Bug Catcher Richard
The link speaks for itself.
The link speaks for itself.
A, to provide facts to the unsure person, and B, to provide a haven for people who, like me, are sick of seeing Pokemon every time they turn around. I am NOT here to destroy any Pokemon fan's free speech, nor am I trying to simply stop them from playing Pokemon (although that would save a lot of trouble for both of us). Sure, I'll send certain Pokemon fans emails with links to this site, but that is NOT in any way to destroy their beliefs, but simply to open their eyes to what they are doing, and give them something to consider: try a game that doesn't center on cockfighting. Try not to resolve all your conflicts with constant battles. There is a better way.
revl89 said:Not bad argument. Yet You have to relize that the game is about imaginary critters that were made to battle. Though I don't like the pokemon anime all that much and thats the truth, as well as pikachu's over used face to promote the damn series. It's not like, if you have any sense, you'd go out and put two real critters out to battle eachother. Who fights all the time to solve their problem?
Even if you beat down a Pokemon fan, the trend itself will still live. It is like cutting off a top of a weed, but leaving the root. Instead, we must strike at the root itself: the trend. Destroy the root and the weed will die.
Welcome! You may know of me from the Anti-Pokemon site I still own. I don't update it anymore, of course, because the Pokemon trend has died and that awful epidemic has left us for good.
Is often unaccepted by his/her peers,
Finds him/herself playing with little kids because they're the only other ones who'll play it with them, and
Is sending a message to everyone around him/her that they are immature, by playing with tiny, fighting monsters bent on beating up their own kind.
Is there any hope for people like this? Will their Pokemon insanity ever get cured? Only time will tell.
The Pokemon trend has gone too far. A few examples:
Pikachu's picture has been put on a Japanese jet.
The trend's products use their own batteries, called N Batteries. Such products can just as well run on AAs.
I have seen articles where people kill each other over valuable Pokemon cards. I'm not joking. And these deaths were on purpose (not like the ones described on pokemonkills.com).
Pokemon has spread up to toys, clothes, and even a Monopoly game just for them! Let me tell you right now, Monopoly and Pokemon don't mix. You can't learn to buy and sell property and make trades while you fiddle with your little "monsters."
It's all Nintendo Power Magazine ever talks about anymore. That's why I quit my subscription.
Pokemon greed has been responsible for many burglaries at stores that sell Pokemon cards.
Pokemon was intended for no one over 10 (I've seen evidence), and yet too many teenagers, and yes, even adults, are following like zombies behind this madness. It's ridiculous!
They made Pokemon an ice cream bar. It sells on the ice cream trucks for at least $1.25. And this is in the suburbs!
Lunatic.the reason they play Pokemon is for the sense of power the game gives them. Think about it. These kids can place themselves, temporarily at least, inside a world where the creatures can be caught, trained and commanded by the kid (see also: animal cruelty, below).
There are a number of things you can do to help people realize the truth.
If you know HTML, make an Anti-Pokemon page. If you don't, use expage.com. That's how I made my first site.
Do NOT, under any circumstances, buy any Pokemon-related products (except Super Smash Brothers, that's a really cool game. But please agree to beat the crap out of Pikachu and Jigglypuff every time you play).
Spread this message to Pokemon lovers. There is hope!
Keep the audience away. If you have a younger sibling, keep them away from Pokemon. If we take away their audience, they'll have to think up something else.
No, you fool, I did read it.I am just sick of anti-Pokemon people. Burn 'em all, I say.RaZoR LeAf said:Did you even read it? Or did you see the words "Anti-Pokemon" and instantly jump to a conclusion?
To be perfectly honest, I agree with some of the stuff he says. The Anime is mindless drivvle and Pikachu's face is plastered everywhere excessivly. There's stuff I don't agree with, but I'm not going to start shouting my face off like a 5 year old who's been told he can't have any sweets. Atleast this guy has the decency to make an effort and explain why he doesn't like pokemon.
He makes an effort to tell other people what not to say if they want to discuss the bad points of pokemon. It's not a website that just says "OMG POGERMINZ ARE GAY U ALL SUCK LOSERS!!!". You shouldn't put him down just because he dislikes pokemon, other wise you're just making his points stronger by crying "OMG YOU ARE SO WRONG POKEMON IS THE BESTEREST EVER! YOU SUCK!"
Get a grip please, people are allowed their own opinions.
seriously?Lots and lots of Pokemon fans ask me, "why do you hate something that's so cute?" The answer is simple: because cute has absolutely nothing to do with it. He uses electricity to fight, hurt, and "faint" his enemies. Namely, the other Pokemon. He even has a move called the "Thundershock." Does this look like the face of a murderer to you? Of course not. This is simply a cover-up. As it is with all the 150 other Pokemon. See, if Pikachu and some of the others weren't cute, Nintendo and the other companies would have parents complaining left and right. Oh, but he's so cute! And that gives him an excuse to electrocute everyone else, right?
I know plenty about Pokemon. I watched the show. I played the game.
I do play gameboy every once in a while, even at school, but I've never laid a finger on a Pokemon product of any kind. (Okay, that's not true. Once my Mom caught me using some stuffed Pikachus as punching bags in the mall. But that's another story. :-})
Switches - Small brown and green switches can do many different things for you, such as remove obstacles or gates, create other items like Plasma Guns, or even help destroy Pokemon.
Plasma Guns - Pick one up and you can fire it by pressing Control. They can take out falling rocks, activate switches, and sometimes get rid of obstacles. Some Pokemon can be beaten by them; others can't.
Death Switches: The "Death Switches" are actually the same thing as the "instant death" object on the Game Objects 1 library. Coming soon, by the way... an object library from my game!
If you did read it, then you wouldn't be acting like a damn baby over a damn franchise that you have nothing to gain or lose from. So people don't like something that you like. Get the hell over it. If you lose sleep at night over crap like this, you need to get a damn life. :/Bug Catcher Richard said:No, you fool, I did read it.I am just sick of anti-Pokemon people. Burn 'em all, I say.
Porygandrew said:And RaZoR LeAf: The link you posted, look at the 'reasons' page.
It is an "anime" show, a type of Japanese show that features stuttered animation, barely any plot, and strobe lights that are known to trigger seizures. - So this person is stereotyping anime as poorly animated, no plot, and causes seizures. Boy this person really misses the boat.