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Linking Up

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Well-Known Member
Ever since the original Pokemon Pinball game, I've always wondered why these side games do not link up to the original games; either to trade data or to unlock new events.


This shows that at the very least, Mysterious Dungeon and Trose can link up together to unlock stuff in both games.

I don't see why this cannot be implemented throughout all of the games - Mysterious Dungeon (both), Trose, Ranger, Diamond, & Pearl.
Not that there are major things that you'd need to unlock this way, more like Emerald's Safari Zone expansion, but it offers up a possibility of having additional features in the game (**cough**legendaries**cough**).


Well-Known Member
Takuya said:
What's Trose?

Yes. I went by the spelling that I found on the Japanese website.

As for what they unlock - I guess for the puzzle game, it unlocks something to do with that evil Doctor character's stage. And for MD, it unlocks some sort of help.
Babelfish translator says something about a 'coin' for both of the games. Gotta love bot-translations :p


Well, I already posted a previous thread speculating Celebi as a reward in the English Ranger games using the anime tie-in. And UK Channel had Jirachi. So, the possibility is there.

I agree though, bonuses when linked to the main games could very well affect my purchacing decision.
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