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Liza and Tate

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1. Get a dark pokemon that has dark moves, train, then battle the gym.
2. Catch an all ready strong dark type and battle gym.
3. Train your main pokemon to a way higher level than the gym leaders and battle(that is what I did with my raichu and swellow).

Hoped I helped.
Shedinja is useful for tate and Liza. Shadow Ball and Silver Wind can seriously hurt them (and get STAB). Not to mention Claydol's Earthquake will be unaffevtive and so will Psychic. However, watch out for Rock Slide (From Solrock And Lunatone), Flamethrower (from Slorock and Claydol) and Fly from Xatu. Follow Me could save you from Fly and Flamethrower but not Rock Slide.
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