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list od dundgon levels.


oh sorry then which mod can i ask to delete the thread??
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Well-Known Member
Appreciate your efforts friend, but these details are already available here.
Dungeon Floors

Tiny Woods: 3
Thunderwave Cave: 5
Mt Steel: 9
Sinister Woods: 13
Silent Chasm: 9
Mt Thunder: 10 + 3
Great Canyon: 12
Lapis Cave: 14
Mt Blaze: 12 + 3
Frosty Forest: 9 + 5
Mt Freeze: 15 + 5
Magma Cavern: 23 + 3
Sky Tower: 25 + 9
Uproar Forest: 10
Howling Forest: 15
Stormy Sea: 40
Silver Trench: 99
Meteor Cave: 20
Fiery Field: 30
Lightning Field: 30
Northwind Field: 30
Mt Faraway: 40
Western Cave: 99
Northern Range: 25
Pitfall Valley: 25
Buried Relic: 99
Wish Cave: 99
Murky Cave: 20
Desert Region: 20
Wyvern Hill: 30
Solar Cave: 20
Waterfall Pond: 19
Southern Cavern: 50
Darknight Relic: 15
Grand Sea: 30
Unown Relic: 11
Joyous Tower: 99
Far-off Sea: 75
Purity Forest: 99
Oddity Cave: 15
Remains Island: 20
Fantasy Strait: 30
Marvelous Sea: 20