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Living in Seacape


Living in Seacape’s back.
Read this before posting

Year 1
Intro part 1
Intro part 2
Day 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Seacape Movie: Before Week One
Week 1
Day 2
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Day 3
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Day 4
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Day 5
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Day 6
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Day 7
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Day 8
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75

Week 2
Day 9
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78 *new episode*

LiS quiz
Special 1: Dr. FrankenJim
Special 2: Jimmy goes to the dentist 4th place in 1st CC
Special 3: Winterspecial 3rd place in 2nd CC
Special 4: New sized pannels
Special 5: Valintine Special Last place in 3rd CC
Speech Bubble Color Special
Special 6: Vital Questions 8th place at 5th CC
Special 7: Joltman VS Snake 3rd place in 6th CC
Special 8: Celebrity Special 1st place in 7th CC
Special 9: Back to School

Fan Stuff
the free Jimmy flag made by me
Fan stuff's welcome.


Want to be in this comic?
I have enough sprites. PLease do not pm me with sprites any more...

North District
South Paradise

Maps made by me, angel torchic and oddishrullez
Sprites made by me and all the loyal readers. Also a lot of basics for my recolored sprites from Avatar.
Emoticons from MSN

Hope you like it.
Last edited:

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Yay! LIS is back, I cannot wait for the next eppie, i hope there will be one soon.


I have one episode for today, but the rest will be for after the examinations...
Episode 72 - Deleted
Last edited by a moderator:


I made that episode right after LiS was closed.

Blueguy, if you read this, this episode is not ment to starta flamewar or anything like that.


<- Kawaii ^^
Yay!! LIS is back!! I just got back from my vacation and weirdly, there was this hotel called Seascape ^^;;;


Pokemon Master
ah ha ha! LiS is back then huh? great!

the new ep is... Spamfu... i mean... wonderful. spam dude is blueguy, eh? bye bye new thead! flamewars will start soon, *sigh*

so how long are these exams of yours? now, Go! do you're studies. we don't want you to fail right?
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LiS got a new thread? Okay. Try making raincoats for the characters or something, it would be absolutely foolish of them to go out in the rain like that. Clarice seems to move on to a new boy every day. A band... I like the sound of that.


All thanks for replying.
I have examinations till 22 december.

I think I won't let the blue guy return because then maybe someone will be mad...

I thought the same thing as DKJ, I will try to make those couts soon.


Boo! LiS is back!

You still have as poor grammar as ever, and I know this "Blueguy" personally. I saw what he did. He intelligently chewed you out for excessive spam in YOUR OWN ACCURSED COMIC. Now you're getting back at him with wasting most of a comic bashing him. That isn't the right way to handle it. If you have a problem, go to the mods. Don't flame him through your work. You're improving, Beco, but you've got a way to go. First, a thourough review.

Plot - 2/10
Plotholes stand everywhere at the moment, but at least it's not an overly-used plot.
Sprites - 1/10
Abysmal. You resort to using the sprites of others, and expressions could look much better. It's getting progressively better, though.
Backgrounds - 7/10
Pretty good for custom-made. Except for a few exceptions, I can actually give this a decent score.
Grammar - 2/10
It's improving, but mistakes are still common. And emoticons NEVER suffice to facial expressions. EVER. Remember that.
Humor - 1/10
If this could get a zero, it would. There are extremely few punchlines for this being a COMIC. And the one you did just get in, you did by bashing another undeserving member. Shame.
Characters - 1/10
Garion, Beco and Clarice are all acting very unlike most humans I've met. Most would not date three boys at once or dump for the new guy. Garion is being extemely nice to Beco for his nature and Beco is adapting very well for a new kid. Also, Beco's general behavior is very... odd. Comics need a bit of believability, y'know...
Overall (not average) - 2/10
The only decent thing is the backgrounds, which isn't extremely important overall. You need to learn maturity while making comics and to follow general guidelines for what comics should be. It is not all about vengance, but rather spreading humor and art.

Beco, you've been improving. I was almost about to tell you that you could eventually become respected if you play your cards right. But now, you're showing signs of a loss of skill and maturity. All the respect that I had built up for you, gone like that. If you don't clean up your act, I'll ask you to transfer my characters to another school. I don't want my characters in a comic with a pratty author.


A comic doesn't have to funny, maybe this is a SpriteFic.
If it IS, it shouldn't be under "comics". The general idea of a comic is HUMOR, man. A comic generally does have to be funny to be successful among the smart comicmakers.
A bit harsh on all of these and extremely harsh on some parts.
That's because after all the poor work he's gotten away with and all the worshippers he's gotten off of it, he deserves at least one person to stand up and fight back.
Dude, you, Bleuguy and the dickheads club should go away if they dont like spam or bad comics.
Okay, man, this is really starting to annoy me. If you have to resort to calling us "dickheads" to get a point across and think that a three-line post can tear apart a well-written arguement, you're sadly mistaken. If I don't like spam or bad comics, I'm trying to preserve QUALITY, which keeps the Serebiiforums respected. I don't want to start a flame war, but if mods can't sort this out I will have one final flamewar topic set up and I will get the rest of the respected comic-makers in here against all you worshippers and we WILL debate you to hell. Now shut up and let crit be taken.

And MC is right, I'm not trying to have the coic terminated. Just IMPROVED. I would rather have an author that was once a spammer but now respected than a spammy author who is now banned, no matter how much I enjoy seeing the ban-worthy meet their demise.

Blueguy is also right on many points. Beco spams in his own stinking comic, which doesn't say a lot about him being a good member. He exaggerated a bit calling it what he did, but this comic does NOT deserve the praise it's getting.


Oddish plzkthnxbai
I'll start reading this again (But unfortunately I don't have the time to read the comics I missed).

I really enjoyed the latest comic :)p)

But I think you should stay away from insulting people. You don't want to get banned along with them when a flamewar starts.

Oh and can all of you who are like "If no mods are here than we'll take care of it ourselves" please stfu. You aren't mods. If you have a problem about it, go to site dicussion and request a new mod. Comic militias make Oddish weep.


I am sorry for the last episode, I did not know if I should'vesend it in.
I will try to get better episodes at the end of this month.

Oblivius0807: Thanks for the comments, I think and hope it will be able to help me.

Blueguy: I was kind of angrywhen I made this one. If you want, I will delete it...

Chao Master

I like it a lot. What's funny is that in episode 2, I think, the neighbors just walk in.


The Infinite Fire
Beco said:
I am sorry for the last episode, I did not know if I should'vesend it in.
I will try to get better episodes at the end of this month.

Oblivius0807: Thanks for the comments, I think and hope it will be able to help me.

Blueguy: I was kind of angrywhen I made this one. If you want, I will delete it...

*claps Beco on the back* Good man! That's the kinda guy we need around here: one who can accept his crit!

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
P-Man said:

Neko covers it again!
P-man, does that comic know what the fans think? No, i don't think so. Recolours Are good sometimes, for example: This comic


Recolours = Very bad and boring. At least edit them a bit, Beco...


Lucas, gib meh soda.
Beco, has made edit's of the "Beco crew" and.. the "haircut" wont just be a haircut. =D I think the upcoming epi's will have the edits, if im now wrong..


I read all of these before I registered asnd I have a few words to say:

Opening Statement:
Starts off good and still stays on that same line of goodness. It doesn't really have a cliched plot I dont think and the sprites are the only problem. Oh yeah and there is more problems like: Untrue to life instances (You say this comic is based on 'REAL LIFE'), Grammer, always a problem, and again, the lack of effort made into this comic by making it Text Under Panel. I'm not saying it is completely dry of effort btu you can at least try Speech Bubbles.

Grammar :: 6/10
Graphics :: 5/10
Originality :: 9/10
Potential :: 8/10
Effort :: 5/10

Overall: 33/50
Closing comments:
Fix the sprites (I think u are, right?), the grammer and the speech bubbles and this comic will pop up the order of great comics. Keep going though, I wouldn't want my fave comic to go downhill anytime soon...

Good Luck!

Final Score :: 10/50 = 20% = F