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Living in Seacape


Glad you like the speech bubbles.

And thanks for the tips Mastercourager and Rinrei.

I will try to use better text types, so that the white border will disapear(spelling).


Beco, it's spelt as February. And I see you've taken your time in using Speech Bubbles. They may take a longer time, but they're much better and more eye-pleasing. The sprites have gradually improved and it's much more eye-pleasing. Soon, you'll get used to using speech bubbles, which are much more eye-pleasing to me.

Now, try to not use anything to offensive. If you do, warn the viewers by giving it a PG-13 Rating. Example:

Episode 72 (Rated PG-13 for Swearing)

It warns people so that younger viewers won't click the link to view the Episode.


I should do that, but I will delete episode 72 so...

Edit, here's the new Episode 72, whith speech bubbles :p


Pokemon Master
:p nice, teachers spying on the students, thass a first

but, really, you dont need a band to get girls, i have a girlfriend, i suck at music

but really, teacher are spies these days, so be careful


I'm glad that you like the new episode.

That you need a band to get a girlfriend is not the truth, just saying this so that there won't be 100 more bands tomorrow. :p

Just like TPJ this comic will be updated once or twice a day.
I have a few things to say. First, those speech bubbles r0x0rZ my s0x0rZ. It was funny as well. Somehow, I saw better grammer. Maybe it was the text color, hmm...

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Nice new eppies Beco! I like the speech bubbles. Just like i did in the dentist special... I also like the way you coloured the speech bubbles.

Anyway, can't wait for the next eppie!


Next episode will be another special, a renewed version of the old winterspecial, I will use the new one for the 2nd comic awards.

I hope you like it.


Pokemon Master
nice beco, very original, now i gots competition in the contest

i never knew jim liked that person... oh well

so when's the next ep?


Like you all see, I decided to make all specials about Jimmy.

Glad you like the changes.

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
That's a great special! :) I didn't know he liked that person either. When is the next episode?


Both thanks for replying.

There might be an update this weekend.


Jimmy tires to make snow men come to life again LOL. Somethings never change in this comic. Any way nice speech bubbles. I have to wonder how did Jimmy got all those hats and stuff


Tanhony you do make a good theroy but how did he steal every ones hats when he knows his brothers going to kill them if he finds out.

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
it is obvious he stole them. he is probably aware about beco, but he expected the snowmen to come to life soooooo...


I used hats from the chef of the school and from Beco, and a normall hat.
They were stolen, you figured that one out.
I hope this means you liked the snowman sprites :p


Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but here is Episode 73