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Living in Seacape


Thanks for the critics.

After my examinations, I will be able to put all my effort in the comic again. Speech Bubbles are on their way, and the gramar...well, I try to be better in that one, but I think that will just take a while. Most Characters will get en edit after a while.


I am sorry for the last episode, I did not know if I should'vesend it in.
I will try to get better episodes at the end of this month.

Oblivius0807: Thanks for the comments, I think and hope it will be able to help me.

Blueguy: I was kind of angrywhen I made this one. If you want, I will delete it...

And that, Beco, just earned you my respect back. Which you will want later, trust me. Being able to take crit like a man, apologise for your wrongs and not have to hide behind others to defend your comic are three very important things in this business. You just displayed all three. I'm not Blueguy, but I think that before the mods find out I alerted this a while back that you should change the comic #72 to something non-offensive. But buddy, you are on my good side. Keep this up and some day you will join the ranks of respect-worthy authors. I know it. Oh, and I may be a bit oblivious at times, but my codename isn't Oblivius0807. It's Oblivion. Thank you!


Sorry for the misspelling, and thanks for the respect thing.

I'm surely going to make a new episode 72. Tomorrow's my last examination, so everyone, be happy :p


<- Kawaii ^^
Beco said:
Sorry for the misspelling, and thanks for the respect thing.

I'm surely going to make a new episode 72. Tomorrow's my last examination, so everyone, be happy :p
YAY!!! THere is going to be speech bubbles ^^ By the way, BEco, why was Episode 72 deleted??


"Just kidding!"
*claps* Yay, LiS is back! Also, congratulations, Beco! I respect you for the same reasons as Oblivion. ^^ It's pretty hard to find comic makers like you nowadays.

Why was Episode 72 deleted? Was it really that offensive? (You don't need to answer that...) Well, I can't wait for the usage of speech bubbles and the next episodes!


Reasons I will make another episode 72: It was kind of offensive. It does not really fit in the story. And I think that Denny, Nicko and Beco aren't that agressive.

And now...my return to the comic world.

Special: Jimmy goes to the dentist

:pWith speech bubbles :p


I'm glad you liked the special, episode 72 will be send in tomorrow

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Okay i change my mind! Speech bubbles rule! Nice special!

Also, Februari is spelled February and thrust is spelled trust.


"Just kidding!"
*claps* Yay! The speech bubbles make your comic look better. That was pretty cool, with the rope effect. And that was a funny comic, dude. ^^ A few spelling mistakes, but they're very minor, and May's Brother already pointed it out, so I don't need to repeat anything.


aside from the grammar mistakes, that looks like a fairly quality comic already! Excellent work, my man!


Thanks for the comments, glad you liked the speechbubbles.
I made this special for "the 1st official comic contest".
But I think you already figured that out. :p


Thanks, sorry for the lack of updates, I will update tomorrow (I hope) and in the vacation. But I won't be able to revive the one episode a day system.


Question: What level of education are you in? You speak of "exams", which could mean high school or college, but you strike me as more of a junior high kid...


Two years older than me, too. And he acts a lot younger. Scary...


Act younger???

Ow Kay...

The only reason why I don't make the comic more "adult"'s because most readers aren't 16 or older.


No, I mean with the attitudes you seem to have and everything. Makes you seem kinda... Less mature... I dunno... I like triple-dots...


The Infinite Fire
Let's try an experiment, shall we?

Personally, I think it looks more compact and more sophisticated like this (though I admit your panel structure doesn't lend itself to textbubbles). What do you think, Becco?

I had to resize the top two panels, so as not to compromise the LiS logo. This wouldn't work in other episodes, though.

EDIT: Oops, you already have begun working on textbubbles, haven't you? What with the dentist special and all. And good ones at that. I reccomend you close up some of that empty space, though. Just consider what I did to be a reinterpitation or something, then.

One more piece of advice before I go. When it comes to text, stop doing that one thing.

What thing, you ask?

Yeah, that thing where the text goes all weird.

I realize that sometimes it's neccesary, at least with the programs you've got, to do that if you want a fancier effect. But honestly, I'd rather have plain text than text with a distorted border.

Merry Christmas <insert alternative holiday here if neccesary>, by the way.
Last edited:


<- Kawaii ^^
Beco said:
Reasons I will make another episode 72: It was kind of offensive. It does not really fit in the story. And I think that Denny, Nicko and Beco aren't that agressive.

And now...my return to the comic world.

Special: Jimmy goes to the dentist

:pWith speech bubbles :p
Yay!! Speech bubbles! But their still not 100% speech bubbles. To make those arrow things to point at the character, use the line tool. After that, colour it with the paint bucket too. Next, rub off that icky line there. Yea, lots of work, hope tat helps by the way.