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Little Shop of Drawings


Beginning Trainer
Hello, I am Trashure, and this is my first shop. After a long absence from Serebii, I've decided I'll try my hand at taking requests.

Waiting List:
1 - Regi?Castform
2 - Agent Myst
3 - Light Venusaur
4 -
5 -
6 -

I will draw most anything that could be considered a pokemon. Just give me a detailed description of what you want, and I'll draw it.

Pokemon Batte Scenes
Example: Magneton vs. Skarmory

The picture I draw for you will not be that small, unless you want it to be. Basically, I need to know which two pokemon are battling (only two please), Which one is attacking, with what attack, and how the other pokemon is reacting (dodging, blocking, running away, etc.).

Fake Evolutions
Example: Qwilfish Evo, Dunsparce Evo

For a fake evolution, I need to know which pokemon you want to be evolved. I disregard any request to evolve a three staged pokemon, and I will only add one stage to a pokemon. I will do evolutions split from an already existing pokemon, but more details are required if you request something like that. In some cases, you may want to include a new animal to base the evolution off of (example: the Qwilfish evo is based off of the lionfish).

Example: Sinapeed, Gecodo - Bacodo

These requests are different from the Fake Evolution ones because they require much more detail and a basis. A basis could be an animal, a mythical being, or even an object. Usually though, I would like to have an animal as the base.

You may also ask for a drawing of an existing pokemon in a particular pose if you like, but where is the fun in that?

Drawings may take from 12 hours - 4 days, depending on where you are on the waiting list, and when I read your request. You will be immediately placed on the waiting list once I have read your request. Do not request if the waiting list is full.

For more examples, you may explore my photobucket account. Disregard anything in the "not my stuff" sub album. Yes, I am CasMat.

Anything that I draw may be used anywhere you please, and I'm not very nit-picky about credit. It is very important, though, that you do not steal any of my artwork and say it is your own. It would be appreciated if you did not use any artwork besides what you have requested, but if you want to, please ask first.​
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I'll be your first customer. I'd like a Lugia vs. Ho-oh battle, with Lugia using Aeroblast and Ho-oh using Sacred Fire at the same time, with both of the attacks hitting each other in mid-air. Thanks!


Pachirisu Master
Pachirisu and Perap

Pachirisu w/ Thunder (make it look happy plz if possible) and Perap dodging

Ooh, I gotta get one of these 8D...

I would like to request you to draw me a...Castform form in a sandstorm--of course changed. If you need any further info, then pelase do ask, but it is easier leaving it to you, and I am ALWAYS satisfied with what I get...


Beginning Trainer
OK, well here is Darthkirby's request:

Lugia vs. Ho-oh

It's at a side view because that's the best way I could show the two attacks colliding...

I am going to bed now, but Perap Dodging a Pachirisu Thunder is next, and after that it Sandstorm Castform. Goodnight

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
Nice, drawings.
My I get a pic of all the Eeveelutions....but I'm not in a rush for you to do it.
Just do it when Ken Sugimori's Glacia & Leafia comes out.