team...

theCHAOSkid of THUNDA: Yes, you are insignificant. So insignificant, that my possessed keyboard made me press I instead of U for your name. [....kidding...of course...]

And you went on my neopets account? Well, there's two things wrong with that.

1. My Neopets account is perfectly fine! Don't scare me like that! *huggles account while people back away slowly*

2. You apparently need an account to view other people's accounts. If you have one, you probably typed it in wrong. It's lightfairy475.

3. I said Photobucket account... >_> But never mind, here's what I was working on.


Note to people: You steal, you die. Though I don't know why you'd want to steal my work, since it's crap.
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm you should brace your self. Your fans are going to beging comforting you, and complementing you on your work because of "note to people:you steal you die. Though I don't know why you'd want to steal my work, since it's crap."
On another note, the recoloring is on more than just trainers I asume? Are you going to recolor clothes aswell?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm you should brace your self. Your fans are going to beging comforting you, and complementing you on your work because of "note to people:you steal you die. Though I don't know why you'd want to steal my work, since it's crap."
On another note, the recoloring is on more than just trainers I asume? Are you going to recolor clothes aswell?

Oh, goodie, just what I need. Loads of fake complements. >_>
On another note...I have fans? *blink*
And, yes, I can recolor clothes, but I couldn't think of color schemes.

SmeargleTy: I'm going to make all the sprites male for now, and if you want one changed, you'll have to tell me.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, yes, I know; "Where the hell have you been?!?!?"
Well, this has been another one of those weekends; my teachers all are giving projects before Halloween, I have to get things ready for the Trick-or-Treaters, all that stuff. But I'm back now. Sorry about that.

I put the first six pokemon on each side, because seven each is a little too much. I also used male sprites, because I didn't see genders anywhere. If anything is wrong, please tell me. Sorry about the non-WBGed-ness; until I get the GIMP, I can't make backgrounds clear.
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