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Link-Battle OU 1 vs 1 Team


New Member
Hello! I haven't really played competitively much since RBY, so this is my first attempt at a compitative Advance team (though I'm actually gearing up for DP wi-fi, so this team is in preparation for the next generation). I don't have my EV's or Held Items figured out yet, first I want to find out if the team will do okay. Anyway, be brutal:

;291; Ninjask @ Liechei Berry
Nature: Adamant (+ Atk, - Sp. Atk)
EV: Max Atk, some in Spd, a lot in HP
Trait: Speed Boost

- Silver Wind (to be replaced by Bug Upheaval in DP)
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass

Baton Passer, Obviously

;105; Marowak @ Thick Club
Nature: Jolly (+ Spd, - Sp. Atk)
EV: Atk and Spd, maybe some Def

- Bonemerang
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break
- Fire Punch (For DP)

Physical sweeper and my favorite Pokemon

;200; Misdreavus @ Apicot Berry?
Nature: Modest (+ Sp. Atk, - Atk)
Ev: Sp. Atk and Spd, maybe some Sp. Def

- Shadow Ball (For DP)
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Confuse Ray

Special Sweeper or Tank, at least, once I evolve her in DP. Another of my favorite Pokemon.

;295; Exploud @ Salac Berry?
Nature: Neutral
EV: HP, Atk, Sp. Atk, don't know my spread yet

- Return
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower/Roar

Mixed Sweeper, maybe a PHazer, and one of my favorite Pokemon. He's the one I'm really unsure about, though. Any suggestions? Maybe a Sleep-Talker?

;134; Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold (+ Def, - Atk)
EV: Hp, Def and Sp. Def, maybe a little Sp. Atk

- Surf
- Toxic
- Haze
- Wish

Tank and Support

;038; Ninetales @ Lum Berry?
Nature: Bold (+ Def, - Atk)
EV: Def, Sp. Def, some Spd

- Flamethrower
- Fire Spin
- Toxic
- Confuse Ray

Annoyer, I have no idea what held item to give her

So anyway, there's my projected team. I don't want to repeat held items, so that's why I don't have Leftovers on most of them. What did I miss? What Pokemon would decimate me? Thanks to anyone who can help!
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Hello! I haven't really played competitively much since RBY, so this is my first attempt at a compitative Advance team (though I'm actually gearing up for DP wi-fi, so this team is in preparation for the next generation). I don't have my EV's or Held Items figured out yet, first I want to find out if the team will do okay. Anyway, be brutal:
I don't know exactly the complete view of the DP metagame, so I'll just try the best in movesets.
;291; Ninjask @ Liechei Berry
Nature: Adamant (+ Atk, - Sp. Atk)
EV: Max Atk, some in Spd, a lot in HP
Trait: Speed Boost

- Silver Wind (to be replaced by Bug Upheaval in DP)
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
Baton Passer, Obviously

;105; Marowak @ Thick Club
Nature: Jolly (+ Spd, - Sp. Atk)
EV: Atk and Spd, maybe some Def

- Bonemerang
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break
- Fire Punch (For DP)
Brick break is absolute trash-BM/RS covers everything besides Flygon-which would prolly be rather uncommon with the land shark around. Swords Dance might be a good thing over it, although once again I don't have a clear view of the DP Metagame and from what it seems....its too filled with offense that Swords Dance would be obsolete. Stone Edge > Rock Slide. Double -Edge > Brick Break if Swords Dance is unfitting (also because Ninjask can pass stuff to this). Otherwise, use Swords Dance or Focus Punch > Fire Punch for Advance
Physical sweeper and my favorite Pokemon

;200; Misdreavus @ Apicot Berry?
Nature: Modest (+ Sp. Atk, - Atk)
Ev: Sp. Atk and Spd, maybe some Sp. Def

- Shadow Ball (For DP)
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Confuse Ray

Special Sweeper or Tank, at least, once I evolve her in DP. Another of my favorite Pokemon.
leftovers- Will-o-Wisp > CRay IMO, and CM > Psychic. DP only

;295; Exploud @ Salac Berry?
Nature: Neutral
EV: HP, Atk, Sp. Atk, don't know my spread yet

- Return
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower/Roar
Meh I dunno
Mixed Sweeper, maybe a PHazer, and one of my favorite Pokemon. He's the one I'm really unsure about, though. Any suggestions? Maybe a Sleep-Talker?

;134; Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold (+ Def, - Atk)
EV: Hp, Def and Sp. Def, maybe a little Sp. Atk

- Surf
- Toxic
- Haze
- Wish
IB > Haze IMO
Tank and Support

;038; Ninetales @ Lum Berry?
Nature: Bold (+ Def, - Atk)
EV: Def, Sp. Def, some Spd

- Flamethrower
- Fire Spin
- Toxic
- Confuse Ray
Toxitrapping will probably fail even more in DP. Ninetales get nice moves in DP- Energy Ball (EGG)/CM/Scheme/70% Acc Hypnosis/WoW/
IMO Scheme or Calm Mind/Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Will-o-Wisp for DP
Otherwise use WoW/FT/Grudge/Sub for advance

Annoyer, I have no idea what held item to give her

So anyway, there's my projected team. I don't want to repeat held items, so that's why I don't have Leftovers on most of them. What did I miss? What Pokemon would decimate me? Thanks to anyone who can help!

Crunch (D/P) / Shadow Ball (ADV) Snorlax hurts your team badly.
Attempt at a DP rate.


New Member

Thanks for your help!

For Marowak, now I'm trying to decide between Focus Punch and Thunderpunch. Focus Punch for Snorlax and Thunderpunch for Milotic. What I'll probably do is give him the elemental punches (since he has to learn them before going to DP), transfer, and see if they work out. If not, TM time.

I agree with you on Ninetales, Misdreavus, and Exploud. Maybe I'll replace Exploud with that Fighting/Psychic Kirlia evolution with Blade Test or Scissor Cross/Psycho Cutter/In Fight/Taunt.

Looks like I still have a lot to think about. Thanks again!


Focus Punch IMO. Thunderpunch does the same damage to Milotic as Earthquake, and you've got Fire Punch for Skarmory (probably dead in DP but w/e), Dotaitos and Dotakun. Of course, Focus Punch kinda sucks because all you're hitting is cradily, normals (OHKOing Slaking is cool, though), and Ludicolo, but its not that bad