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Living in Seacape


I like cheerios.
she lied to Blueba too.
That was a nice and well waited for update. This comic is getting better and more like real school. Is this school a combination of like 5-12? if not, how do the 10th graders see the 5th graders.


That was a nice and well waited for update. This comic is getting better and more like real school. Is this school a combination of like 5-12? if not, how do the 10th graders see the 5th graders.

It's a combination of middle school (5th-8th grade) and high school (9th-12thy grade) and I'm glad that you like the episode.


Well-Known Member
Nice update, Beco! I really want to know what happens next! Keep it up!




used Metronome!
I am not in school until the 6th. You spelled pajamas wrong. Nice special other wise. Off topic: I just finally realized what your avatar is about, Beco.

Actually he didn't. I'm fairly sure that "pyjamas" is another accepted spelling, particularly in England. I'd also like to ask that certain conversations be carried out through PM rather than in Beco's thread. It's what the damn system is for, people.

Your title screen and text are ug-lay. Time to change it up, Beco. You've got it in you somewhere... XD I didn't really get your special in the least, but hey... whatever. So I'll note a couple errors. Months, such as January, February and March are capitalized. So's August. ;) Numbers ten and below are definitely spelled and not expressed as "4" or "6". "Several" has one 'l'. "Too" is spelled with two 'o's in the context you used. "Pyjamas" is the plural of "Pyjama" not "Pyjama's" unless the pyjama's possess something, like "the pyjama's blueish hue." In panel eight you forgot to add a space between "yesterday" and "And." "September" is spelled as such, not "Septembre" unless your character had an odd break of chracter and began to speak French.


Actually he didn't. I'm fairly sure that "pyjamas" is another accepted spelling, particularly in England. I'd also like to ask that certain conversations be carried out through PM rather than in Beco's thread. It's what the damn system is for, people.

Your title screen and text are ug-lay. Time to change it up, Beco. You've got it in you somewhere... XD I didn't really get your special in the least, but hey... whatever. So I'll note a couple errors. Months, such as January, February and March are capitalized. So's August. ;) Numbers ten and below are definitely spelled and not expressed as "4" or "6". "Several" has one 'l'. "Too" is spelled with two 'o's in the context you used. "Pyjamas" is the plural of "Pyjama" not "Pyjama's" unless the pyjama's possess something, like "the pyjama's blueish hue." In panel eight you forgot to add a space between "yesterday" and "And." "September" is spelled as such, not "Septembre" unless your character had an odd break of chracter and began to speak French.

Thanks blueguy, I'll take out the mistakes as fast as possible.
And blueguy's right, please move a conversation about when school starts for you to pm.

Don't expect an update soon, today's my last day of vacation...
Edit: I've finished the new version of the special with a lot less spelling errors.
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