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Little slugger...


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if this is even the right place to post, or if this is the right thing to post. So here it go's.

Im watching tv right now, adult swim on cartoonnetwork, and this show starts off with a bunch of people laughing, and then the show is based on this kid on skates knocking people over the head with a bent baseballbat.

Can someone explain to me wtf is up with the show? What is the point of it?
it's called Parnoia Agent. The boy is basically a dream thing....

not going to spoil the rest.


Old Coot
Maybe if you actually WATCH the show, you may learn a few things.


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered this. But i dont wanna watch the whole series because it sucks so much.

zonic the hedgehog

I have always wondered this. But i dont wanna watch the whole series because it sucks so much.

Hmm, so that means you haven't watched it the entire series?

But you don't even know what the title of the show is, what the show is about, or how it ends...

But yet you somehow know it sucks?

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Well-Known Member
I personally don't like the show, because even though it makes sense (in it's odd way), I don't get why she came up with little slugger or for the matter how any of that could happen if he was a dreamboy.
Something's conflicting there...

First of all this is anime, or just fiction in general, so why not? Basically, don't lie. Coming up with such a lie and living by it may result in you believing that it's actually true, and thus refuse and reject reality. This anime is an example of lies gone rampant.


Old Coot
I personally don't like the show, because even though it makes sense (in it's odd way), I don't get why she came up with little slugger or for the matter how any of that could happen if he was a dreamboy.
Dur, gee, I wonder why?

Simply because she wanted to avoid being responsible for her dog's death so she blamed it on a kid in skates with a bat? 8D Or to avoid the big conflict at work, she injured herself and blamed it on the very same "kid."

As to how it could happen? It's an anime. Simple as that.


Hoenn Champion
One thing that I did not really understand in the show is how her made up character became real, and started attacking everyone. I mean, I can understand that the theme is kind of how lies can spin out of control, like someone posted above, but I just do not really understand how it ended up almost destroying the whole city.

I have watched the whole anime, and I have thought about it, but I just do not really understand that one thing.
One thing that I did not really understand in the show is how her made up character became real, and started attacking everyone. I mean, I can understand that the theme is kind of how lies can spin out of control, like someone posted above, but I just do not really understand how it ended up almost destroying the whole city.

I have watched the whole anime, and I have thought about it, but I just do not really understand that one thing.

How hard is it to belive that lies can tear a city apart?