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Little information available on creator Tajiri Satoshi


Gmaster Charizardpal
Am I the only one who noticed that all online information available on Tajiri Satoshi dereives from a single Times magazine interview? Is he really that reclusive or are there any other interviews on him. It seems sad that all perceptions of the creator of the franchise come from a single article written nearly ten years ago.


Powerplay Champion
Oh wow.. you got a point, i just tried to look him up on wikipedia... and even they have nothing fantastic on him...
Maybe it's cause he isn't as prominent as someone as Shigeru Miyamoto...

Dread Advocate

†Stay Metal†
theres only one interview. i doubt there will be anymore cuz most ppl in this 21st century hate pokemon or have never heard of it. And also, ppl think that the creator is someone else, cant remember his name.


Also, Tajiri's Japanese. He spends his life in Japan, not America. And I'm fairly sure that Ishihara is the one who usually consents to interviews...

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
What does him being Japanese have to do with anything? There's a distinct lack of Japanese interviews/articles as well--otherwise there's be a push to translate them.